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Everything posted by Saltface

  1. Imaginate el verdor de Formosa o Corrientes. Ahora, imaginá el opuesto. Eso es.
  2. With the recent "Cost of being a Scout" thread and @TMSM's tent woes, I'm curious about how much gear is provided for scouts by other troops. In my own troop, the QM has it rather easy: a few lanterns, dutch ovens, and a patrol box or two. We have a few loaner tents, backpacks, and sleeping bags, but they mostly gather dust. They're not high quality items and the new scouts usually borrow from elsewhere until they can get their own camping gear for Christmas and birthdays. What does your troop do?
  3. I believe the correct phrase is a strong, independent girl-led Troop who don't need no man.
  4. How could you hear the threat under the whump-whump-whump of the helicopter blades?
  5. Better Round Table instruction. Too many times I've gone to RT where the breakout options were: How to score JTE, How to use ScoutBook, or I was assigned to teach X, here is what I found on the internet. Naturally, the instructors treated the class as an assignment rather than an opportunity to share knowledge. If I were in your position, I would visit with Scouters and ask them what they want to learn and also what they would be interested in teaching. There's a herpetologist in my district that always draws a crowd when he teaches a class. It may have something to do with the three or f
  6. Absolutely. As I understand it; BSA, my CO, and I will all be named in the lawsuit if something unfortunate were to occur. National Council's team of lawyers first reaction will be to comb through the details looking for some G2SS infraction that disqualifies our event from being a "BSA Activity." I have no confidence in Irving stepping in to protect me or my CO. My church (CO) provides insurance for all church activities and scouting. This is primarily to protect the church but, as it has been described to me, it won't let you lose your house in a lawsuit. YMMV. The difficulty is th
  7. And round and around we go. How would you respond to your girl Scouts BSA troop when they complain that competing against that broadly-shouldered, hairy troop of "girls" is unfair? Or when your SPL tells you some of the girls refuse to shower because of the leering looks they get, either real or imagined (yes, transgender women are more likely to be interested in women than cis-gender women)?
  8. To quote @gblotter from another thread: Unless you attend a summer camp, or a merit badge university, or a Camporee, or a Cub Scout Day Camp, or an OA Induction, or NYLT, or any other event sponsored at the District, Council, or National level.
  9. Maybe we should back up first and have you explain how transgender kids are normal. I wouldn't treat a scout with autism or a bipolar disorder with any less respect than I would a regular scout or one with gender dysphoria, but I definitely wouldn't pretend there aren't issues that need to be dealt with there.
  10. Except that the reason why that "girl" Scout is crushing everyone else at the log saw, clay pigeon shoot, and fireman carry race is because they are definitely not normal (as defined by science). Nor would I be comfortable with that person showering/changing/tenting with my daughters.
  11. A few years ago, our troop went on a backpacking trip. It was their first such trip for many of my first-year scouts. Two scouts from the new scout patrol would grumble, complain, and ask "How much farther?" every ten feet. (Naturally, I gave nonsensical answers every time: two parsecs, we passed it already, an orange, etc.) A third new scout never said a word. The hike ended with a long uphill slog terminating at the parking lot. Dropping his pack in the truck bed, he said under his breath, "That is the hardest thing I have ever done." He opted for the Swimming MB for his Eagle
  12. The best class I’ve ever been in at University of Scouting was one where the instructor didn’t show up. This is what we wound up doing.
  13. A little bit. I’m going to one of their meetings with a friend for his diversity ticket item.
  14. Lately, if I were asked to help start another boy unit, I'm not sure if I would do it. On the other hand, some of us have been armchairing the idea of a completely rogue unit using the 1940s handbook and merit badge requirements. I'd do that.
  15. Still no definitive report on the results of the internal survey.
  16. Grand Canyon Council has a similar program. It even offers a few merit badges that their other camps don't, such as Motorboating and Small Boat Sailing. https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/park-locator/desert-outdoor-center-at-lake-pleasant/lake-pleasant-aquatics-nature-day-camp/
  17. Drizzle olive oil onto wadded-up newspaper and put it under your charcoal chimney. Use that as your fire starter and you won’t need lighter fluid at all.
  18. Generally, yes. There are some improved sites that charge (normally run by a concessionaire) and certain wilderness areas that require a permit/fee. The same goes for state land. I must be spoiled. The only campsite we have to pay for is at our council’s summer camp.
  19. I’m surprised how many have said they have to pay site fees in order to camp. Do your local national forests not allow primitive camping? (Or are your groups too large for dispersed camping?)
  20. Your post is incomprehensible. Just because I have three identical knives, why would I not want another one?
  21. ...throw it all in the nalgene and shake it up, pour it out into a pan, cook it... Or is this humor?
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