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Everything posted by mashmaster

  1. He had paperwork for one of the national outdoor awards. That was in addition to getting the blue card. Sorry for adding in confusion.
  2. Thanks, I walked away so I wasn't in the discussion. He was holding his own in the conversation. When the SM said I can't sign this because she didn't have the paperwork , he told her he sent it to her a month ago. Then he said, I brought an extra copy, she said where is he going... He came back with his documentation and she was clearly upset that he the paperwork and started telling him that he was making up the hours. He remained respectful the entire time but you could see he was fuming. She just blatently signed off on other scouts without batting an eye. One even told me he had
  3. Thanks, that is what I thought. We as leaders are supposed to build the boys up not tear them down. Why not be happy he showed up? Why not be happy he is excited to be is Sea Scouts?
  4. Well, we just got back from a troop meeting where the Scoutmaster was disrespectful to my son, questioned everything, wouldn't sign a merit badge card because he has been busy attending Sea Scout meetings rather than the Troop meeting. He asked me point blank in the car if he can quit the troop now or does he have to wait until after his Ordeal weekend. Can he just go with being a member of the Ship vs. the Troop that voted him in?
  5. I just signed up for the Seabadge course in the Southern Region being held this December. Anyone else going? It is being held at Sea Star Base in Galveston.
  6. You can always be with your child. the problem comes when a girl is not related to a leader, then you need a female leader I believe.
  7. Anyone else having this issue in their troop? Our current troop leaders seem to have a very big hand in the new troop and IMHO too much so. The new troop is supposed to operate with it's own leaders and PLC. It shouldn't be a troop that exists to just do what the boy troop PLC decided to do.
  8. Yeah agreed, I think the thoughts of National are that the scout should be thrifty and try to work with local merchants for donations of supplies vs. just getting money, I do this it is a valuble skill for the scout to talk with the manager of Home Depot or whatever to see how they can help. I wish more boys did that vs. just putting up a webpage to have mom and dad ask for money. There is a life skill for sure. I encourage our scouts to do both.
  9. Yeah, we shall see what happens. After his first trip with the Sea Scout ship, he is fully engaged and had the "best scouting time of his life" (his words). In the car back we discussed how many hours he spent on the water to track and he started tallying the hours up.
  10. As a family of lifeguards and swim teachers, I am very concerned about aquatics safety. Does the committee chair know about this? If he does and doesn't care, I would call the District Commissioner and express your concerns.
  11. That is dangerous. First off they shouldn't get signed off on that requirement unless they pass the test. What lesson are we teaching them But more importantly, what happens in a water situation where the scout goes into the water and can't swim safely? I would say something in my opinion
  12. Great news! Now let's get these well meaning individuals to see the light on wagons and wheel barrows!
  13. Thanks, I hope so too. But right now advancement and merit badges are dirty words to him. In his words "Dad, I soldered that kit for fun not a merit badge. Why do I need someone to sign a card when I don't care about that?" . I shut up at that point other than to tell him to document what he does in case he wants credit for it at a later time. Google sheets are a gift. He is just turning 14 so, he may think differently later on.
  14. My son who feel disenfranchised with Boy Scouts surprised me tonight after attending his second Sea Scout meeting. He proudly tells me he is the Media Specialist for the Ship. And starts listing off all the activities he signed up for tonight. It made me smile, hopefully he has found his new happy place. Anyway, he is a Star rank now. I understand that he can still advance for Life and Eagle while a Sea Scout. Does he have to be dual enrolled in a Boy Scout troop as well? Or can the skipper just sign everything like a Scoutmaster? I think single enrollment is ok.
  15. LOL, except that you need to be 14 to use a wheelbarrow...... No regalia, no wheelbarrows.....Soon only full Class A's 100% of the time, with BSA socks and underwear....
  16. What is the Multigun Airsoft Experience?
  17. booo! Now, most Tigers can't cock the gun correctly but with assistance they think it is the greatest day of their life.
  18. Our CO has approved the creation of a troop and appointed the new SM to take the position once the troop can be chartered. They have also approved the starting to advertise to the outside world to talk with them about joining, And they have scheduled a multiple troop campout with fun activities(shooting, climbing, paddleboarding) in December to any potential scout boy or girl that wants to come check it out. So I think they are pretty well prepared, but it will be interesting to see the transition. Most of the new leadership are Girl Scout leaders that liked the Boy Scout program bett
  19. It also limits the access to scouts that want the once in a lifetime experience. That adventure is one of the hardest to get I have heard.
  20. You got lucky to get that one. Most crews only get the coral reef adventure which is limited to 8 people on a 42' sloop.
  21. The quiz is actually much more difficult than I expected. many in my class didn't pass.
  22. Well if he isn't a registered leader, he can't go to most summer camps. And the Scoutmaster should not allow him to camp with the troop until he proves he can act like an adult. Well if he isn't a registered leader, he can't go to most summer camps. And the Scoutmaster should not allow him to camp with the troop until he proves he can act like an adult.
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