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Everything posted by mashmaster

  1. I am a scoutmaster for my son's troop. There are plenty of times he has said he wishes I was "just a parent" but other times likes it. It is harder on me than it is on him. I have been watching this thread and thinking about my response for a bit, so here it is. I am sure there are some things that are the same for all of us and others that are unique to us. Cons: He has to wait for me to finish at meetings when he has homework to get done I drag him to more events than he would most likely just sign up for He has to wait for sign offs sometimes when I am the only SM around His dad k
  2. I'm in Texas but the local Baptist churches that were chartering are still chartering. We are chartered by the Methodist church and they have been extremely supportive and I would say even more supportive with recent changes. Just one random data point.
  3. We also use Scoutbook and it does fine for the advancement tracking. There is a lot of other things it could do well but they all seem to be 50% thought through.
  4. not only switched but we started a new troop. There should be no issues for your son, as stated get all the records, pictures, from the previous troop. The only negative I saw at the boy level was a couple of knuckleheads at camporee that thought it was funny to call him a traitor. I spoke with the boys and the scoutmaster to nip that in the bud. They thought they were being funny. It was easy to solve. The main negative has been from adults who took it personally and acted more childishly than the boys. I talked to them one on one and told them that it isn't personal. Just be prepa
  5. Great TED talk, led to my SM Minute Key takeaways: you have 2 ears and 1 mouth If you listen to someone they are more willing to listen to you 3 reasons for listening 1) helps us understand the other side 2) help us connect (they feel good) 3) more likely they will listen to us Listening is a skill that has to be learned Don't focus on you when listening Try to understand what isn't being said. (You maybe fighting over the patrol menu, but it really comes down to you don't want to be hungry. Focus the actual goal rather than petty things) It is hard to listen, but if we all try w
  6. Our DE once told us that. I asked him what was more important, getting boys into the program or using their fliers. He agreed, just make your own that are fun and informative. What is the worst thing they can do? They aren't going to fire a volunteer.
  7. I agree and have been attempting to deal with this. Sadly, anything I talk with him about, isn't reinforced at home.
  8. We only allow use of phones for a scouting purpose. If they show up to a campout, they need to declare to the scoutmaster at check in that they have it and what the scouting use is for it. So far there have been three valid reasons given (historian taking pictures "I suggested a camera that wouldn't die might be a better option" but allowed it, Use of a GPS app for orienteering, pictures of trees/plats/wildlife for merit badges or rank requirements). Boy have given other reasons and been rejected like (reading "I pointed to his scout book and suggested a chapter", communication with family
  9. The problem I am having is that I have a scout that is using it, it is distracting the other scouts. When the elder scouts approach him on it and ask him to put it away, he is rude and refuses. So it is becoming more of an issue that it is distracting other scouts from attempting to get the work done they are trying to do. I don't have a great background in ADHD so I wanted to gather some general info from other troops before jumping to a conclusion. I don't abide by the "let kids be kids" statement. We don't allow phones at scout meetings and campouts because they are a distraction for t
  10. So the scouts are starting to bring them to meetings and campouts. I am thinking of banning them from the meetings as they seem to be a distraction. I know there is a basis for them with ADHD, what how y'all done in your troops?
  11. Can I see them? I would love to read them.
  12. I love it, I bet the parents were not happy with you on Prom night
  13. I would love that. It sounds like a great idea. Sadly, the program isn't setup that way. :-(
  14. I am so tired of parents that only goal is to get their boys to Eagle as the main and only goal. The bitching and moaning about why Johnny didn't get elected a position, when it is clear that Johnny is mature enough to really be Star rank or higher. I look at some of my boys that are are only at second class enjoying the scouting experience and actually stepping up and leading in the troop. Sometimes I just want to get rid of ranks and merit badges, get the boys to focus on scouting rather than mom and dad pushing them to get that rank and only do enough to get the bare minimum for the rank
  15. FYI; my uniform did not have a button on the left pocket so I had to sew on a button to hang it
  16. He should wear the award proudly, and I bet he had a blast! I hadn't heard they switched to a pin, that is sad. Everyone asks me about the award when they see it and they are interested in going. IMHO, Powder Horn is the best scout training I took and I am now on staff for the next course!
  17. Welcome! And Powder Horn is the best training around. Where else do you get to fire a cannon :-) My guess you are in Texas as well
  18. We have our tickets for the star party already, and our cc has a connection so we are getting a behind the scenes tour the saturday before camp. We are going to chill in the Balmerea pool the day before going to camp :-) I have a Klymit air pad and it rocks even for side sleeping. very light and comfortable.
  19. we use 2x2's and a 16x20 tarp. It works ok unless it is windy. I wish I could figure out a design that was better in the wind.
  20. We currently use Bass Pro shop brand tents, our old troop used the Alps Mermac 4 tents. I think the Alps tents were a little nicer. thicker poles, better bags to put the tents in, and easier setup. Our tents always go home and so far no problems. other than a boy that snaps a pole.
  21. Camping for a week in West Texas this summer is driving this for me. A week on the rocks with just an air mattress doesn't sound awesome on this old back.
  22. I am thinking for short hikes and tent camping vs. philmont. They have this one rated 265 lbs that I am looking at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06X93Q2ZT/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=304HENQLUSEMX&coliid=I1RF83FY1XEVSB&psc=1 a little heavier than the therma rest clone but looks sturdier
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