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Citizenship in Society - MBC Orientation
GeorgiaMom replied to Eagle1993's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Yep, HIS WAY. I probably have Asperger's, too. I was considered "unusual" in my teen years. I spent more time at Radio Shack than at the mall. I struggled socially in many of the same ways my son does now. Fast forward. I found a wonderful husband who loves me as is. I'm one of very few geeky female software engineers in my workplace, and I love my job! I wish I had found MY WAY and the confidence to do what made me happy at a much younger age Your son is blessed to have a dad who loves him for who he is and just wants him to be happy. Way to go, Dad! -
Citizenship in Society - MBC Orientation
GeorgiaMom replied to Eagle1993's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Thanks, @RememberSchiff. I hope your son is doing well, also. -
Citizenship in Society - MBC Orientation
GeorgiaMom replied to Eagle1993's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I have a son with autism in Boy Scouts, and I emphatically would not want him used as a teaching aid to help the rest of the troop complete a badge. He's come a long way in his social skills and speaking skills. He doesn't want to be singled out as different. Marginalizing Scouts as teaching aids is a terrible idea. I'm glad my son just finished his Eagle project so we can be out of Scouts soon. Love our local troop and the kids. Exhausted trying to deal with our council. I finally quit volunteering early this year. Gobsmacked at the greed and stupidity of national. -
Virtual emergency preparedness drill
GeorgiaMom replied to GeorgiaMom's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Hi Lori, and welcome! Your idea sounds great! I hope it works well for you. I proposed to my troop's leaders and parents that we ask the scouts to make and donate masks to a local school, as we are in a state of emergency where we live, and this is a needed service project. I offered to buy and deliver all materials and coordinate the project. It went nowhere. One parent liked the idea. The other EP mbc in the Troop rejected the idea and instead gave a suggestion incompatible with social distancing. The scoutmaster said he'd try to put something together after the pandemic was over. So, as the mbc is a council position, and I don't actually work for the Troop, I offered to organize this anyway. I've pasted my email to the Troop below with the links to mask patterns in case anyone wants to use it. I'm pretty frustrated. I counsel over 20 different badges now because we keep losing counselors and nobody will step up to replace them. Our council and district make it very difficult to get mbc applications approved. They drop us every year and make us apply all over again fresh. Last year, they lost my application, and it took months of phone calls from me for them to find it. I've lost all respect for the powers that be at the district, council, and national. I do what I think is best now, and I've stopped asking what they think. They never return calls or emails anyway. I'm done. The scouts are great. I enjoy helping them. I love our troop volunteers, and I'm very grateful for how they've helped my son. After 11 years of dealing with the paid staff at council, who aren't worth $0.02 between them, I've filled out my last form. I just want to help my son finish his Eagle and be done. These are not normal times. Adapting requirements to social distancing is appropriate and necessary. I would expect the project I proposed below to take at least 3-4 hours, which is more than the scouts would spend doing a pretend drill at a troop meeting. Good luck with your project, Lori. You sound like a wonderful mom. -
This forum has been tremendous help in my position as merit badge counselor. Thank you. Our troop has many boys, including my son, who need to complete requirement 7 of the Emergency preparedness merit badge. We had a troop drill scheduled in March with another mbc that was canceled by covid. I'm a brand new emergency preparedness mbc trying to help the kids finish (along with about 20 other badges). As a voluntold merit badge coordinator over the last year, I have begged the other parents to step up and become MBCs, but none have. It's just the rapidly shrinking core of Life and Eagle parents. So, I need to come up with a way for the kids to do a virtual drill over zoom, and I have no idea what I'm doing. Do any more experienced mbcs have any ideas, please? Thanks
My son is on the high functioning end of the autism scale, so this subject is near and dear to my heart as well. Scouting has been *so* beneficial to my son. I will be forever grateful to the adult leaders who have given generously of their time and patience to help him grow. That said, I have to point out a major problem with Stosh's reasoning. The "how do you know until you try" attitude hasn't come up with us in Scouts (thankfully), but it has in drama at school. It was an awful experience for our son and for us. He finished the year, but he never wants to be in the school drama program again, which is sad as he enjoys drama and in general drama programs at our church and the county art center have been very good for him. The problem was the teacher in charge who had the "how do you know until you try" attitude, which assumes that the child in question has never tried the skill before in a different class, group, or medical setting. My child's autism might be new to you, but it's definitely not new to us. The teacher we dealt with who had this attitude completely ignored my concerns as a parent, and pretty much made my son miserable. This is what I would like to say to her, but can't, since she's an 80 year old volunteer and pretty much gets away with anything. "Ma'am, I know what my son is capable of, and what will result in many hours of frustration and crying, because I'm his mom. I've been working with his disability for 11 years. You met him last month for the first time. On a weekly basis, I take my son to speech therapy, occupational therapy, and a social skills class. We spend many hours with the audiologist and the developmental pediatrician. Also, his teachers and the IEP team at school. Here is his IEP, clearly specifying that what you want him to do (write long essays) is very difficult for him due to autism and expressive language disorder. He's also catching up on his language development as we finally figured out after years of trying with various doctors that he can't comprehend about 40% of what is said to him due to neurological hearing issues (autism). So, ma'am, when you tell him to write you an essay (why are we doing this in after school drama?), it is a big deal for him. He did do it, ma'am. He did his very best, and worked very hard on it, ma'am. I got your note about how it "wasn't up to 4th grade standards". No shit, ma'am. Really? I gave you a copy of his IEP and tried to talk with you about it (you said it didn't legally apply to you). His actual 4th grade teachers would never demand that he do what you demanded he do. They understand his mental limitations in writing. That's why he is in a pullout small group for writing with a parapro instead of the mainstream class. He'd way above his peers in science and math (and chess and robotics), but yes, he's below grade level in writing. It's called a disability, ma'am. Autistic kids don't develop in the pattern you're used to across the board. They can excel greatly in one area and lag way behind in another. That's why he has a parapro, and accommodations. He's grown so much in his writing skills. That's a result of kindness, help, and attention at school and at home. He didn't get there by being told that "he can do it if he tries". You have no clue how hard my son works, lady. He spends hours every week in classes and therapy to develop skills most kids take for granted. " She never did back off on making him produce that 4th grade level essay to her satisfaction. She refused to see me to discuss my concerns. I found out later that she had him pulled from his regular classes without my knowledge or permission during the school day and sent to the office so the guidance counselor could work with him one on one to produce this #%#$%#$% essay that she decided the world would end without. I was tempted to file a formal complaint with the county, but decided it would do more harm than good. All that to day, Stosh, you don't decide when pushing is appropriate, and parents have no obligation to argue with you about their child's medical limitations. Suggest a challenge, sure. Argue with me? Hell, no. Vent over. Just a window into the other point of view. It is exhausting for my son and for me to keep proving to new people over and over and over that yes, he really does have a disability. I am well aware of what he can do if challenged and what is beyond him at this time. I'm not bringing him to scouts and staying with him for all the activities so we can scam the BSA into giving him bling he didn't earn. I'm here to help him grow. Please give me the respect of listening to me as the person who knows and loves him best as to when it is best to push and when it is best to back off. And your "autism excuse" comment is way over the line. It's a genuine medical problem, and you should treat kids and their parents with more respect. GeorgiaMom
I haven't read every response, but I get the gist that some are unhappy about the encroachment of "couch potato" activities into the Scouting program. I'd like to offer another perspective as the parent of a child with high functioning autism who *loves* being a Scout. Disability friendly activities like STEM can encourage involvement by scouts who might otherwise be intimidated if the program is too challenging. I get that you don't want to see the outdoor challenge dumbed down. I also know that the STEM portions of the program are a place where my child is comfortable and can build his confidence and relationships with the other scouts. Then, he feels more confident about tackling the more challenging outdoor part of the program, which has been tremendously beneficial to him. Instead of thinking of the less physically challenging part of the program as "couch potato scouting", it might be more helpful to think of it as "never leave a man behind". Our family is very grateful for the way scouting has benefited our son, Georgia Mom
I have been a professional author for over 20 years. I have seen how piracy is killing the careers and income of many content creators, including mine. I just want to say thank you to those who treat my work and the work of others with honesty and respect. GeorgiaMom
IM_Kathy, as a parent of an autistic scout with auditory processing disorder, I appreciate your concern about doing the right thing for your Scout. I hope we find similar advisors when my Webelo transitions next year. FWIW, here is my take: Neurological issues of any kind are complicated and may not make sense to volunteers or teachers. We are in a constant state of explaining what our son can and cannot do. We have dealt with this for years. Our son sees speech therapists and occupational therapists every week. Our son has splinter skills, which are common in autism. He can do some things way above age level, and others way below age level. It often does not make sense to people outside our family and doctors. For instance, our son is very, very good at memorizing written scripts. He can do very well in drama. He delivers memorized written speech like memorex without stuttering, and generally without missing a word or a beat. At the same time, he cannot process auditory information well at all. We had a drama teacher once who insisted on not writing the script down because she wanted the freedom to keep changing it. :-( She insisted on telling our son his lines orally, and just could not understand that his brain is not capable of processing information received in that manner. It frustrated our son to tears, and he ended up quitting. The upshot is: please listen to the parents. They spend a lot of time with doctors and therapists helping their child do his best. It doesn't matter if it makes sense to the volunteer. It is exhausting explaining the entire medical rigamarole to every volunteer, and occasionally having to argue about it. It is very hard on the child to have to prove yet again that he really can't do certain things. Please just accept it when the parents say "my son can do this, but he can't do that". (can you tell we've been dealing with a very frustrating volunteer this year?) It is my understanding that Scouts are a developmental organization, designed for inclusion of disabled children, hence the "do your best" requirement. Our son absolutely loves being a Scout, and it has been good for him. We are currently looking for a Boy Scout troop that will be a good environment for our autistic son. Our biggest question is the willingness of the volunteers to listen to us, and understand what our son can and cannot do. My fear for my son is that he will have an experience similar to a friend's. Her son is also autistic, and has tremendous difficulty writing (as does my son). In her son's troop, his merit badge counselor insisted on written reports for every badge. It was exhausting. Her son quit. It was very sad. I understand what her son went through because I know it takes my son 4-5 hours to produce a single written page. I am disturbed by the comment that the child isn't interested in Eagle, he just wants to be a Scout. Why is this wrong? For some kids, especially disabled kids, the learning experience and social environment are the goal, not the bling on the uniform. We look to our son's den as the cream of the crop among the little boys at his school, where he can learn social skills without being bullied or teased. That is a valid goal. It should come down to what is best for the disabled child. I've been told many times that Scouting can be a wonderful developmental environment for disabled children. Please let it be that for this child. Thanks for volunteering your time with the kids, GeorgiaMom
Jblake47, good job teaching your daughters to protect themselves. My own daughter is in jiu jitsu. I think your daughter said it best: "No problem, I avoid problem areas and know how to take care of myself." In my mind, a crew where girls are groped and the leadership does nothing is a problem area to be avoided. Ditto any group where a child is sent to the hospital and nothing is done. I hope scouts can maintain a better environment than this for kids. How do you teach skills and values to kids when they don't even feel safe? Ga mom
It wasn't my intention to misuse the term "Asperger's". My son has only been diagnosed for less than a year, and I am definitely climbing a steep learning curve. He has other learning disorders, including auditory processing disorder and dysgraphia. It is hard for me to know sometimes where one disability stops and the other starts. Thank you, RememberSchiff, for an excellent description. My son is also great at visual learning, but terrible at auditory learning. It is very frustrating when a child can repeat pages he has read verbatim, and yet cannot repeat back a 3 item list that is spoken to him. Nevertheless, this is part of the problem my son is experiencing. I see nothing wrong with expecting parents to help their own child with learning disorders. I doubt that most parents of LD kids are trying to wear out the volunteers with extra work. I've always asked for resources so I can give my child extra help at home. Mostly, I'm looking for understanding. Thanks, GeorgiaMom
Thanks, Perdidochas. I should clarify that it is not my intent to bully any volunteer by requiring they follow my child't IEP. That's much more legalistic than what I had in mind. I wish we could find a reasonable compromise between the admittedly granular and legalistic requirements in an IEP and the whim of an MB counselor who told my friend that learning disabilities are just a crock, end of discussion. It is very frustrating as a parent to constantly have to prove that your child really does have a legitimate issue, and I wish there was a reasonable way to provide documentation. I am happy to hear that the emphasis on producing massive amounts of writing for every MB might just be a personal decision by this particular MB, not the organization as a whole. I will explore further. Thanks! GeorgiaMom
Perdidochas, the lawsuit might be via the Americans With Disabilities Act. A mental disability like Asperger's or autism is no different than being in a wheelchair in the eyes of the law. Businesses and groups that serve the public are required to make "reasonable accommodations", such as allowing the father to help with those portions of an MB the son can't do. As the mom of a learning disabled child, I understand the father's frustration. To put it another way, would you object to the father pushing a wheelchair bound son on a hike to help him earn his Outdoorsman badge? If not, then why object to a parent helping a child do the written portion of a merit badge when he has a medical disability that causes him extreme difficulty? It takes my son 4-5 hours to write a one page report. I'm not kidding. He can speak the answers to me very fluently, but when it comes to writing it down, he just can't do it. The school has tested him thoroughly and set up accommodations for him. I understand my friend's frustration with her son's MB counselor. Her son's MB counselor just dismissed his learning disabilitiy and made no accommodation for him. These disabilities are thoroughly tested and documented. It's difficult when you can't point to the part of your child's brain that doesn't work in the same way you can point to a wheelchair. It's hard to prove, especially to a volunteer who may have no training in learning disabilities. Would it be too much to ask for a pack, crew, or troop to at least accept and honor a child's IEP from school for a documented learning disability? GeorgiaMom
Dear Fox 76, I'm so sorry to hear about how the father of your Asperger's Scout is treating you. It's awful that a lawsuit is being threatened. Thank you for volunteering your time with the boys. As the mother of an Asperger's Webelo, I have a few thoughts: 1. I love the gentle and nonconfrontational approach RememberSchiff described. I understand the trepidation a parent can have about being "out" with their child's intellectual disability. I haven't yet told my son's den leader, although I know I shouid. It's scary. I don't know how he may react. RS is describing a great way of establishing a friendly and trusting relationship with all the Scouts' parents so that he can create an environment of safety for the parents to talk about their son's disability. 2. I got very discouraging news from the parent of an older Scout the other day who has dropped out of Boy Scouts due to his intellectual disability. Like my son, her son has extreme difficulty with written and spoken language. My son has a high IQ and is terrific in science, chess, building things, etc. He has great difficulty speaking or writing about what he has done. My friend's son got an MB counselor who insisted he write out what he had done in detail with no help from his parents. He couldn't do it, and quit Scouting altogether. My friend said the MB counselor didn't care to hear about her son's IEP in school or learning disability. If my child had that counselor, we'd be in the same boat. When you say "the father started doing his MB for him", Fox 76, are we talking about helping a learning disable child with the portion he can't do (writing?), or truly doing the whole thing for him? My son can build you a working trebuchet, but he truly can't write above a kindergarten level. What do we do in cases like this? 3. We are blessed that our son does not lash out or scream when he feels overwhelmed. He just zones out into his own imagination very quietly. It does make him appear unfriendly. The truth is he gets along very well with one or two good friends at a time, but a large, loud, busy group is just too much for him. What do we do? I am seriously considering whether we should make the jump to Boy Scouts next year. I would appreciate hearing constructive advice from Scouters as to how this has gone for them. I have already had some great responses to earlier questions on this board, thank you. I am specifically interested in how to deal with the MB writing issue that caused my friend's son to quit. Thanks, GeorgiaMom
Sending a boy to the hospital is a big deal. So is the groping of girls in his Venturing crew. This boy's exit is already overdue. I would not allow my son or my daughter to remain in an environment in which they are treated in this manner. As the mom of a Webelo considering whether or not he should progress to Boy Scouts, I look carefully at reports like these. I find it unimaginable that it happened at all, much less that any organization would consider keeping a member like this. If packs, troops, and crews continue bowing to kids like this, and their parents, soon this type of kid is all you will have left. Is this what you want Scouting to become? FYI, in my state (Georgia) we have a relatively new state law requiring that anyone working with children report suspected cases of child abuse to the police within 24 hours. Where I live, the troop/crew leader would not have the option of deciding whether or not to report it to the police. I don't know about the laws in other states, but it would be worth googling "mandated reporter". GeorgiaMom