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Found 2 results

  1. Hello all. We have a Scouter who is, in my opinion, FAR to involved in each and every facet of leadership in our troop. This person is a good person at heart, but with a very strong personality, very very loud, and also very unable to step back and let the kids do their thing. Just a helicopter parent who has made the entire troop THEIR show. Kind of like a Cubmaster on stimulants, but in a BSA troop! Again, good person, and helpful at times, but has already been the main reason why some people have left the troop. This scouter is so overbearing and willful, but is absolutely unable to take an
  2. I'm a big proponent of gradual changes in the Troop. But in order for that to work, the SM, SPL & PLC have to have a road map/goal in mind. Right now, one of my goals is to have an SPL running things and for me to only speak when asked & SM Moments. I had a small step/victory towards that this past camp out. We normally retire a flag or 2 during the Saturday night camp fire. In the past, I led the flag detail and would say a few words. This past camp out, I had a Scout volunteer to lead the flag detail. He did a good job with it. I was swollen with pride. And I was able
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