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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. With the tone and body language he was using, he insulted every single Scout by calling them "children." As I stated in another post, THEY ARE MY SCOUTS (emphasis) Just as I am sure you get quite ticked off and defensive of your sons when others insult them, YOU INSULT MY SCOUTS AND YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH ME ( again emphasis). Further, as a registered Cub leader, he should know about all the safety guidelines and policies that BSA has implemented. Since his wife went to summer camp, he should know that we had Scouters renewing their certifications so we can do things safely, instead of hoveri
  2. Mom is doing the dragging. Kid is more interested in Pokemon Go. They were some of the biggest complainers about advancement, wanting to know why we discourage Merit Badge Universities (because they give away MBs) to why we some Scouts get so many at one time and not their son ( because they may have started work on a 3, 6,9, 18,.48 months previously and finally completed it) to why don't we recommend MBs before First Class ( so they can focus on the basic Scouting skills), to why can't we sign off on advancement ( this is not Cub Scouts, we want not only qualified people signing off, but we a
  3. To true. 90% of the problems we have in my troop are adult related. Good news is that my sons don't see the problems and want to stay. But they know I got the Scouts interest.
  4. I think what started the 'pencil whipping' was Operation First Class that started in 1989. That was when the push for First Class in a year came about.
  5. Well, today was the day we had the parent's meeting. Here is the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The Good: We now have a committee that will do the work. We have a mix of old and new parents involved. part of the hope is that by given everyone a job, they won't bug the Scouts. Fingers are crossed. The Bad: Some issues, i.e. problems with families, needing to use more of the Patrol method, etc were glossed over. Mostly due to the.... The Ugly: Several uglies to be exact. One was concerning advancement. How advancement is done has been gone over 2 or more times, depending upon
  6. Considering some of my Scouts have kids who are Scouts themselves, I feel that remark. One of my Eagles had his son's troop within 20 miles of my troop on the AT. They started a few days before my troop started, but part of their trek was our trek.
  7. Guide to Advancement section Covers "Youth From Other Countries," but considering she is a US citizen, I do not think it will apply. BUT if BSA decides to allow her credit for any advancement up to Life, then that is their loophole.
  8. I do not consider myself "old guard" since I have sons in the troop. Now I do consider myself "Old School" since I believe BP was the greatest SM ever, and Green Bar Bill the greatest SPL, but that is a different story. All joking aside, I know it is hard to give up control of something you that you still have skin in the game. Especially when you invested so much blood, sweat, tears, and treasure on. When my middle son became a Tiger, and I had to be his partner at day camp, I gave up being the day camp program director. Which as some of you long timers know, I was doign that job
  9. The lodge I grew up in has had mixed relations with the local tribe, despite having members in the lodge. At one time, we had excellent relations, then a group of yahoos got involved int he lodge. I do not know the full story, but the local tribe asked us to disband the dance team, which we did. While the yahoos did their own thing still, eventually AIA died. Then we got some youth who were really interested in AIA. They reestablished the relationship, helps when one of your fellow Arrowman is kin to the principle chief , and we got it back up and running with their blessing. And we have hel
  10. I think you are missing my point: the double standard. While you can have two females working with an all male den, you MUST have a female working with an all girl den. In my experience as a DL, it was the fathers who stayed around and helped out. Occasionally mothers were there and helped. But for the most part the mothers would always gravitate to committee roles. While I know first hand that 2 adults, and in some cases even more, are needed to work with dens, under BSA's new rules, YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE FEMALE TO WORK WITH THE GIRLS BUT YOU DO NOT NEED ONE MALE TO WORK WITH
  11. Correct. Or keep it as it is currently which is X=Male Y=Female CS= Cub Scout of either gender Den Leaders Single Gender Den XX or YY or XY CS, CS, CS, CS
  12. Well if we don't want men alone with girls, why allow women to be alone with boys? As I see it, the girls are not in the program yet, but their is already a double standard in how we treat them.
  13. Notice that a FEMALE leader is required for the girls, but a male leader is not required for the boys. Irony for me is that the one person I know a female Scouter who had their membership revoked.
  14. One of the challenges is that a lot of folks do not know how the OA actually helped the 500+ different Native American cultures in North America. I know Arrowman, who have done research for local, state recognized to help get them federal recognition. I know an Arrowmen who have done research to help reintroduce lost arts. And I can go on and on.
  15. Regarding two deep leadership, anyone notice the double standard? An all boys den only needs 'One registered leader and one other adult, one of which must be 21 years old" whereas an all girl den requires "One registered leader and one other adult, one of which must be 21 years old, and a Youth Protection trained adult female must be present." (bold for emphasis, underline in original) See the screen capture from the video.
  16. Sorry, getting confused with my old age. Correct WC earned up until August 1, 1989 ( when I was in the middle of earning it in Canada ) I read somewhere, Mike Walton perhaps, that the flag was worn when doing international activities. Don't quote me on that.
  17. Call me cynical, but I would not be surprised if they allow her to do it. Just finished watching the webinar, and they want any girls joining January 15th to cram 7 months of work in 4 months.
  18. Cub Scouts in the 1980s had it over the right pocket. I want to say in 1989, when the flag came with the uniform, was when it went on the right sleeve for Cubs. Boy Scouts had to earn it at one point I am told. Then it was placed onthe sleeve.
  19. SO.VERY.TRUE. That is the challenge, getting both sides to sit down and talk out the issues. If one or both sides will not sit down and talk, it will only get worse. When my troop was having major adult issues last year, it wasn't until we all sat down by ourselves and talked it over. Neither side got everything they wanted, but compromise was made. IMHO, I think I made a few converts to for the Patrol Method. Now if I could just make them realize they need to give responsibility and authority to the Scouts, and have them sitting down, playing card games, and drinkin coffee. But we
  20. Apparently, National is allowing councils the option to "soft launch" allowing girls in grades 1-4, NO 5TH GRADERS ALLOWED, as early as January 1st to test out implementing girls. IMHO this should have been thought out before they even announced allowing girls into the program. 5th grade girls won't be allowed until the 10-18 year old Girl program is unveiled. I'm getting this from a FB post of a letter sent to council and area key 3s. There is a webinar tonite in Livestream about the soft implementation. And from reading that letter, it looks like June 1 will be when girls are allo
  21. Since we got a negative sterotype of old school Scouters, let me offer this negative stereotype of new volunteers. You have these just crossed over parents who had little to no interaction with the troop their sons have joined who try and take over. Since they never visited the troop, let alone camped with them, while their sons were Webelos, they do not understand the "unorganized chaos" of the Patrol Method. They complain that the leaders are not doing an effective job and want the Scouters to jump in and do stuff that the Scouts are fully capable of doing. Just not up to an adult stand
  22. Why national wants to standardize all the training courses.
  23. FYI, they will ALWAYS be your Scouts. When they graduate from boot camp, college, etc they will be YOUR Scouts. When they celebrate marriages and births, they will be YOUR Scouts. When they are in their 30s and have sons, and soon daughters, in the program, They will be your Scouts. Once yours, always yours.
  24. NYLT is a week long course similar to WB. except there is no ticket. Rock Doc's program sound more like the old training from the 1980s, or maybe older, that I took to be "trained" as a PL. My course was TLT, but on a camp out.
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