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Everything posted by mashmaster

  1. That behaviour is ridiculous from the adult. Personally, we had a similar experience from and ASM. I asked him to step down as ASM because that behaviour is never ok in my book. We are there to build the boys up not tear them down.
  2. Agreed, we were very happy they had no idea but it was one of those items that was a teaching moment.
  3. We had a patrol last year that made a patrol flag that was a triangle on top of a square mounted to a stick. It was all white and when we first say it, all of the adults immediately thought it looked like a kkk cape? We had the quickly work with the patrol leader to change the color and shape some before going to camporee the next week. They were completely oblivious to what it looked like. Sometimes, adult leadership is needed to coach them a little 🙂
  4. Just because the camp says they did something doesn't mean you sign off on it. The troop should verify they did the requirement. For instance, we had a scout with a broken arm ear the swimming merit badge at camp. Not even physically possible so you need to verify what they did. In fact, most boys if you ask them what they did for a requirement will be more than happy to only take credit for what they did. A camp advancement sheet does not necessarily equal the signing of a blue card or book. That is your role. Be prepared that the boys will be totally cool with only getting signe
  5. Our district does a Webelos Extreme camp every summer which is run similar to a boy scout camp and a Webelos winter camp. But having Webelos only campout can be fun to setup yourselves.
  6. I would rather them protest the solution by reaching out to work with the executive committee to help come to a compromise rather than quit.
  7. At Seabase on the 41' sailboat we did not wear vests. In all sailing that I have done with Sea Scouts which is limited and been on smaller boats, we have worn them exclusively. I own my own life vest that fits me well and is comfortable. that is key.
  8. Frankly, I am disappointed about not being able to use regailia for Arrow of Light ceremonies and probably more in the future. But to me that isn't the purpose and reason we are in OA. It is a tool that OA currently uses to help serve its purpose but it isn't the purpose. I would think that most people with Native American decent would not have problems with how OA uses the themes but I am sure there are those that dislike it. I am also sure that some ceremony teams disrespect native american cultures which is sad. I would be much more disappointed if a large group of Arrowmen dropped
  9. Interesting, I don't see this killing OA IMHO but I do see many disappointed.
  10. Actually the best thing is meat tenderizer for jellyfish stings. I learned that in my wilderness first aid class.
  11. Bottles of pee for that 🙂 LOL bring a bottle of yellow gatorade and label it Pee! I crack myself up.
  12. None at all at the base that I could see. The only affect it had was at the marina at Marathon Key. I talked to the manager at the marina and she said that because of the damage she was really short staffed because there wasn't enough places for them to live.
  13. What a summer to forget. Northern Tier High Adventure Due to extreme safety hazards posed by wildfire activity in the Atikaki Provincial Park and Woodland Caribou Park, including a large fire near our canoe cache on Scout Lake, we have regretfully suspended program for the rest of this summer from our Bissett, Manitoba base. The twenty crews with arrival dates through the end of this summer are being, or have been, contacted and offered a similar trek experience at our Atikokan facility during their originally scheduled dates. Since July 14, our Bissett te
  14. Regarding shoes on the boat. We saw zero shoes allowed on the boats when we were there. only time we needed shoes was when we were on land.
  15. My son decided on joining a ship. He looked at two of them and choose the one that mainly sails sunfish and other small boats. He really liked the amount of freedom and control he was given. They capsized maybe 1 minute after starting, one of the Mates talked them through the process to right the boat from a chase boat. After that they where busy sailing all over the lake and each time they capsized they were able to right the boat pretty fast. It is nice seeing him excited about being involved again.
  16. I agree, it will be fine. let him enjoy his experience. In our chapter the tap out is in March with a May, July, and October ordeal so there are opportunities spread out through the year.
  17. Yes say no to lighter fluid. Newspaper works great, the stove even better. I just make my liners, very easy to do.
  18. They keep harping on Eagle and he just shuts down. He is almost to Life rank now but isn't interested. I frankly just want him happy, drives me crazy people are so focused on Eagle.
  19. Well, my son has met with two ships this week and he is taking to the sailing like a duck to water. He just glows when he is on the water. The skippers talk about advancement and he shuts down so that will come at some point in time or not. He is happy which is awesome! He is excited to make the next events!
  20. Yeah, you need to be careful, the your probably aren't very careful 🙂
  21. I have multiple dutch ovens so I stack them which is why I don't do that. I do put a thick canvas glove over the lip under the lid so there is some airflow. Not as much as your method.
  22. Thank god there were no cell phones or youtube when I was growing up..... I am a survivor of the 70's
  23. I am all for LNT, even taken special training for it but they can easily go overboard. Sometimes reminds me of the fad diets that focus on only eating one item.
  24. This morning I was paid in full with extra for my time as Scoutmaster. I got this message from a parent 🙂 Thank you again. and thank you for ALLLLLL you have done for our boys. You've helped shape and model and teach and create memories that will always be with my son. There are no words to tell you what/how much that means to me, but you are a parent so I'm sure you have an idea of what i'm talking about. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  25. I am so jealous! After the 2 night of no sleep I just passed out on the foredeck and figured if I rolled into the water I would wake up.....
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