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Everything posted by DuctTape

  1. Sadly, it is more common than one might think at summer camps. And some camps are significantly worse than others. Part of the problem is the "counselors" are other scouts, albeit a few years older. This should not be allowed. Even if if was an adult who officially signed the card. The adult is supposed to have tested each scout on the requirements, not rely on a 15 year old CIT who "led a class". The merita badge mill summer camps are a stain on the entire process. Sadly BSA doesn't just turn a blind eye, it appears they actively encourage it.
  2. I am not that worried about a DBA, or Trademark name. I am also not concerned about co-ed troops. I understand the concerns that some have expressed. However, if the Patrol Method and Scout-Led is done correctly, I see those as the mitigating factor for all the concerns. For example, one concern was that some boys want to be separate from the girls; to do their own thing without having to worry about primping etc... Then the Patrol Method and Scout Led is the solution. In a Scout Led, Patrol Method troop, the scouts choose their own patrols so these boys can choose to be all together as a
  3. The Scoutmaster's "Minute" is not just for a Troop Meeting Closing, it is a guiding principle. 😉
  4. Perhaps she needs a refresher course.
  5. Rephrase it as 3x the opportunities for scout growth. Scouting isn't "work". By her doing one big patrol she is denying scouts opportunities.
  6. All good responses so far. I apologize for not including this phrase in my prior reply as I feel it is very important; others have hinted at it in their responses. I believe that Scouting done well is evidence of the truth of this statement. Not eveything that counts is measureable, and not everything that is measureable counts. (paraphrase of a quote often attributed to Einstein)
  7. Growth in individual scouts. Seeing a new scout who can barely tie their own shoes develop into a patrol leader who plans, and leads their patrol on an overnight camping trip with adults only as drivers and required YPT. And all the other iterations of similar growth.
  8. The article stated the restriction on fundraising was lifted for a short period of time late 23-early 24, but it doesn't say when these kids were doing their fundraiser and whether it fell within that window. I would think this detail would be relevant.
  9. What is not ok? It aapears the GTA is not being violated. The scout is not being re-tested on requirements. The PLC is just initialing in the handbook that they provided the instruction and the scout is ready to be tested by the ASM/SM in accordance with the GTA.
  10. @InquisitiveScouterfor National Commissioner!
  11. This is a neat idea. The left hand column initials by the PL as an indicator that the scout is ready to be be tested by the ASM (the person authorized to do sign-offs). I can see the scout having an increased motivation to ask to be tested and have confidence in their success. This also keeps the older scouts sharp, and provides leadership and peer mentorship. Even if the PLC decides (with authorization by the SM) to have SPL or PL do official testing and sign-offs, I really like the idea of another older scout put their initials on the left side as an indicator of "readiness to be teste
  12. If trying to convert a car camping troop into a backpacking troop (or just trying to get them to plan ahead better), try this: -Always pack a backpack for the trip. Patrol gear & food split up among patrol and packed in backpack. -Trailer is used to transport packed gear only. (We never brought the trailer as it was only a storage shed). -Park cars some distance from campsite, cars get locked and not visited during trip. (If at public campground, this is still possible using main lot). -Patrols hike (even if only a quarter mile) to their campsite as a patrol. Start
  13. One major drawback to text based communication is the lack of tone and body language which provides A LOT of information. There have been studies that showed most people will read positive text as neutral, and neutral text as negative. This bias towards the less positive is likely from a place of safety/defense inherent to the evolution of our species. I often listen to people discuss emails from others and it is amazing how much "tone" and malice is projected onto the writer. Understanding this, I know I must consciously ADD +++ in my reading of other's text in absence of
  14. There are no restrictions on the number of positions one person may hold as long as the individual serves in only one position per unit with the exception of the chartered organization representative (CR), who is the only individual that can be registered in more than one position within the same unit. The CR may also serve in a multiple capacity as the committee chair (CC) or as a member of the committee (MC, NM, or PT) within that unit. From: Registration Guidebook rev 2019 (page 14) https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Registration-Guidebook.pdf
  15. I agree with Fred and the others. My only additions would be: 1. Start slow, give the PLC authority for signing off on one of those non-skill based requirements, and perhaps only for tenderfoot rank. Then build from there. 2. the SM should meet with the PLC before implementation to generate protocols, establish norms and expectations. 3. (initially) after every sign-off the SM discuss the process, etc... with the PLC to ensure protocols etc are being met and adhered to. This can diminish in regularity after the SM is confident in the PLC with their new authority. As an as
  16. You are correct that the Requirement as written is unambiguous. The activities in 9b must be done on the trips in 9a. As far as being held to the mercy of the troop, I would say the Scouts should plan the outings as a patrol not the troop. The scout can and should motivate the patrol to do preferred activities with their patrol. If the patrol members want different things, then perhaps the makeup of the patrols is an issue. This is separate from the mB requirement question. And welcome to the virtual campfire!
  17. For how long have we here at Scouter.com advocated for required mBs to be in groups/categories of which the scout could choose?
  18. When an organization's focus is on Quantity; Quality suffers. When the focus is on Quality; Quantity will also improve. Just summarizing our esteemed colleagues' aforementioned experiences.
  19. I do not see how it takes so long to re-Charter. IMO there should not be an annual Re-Charter. Chartering is a completely separate issue from individual memberships.. The Chartering Agreement between the Council and the CO does not need to be redone annually. The Agreeement can and should remain in force until one (or both) parties agree to sever the relationship. Any changes to personnel do not require a change in the Chartering Agreement. Name/title changes can be a separate document and can be modified whenever changes are necessary. As individuals join a Unit either as Scouts
  20. Whatever system (digital or otherwise), counsel the scouts to reply to comms. If someone does not reply, then the PL (or whomever sent the comm) must then seek that person out. Lack of communication is based on the premise, "I sent it out via..." as the only step. Instruct them how to communicate effectively. Eg. From: Patrol Leader "At our next Patrol meeting we will be doing a gear inspection for the upcoming campout. Even if you are not going, please bring your pack with gear. If you are in need of anything please let me or the APL know. Reply to this message, 'Y
  21. Sadly you are correct. SilNylon and SilPoly are not that expensive now, and would be better options than the polyblue, etc...
  22. Those LitePac diy gear instructions were/are awesome.
  23. One benefit you have, is that you can "start at zero" to rebuild. I have found this useful in the past: http://inquiry.net/patrol/green_bar/index.htm
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