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Back Pack

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Everything posted by Back Pack

  1. Did you miss the major premise of Surbaugh's video where he said 1) one stop shop for parents, 2) a place for daughters? It's worse than just seeing the girls from school. You have to be in the same pack and troop as your sister!!
  2. One would think the lines would be somehow highlighted like they are around runways. There are signs there but nothing visible from the middle of the lake. I hope the second tragedy can change that. I hope this is also a wake up call to leaders to check everything before allowing activities.
  3. Does the scoutnaster perhaps mean that bsa has certain rules regarding non-member adults and youth taking part in certain activities? He might view non-member adults and youth as "family". As such they would not always be allowed at all Boy Scout activities UNLESS they are specifically for families. It's Boy Scouts (at least for now) so the focus is on boys and the Boy Scout program. Ask him about failmily opportunities.
  4. I don't trust bsa to put together such a program. I don't trust or like that bsa is pushing this agenda in the shadows. I won't be a part of an organization that doesn't live by the very oath and law they expect their members to adhere to.
  5. So let's change the ENTIRE focus of scouting to meet today's narcissistic, technology-centric, non-engaged parenting households so they have a place to park ALL their kids so they can go to their golf and wine parties?
  6. Clearly there's no UC or they'd already know.
  7. Actually it sounds like the quote was accurate because scouting is going to self-destruct.
  8. The results published by national prior to the 2013 and 2015 policy changes are two sources. Should be able to find them using google. They've been posted in this forum in the recent past.
  9. Funny. Because this survey I took is different than the one one that came with a video from the CA-based councils. In fact there was no video linked or mentioned. Also the questions were VERY different and quite specific, offering more options. I have seen so far four different surveys all with different questions and very differently worded. So why would BSA do that? The one reason that sticks out is to engineer an answer they want.
  10. That's in east Texas. The 20ft cat mast made contact with the power line in the marina.
  11. Exactly. Some are gifted with the ability to do things with computers most people can't. The survey's code is pretty easy to open and follow. It's contained in the source code of the web page linked to the SQL back end.
  12. The full survey had 35 questions. If you didn't get all of them it's because you answered a few questions that directed you to a different outcome.
  13. Who cares how long it takes? The point is that you talk to him, establish guidelines which are obvious and can be tracked. You set a time frame and monitor. There's no guess work about it. He's either showing improvement or not. I think Flagg said that in his post. This way the Scout, his parents the scoumaster and the other scouts can see his attempt at improvement. Don't care how long it takes. That's up to the scout. His problem he created so he's got to fix it. This way allows that process to be visible.
  14. By the Scout demonstrating his friendship to the very scouts he harassed. By demonstrating during meetings and troop events he can be a friend to all, be the first up with his sign, by setting the example for behavior in an obvious and consistent fashion.
  15. I got the same survey. You had to answer a specific way to get to give your opinion on all the questions, otherwise it cut off early. You could send the survey to others so it's already made its way to a rather large group of local scouters already prepared to act against this stupid idea. They wanted one response, they got 300.
  16. Not a fan of this concept. It takes the fun out of using your own brain and doing your own research.
  17. I just got the survey. They are most certainly looking to open Cubs to girls, Boy Scouts to girls, and OA to girls. They also clearly asked about girls making Eagle. If they goes this route I'm done with scouting.
  18. I like Flagg's approach. It gets the SM and Scout talking and establishes real and measurable goals for the scout to follow. Otherwise it's just talk.
  19. Wow. The cse wimped out and suported the troop in a case of physical contact with a scout? Glad my kid is not in that council.
  20. He gets a call mixed up with a face to face discussion, you guys become unglued. Clinton's "few emails" turns out to be thousands (big time violations by the way) you guys are silent. Go figure.
  21. Did you read it? The Times was editorializing in what was supposed to be a news report. Sanders said the conversations took place, just not in phone calls. Had this been Obama it would be a non issue. Where's the reporting on Bernie Sanders' wife's misdeeds? Bengazhi? Clinton Foubdation fund misappropriation? Emailgate? But no, let's nitpick what big bad Donald said. Such treatment just continues to erode the left's credibility. I thought November taught them that. Apparently not.
  22. Here's the GTA in PDF form. You can find all support you need here to support your arguments. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf The Guide to Safe Scouting outlines how real adult leaders should act. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34416.pdf Lastly this PDF about youth protection issues. This SM has no business in scouting. Such behavior is inexcusable. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/100-015(15)_WEB.pdf
  23. Looks like a valid observation. He said one of his most rewarding experiences in scouting. I can see why people would question that in an organization designed to support boys in their development. I wouldn't get all triggered because a few people question why working with adults was higher on their list.
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