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Back Pack

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Everything posted by Back Pack

  1. We brought our own. We purchased them in the spring so we had them onsite. Same with MB books. We confirm in advance that program areas are operational. As part of our research our troop monitors camps 2-3 years in advance and questions camp directors about such things. We also call other troops to interview them. Camps that run out we don't go to. Our troop got burned many years ago and put this system in place. We're not spending $20,000 to send a troop to camp to have them run out of stuff.
  2. Yeah, you can call it nothing. It's no reason to snub one of the largest youth organizations at their centennial. You seem to disagree with Scouting' position back then but you were still a part of the program, no? So a sitting president -- who attended many events HALF THE COUNTRY OPPOSED -- can't come to a Jambi? What was his excuse AFTER 2013? Huh?
  3. ...unless it was Holloywood fundraisers or Richard Vranson hobb-knobbing parties.
  4. They had reason to boo him. He didn't show. Twice. And we know why he really dissed the scouts
  5. @@PeterS, most troops I know present merit badges at COHs. That's pretty normal but you get immediate credit for the badges toward next rank. My troop gave out ranks the night of your bor. They recognized you again at the coh. But no they cannot add any requirements unless you are not registered with the troop.
  6. Not by video? Wonder how that was accomplished. Predecessor declined...twice. Meh
  7. Na ja, ich hab Sommercamp gestafft. Weil ich eigentlich Amerikaner bin, ich hab für drei Jahren das Lager unseres Gemeinderat geleitet.
  8. Berets? For Scouts? Thank God I'm too young to have experienced that. I'd have quit.
  9. What camp ISN'T an advancement mill? They all are. That's their purpose now.
  10. I love continued reference to "today's families". Odd we don't see sports teams (also in big declines) merging leagues and teams. Families will get their kids to the stuff that interests them if they truly want to. Or maybe they could try cutting doe on the huge list of things they sign their kids up for.
  11. It wouldn't work. The kids in Venturing now either don't want Scouts are are already in a troop. Why create a similar product? To some there's a difference between Bud and Bud Lite. To those with taste buds there's no difference at all. (For the record both taste like carbonated swill)
  12. You imply we shouldn't expect much from college age students. I pointed out the very same are fighting and dying for our liberties. Point being that if they can fight for us the same age group can teach a class and sign a darn blue card properly. You just have to raise the bar.
  13. We don't expect college students to be able to effectively teach something they're being hired to teach AND do the proper paperwork!?!?! I think you sell college students short. Should we take away any weapons from 18-22 year olds serving overseas? That type of thinking is what's wrong with society. Expect more from people, not less.
  14. Then you're doing it wrong. In my troop JASMs are worth more than most ASMs! The JASMs help the PLs and serve as a role model for the troop. It's all in how the SM decides to use them. If JASMs in your troop are not worth anything I suggest you look at your scoutmaster and ask him why.
  15. Our council had patches, neckers, tshirts and hats. That's enough for me. I'll get a necker from the catalog.
  16. The SPL serves at the pleasure of the troop. They elect him, not the PLs. The SPL appoints the ASPLs who fill in for him when he's. It around. The SM advises on all appointed positions.
  17. Same except the last sentence. If SPL or ASPLs cannot make it, SPL appoints acting SPL with SM approval. Should be a good leader, rank does not matter. Have had a Star scout as SPL when other Life scouts were present. They'll get over it. You're either a good leader or not. Rank means nothing.
  18. If Boy Scouts goes that route, I'm out.
  19. Nice post. Still does not refute the wisdom of troops having savings.
  20. So what exactly prevents lds Scouts from meeting the new camping requirements? No one has offered a reason why.
  21. So bsa makes the change back to avoid losing more lds kids? Great. They'll leave anyway in three years so why water down the program?
  22. No. It gives something for nothing. Make eagle today at 15 and eligible for 2 Palms? Get all three today. This rewards MB junkies. The OLD program rewarded guys who stayed in the program AND continued to provide leadership.
  23. So if I read this right, if you get Eagle after 8/1/17 you get all palms you've "earned" without any additional steps? So besides a wholesale bling giveaway which now makes plans meaningless, what for plams do? https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2017/07/10/changes-to-eagle-palms/?utm_content=buffereac13&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  24. If there's no witnesses then you can't say it has nothing to do with the broken window. As you say, it's conjecture and assumptions either way. But if you don't follow set procedures for a firing range the probability of an accident goes up.
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