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Everything posted by Hueymungus

  1. It looks like things are a bit broken out within your District Committee, which is just fine. Our Advancement Chair has a Eagle Coordinator that helps the boys start their projects and takes the submissions of finished projects. The Advancement Chair them coordinates the EBORS. I suspect that is what your doing. The Advancement Chair does a lot more than Eagle stuff. So, your just reporting what is happening/not happening/trends to the Adv Chair. As for Programing Chair, you oversee a lot more so, I do not see a conflict. The only conflict I could see and I suspect it's not the case
  2. Boy Scouts cannot help at an event where Alcohol is present. But, why isn't the Golf Club setting up and bussing tables? It's their job.
  3. I needed to re-read what you posted and what I replied with. Did not completely catch that your going to be brand new.... You will need to speak to the DE about starting a new Pack. There is a whole process, a lot more than just signing people up. You will need a Charter Org (Church/Rotary Club/Etc) to be your Charter. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Membership/New_Units.aspx is the link you want from Scouting.org to read. I would start talking to people you know who have kids that you think want to be in a Pack. You will need a Committee Chair, Charter Org Rep, Two Committee M
  4. Contact your District Exec and ask him/her for the Membership Chair for your District. It is there job to help on this. However, to answer your question....Go to Council. They have the Youth and Adult forms there. Equally important is to have a calendar of all the events/meetings that your Pack does. Have photos on a bilboard that shows what you have done over the past year. List out what camps you go to. List all the traditions you have. Parades, Campouts, Etc... Have a booth were something is happening that will draw the parents/kids to you. No one likes looking at forms.
  5. Since your going to be a ASM soon, I would start taking the training to be fully trained. There is Scoutmaster/ASM 1-3 which is the 4-6 hour class that will get you started and cover this. Then there is Intro to Outdoor Leadership. It's the overnight part.
  6. Um...no. You have no idea what was going on. It could just be guys playing around. It could be that the scout is on the spectrum and does not know what "personal space" is or means. And even if he was gay, it is no reason to intervene and tell anyone about it. If you did OUT him to his parents, who knows what they could do. They could come back and charge you with violation of privacy and think your gay. Unless there is a violation of YPT or immidate danger of saftey, then stay out of it.
  7. Tell the UP to start harrasing Leaders who are not fully trained for their position. Also, have them check their First Aid/CPR/AED Cards...that has way more benifit than checking patches and pins.
  8. If he is hyperventaling and passing out because of this, it's a medical situation and he needs to go home. With Mom bringing him back, then a parent needs to stay with him.
  9. Question: So your son is entering 1st Grade in the fall and you joined this Spring? That is what I am getting out of this. If your done with Bobcat, you can get it awarded at the next Den Meeting. But Pack Meetings are the way to go. Make a HUGE HUGE DEAL ABOUT IT! Beltloops...yup..anyone can earn them. Do for you. Also there is a IOS (Apple) App called Packbadges. It is $4 and well worth it. Has all the requirements for just about everything. It's good.
  10. Nope. It does not say "Go to Wood Badge" as a requirement. U of Scouting or four Roundtables. So, you cannot use it. Remember, you cannot add, delete, change or subsitute requirements within the BSA. Lead by example.
  11. Read Bryan on Scouting's post about the Cooking MB. Better yet, email them this link. Your SM/ASM/CC are correct. http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2013/10/24/more-details-on-the-jan-1-update-to-cooking-merit-badge/
  12. I have seen him on Google+ Boy Scouts of America forum chatting to a Life Scout about his Eagle Project. His G+ Account has him in uniform. He is using his non-position as a position. I get what he is doing. I do not agree with the policy the BSA has, and he has a right to freedom of speech. But, he is going about it the wrong way.
  13. Email to the parents. She should also distribute them sooner than bringing them to the next meeting.
  14. No form. No go to Summer Camp. No Refund. Be Prepared.
  15. What you are looking for is "Intro to Leadership Skills for Troops" ILST. http://www.scouting.org/Training/Youth.aspx is located here and it's the first link/section.
  16. Time to talk to the District Advancement Chair and get a ruling. If, I were that person, I would document everything and grant the waiver.
  17. http://www.autismempowerment.org/ is a group that has been working with National for this very reason. It's centered on Scouting and Autism. They can help out a lot.
  18. Give the kids juice boxes spiked with Whiskey. That will calm them down.
  19. You are on the verge of starting your own Pack...
  20. Well, when the tide comes in, then you will be in deep water. So, I would say no.
  21. Also, we need to stop all Go-See-Its to Fire Stations, Police Stations and stop having all First Responders volunteer as Scout Volunteers. We also need to remove all First Aid training since all we need to do is call 911. We don't need lawyers suing the BSA for helping anyone at anytime.
  22. There isn't anything we can do about this. Let's just get back to Scouting and let the local and National Councils deal with it.
  23. Sounds like bad planning on part of the Adults. As to the letter to National about registration fees. Well, I understand that comment. But, that was awhile ago and this should have been taken care of way before then.
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