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About ALCubmom

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  1. We use Facebook, I have been starting to text more, and email as well. However through google I have seen other use websites? I had a Den Leader suggest using a website, but wasn't sure if it was worth it..I will look into those 2 you mentioned. Thank you.
  2. Do you use a website to keep your pack up to date with calendars and events and pictures and what not through a website page or facebook? I have noticed there is pack and troop web pages out there that are private and have to have member login information to access. What is your opinion on that?
  3. Roberts Rule of Order? But yes, I will have to have someone second the idea before I actual do it, but wanted some outside advice. Sometimes I think things sound good in my head and don't actually work out the way I was thinking, Much rather be told my idea is crazy in here then at the committee meeting..lol (Not just think idea but other things I have asked)
  4. We are trying to do activities over the summer. But getting some parents together is like pulling teeth. This year we didn't have many field trips either, I am going to contact the school and see what they say in August if they have field trips for this year. I know we will be doing a water park in town, also going to the local news station for a tour, and our calendar event which is a movie night. So we get the award for doing summer activities. I would like to get the boys more involved over the summer though. I am going to try and have the boys wear their Class A more next
  5. Hmm I will have to check into that, see if we have access to one. Thanks for that idea
  6. Yes, I love how there is so many options to chose from. We meet every Monday, with one Monday being a Pack meeting. So many Mondays they do not have school this year I have already seen, so I will be speaking with the parents about doing as they were called as a Tiger "go see its" on those days. Thanks Didn't think about piggy backing off the schools field trips.
  7. Hi everyone, Love coming in here looking for advice, everyone is always so helpful. This year we are moving up to being Bears, and I am so glad my son and boys love scouts and have came a long way. So what is some advice you can give me for running the Bear meetings, or certain things you would have done differently that you learned from past experience? Do you make the boys wear Class A or just Class B to the meetings? How long do your meetings last? ANY advice is greatly appreciated even if I didn't ask it
  8. I second shopping around with packs in your area. It is very easy to think the pack is great for a first impression. Where I am located our pack is starting back up the second week school starts up which is the 3rd week of August won't have any new boys till after recruitment in Sept sometime. I would suggest when school starts back up in your area to go to other packs and see how they run there show.
  9. If they like the idea of passing them out to the parents I agree, that they should be given out sooner. However we only have the same people at the Committee meetings and we all know what is going on that is why I assume she just gives them out at the following meeting.
  10. I am starting to realize our pack must go above and beyond with some things.
  11. Ok so, we have a secretary that makes sure to take noted during the meetings. She does a great job, goes home and types them up and brings them to the next committee meeting next month. The question I have is, should we make enough copies for the pack so the parents can read up on what is going on behind the scenes? How do you handle that? Thank everyone.
  12. Hueymungus, thank you I needed that laugh
  13. I am sorry I am new to all this and feel like I wear many hats and some stuff I don't even know what I am doing I just do what I think is right. But my question is we have a Derby Chair position and I am looking online for what exactly they need to do. I am having no luck. Basically the only thing he was told was that he needed to make sure he has all the rules in order and submitted to the council. But everything I find says the rules come in the box. What can someone tell me about this situation. Thank you. Also another position is the Party Chair? We have very big; Halloween, Thanks Gi
  14. ScoutNut that is probably true, seems logical in my head but when you say it that way I agree with you. I actually mentioned to the DL that we need to have older siblings to help with the little guys while the ceremony is going on. I will mention all this with the others because I want next year to run smoothly and not have parents complain about the noise. Thank you
  15. Stosh, I really think that would work with my parents tho, mainly if I would be the one to do it. I believe I would only have to do it one time. I seem some other ideas, to where if the boys are quite and the parents are talking to have them turn around and ask their parents to be quite. I agree with having out Cm do it, because they do show him respect and not our DL.
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