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Everything posted by mashmaster

  1. It doesn't have to be a merit badge counselor if you can't find one. Go to an aquatics center and cover the requirements and the scoutmaster can sign off. Get prior approval from your advancement coordinator and scoutmaster so they understand what is going on. I would go for a BSA merit badge counselor first if you can.
  2. Here is a scaled version. 4 rounds 400m brisk walk 15 Step Ups on a stair ~6"? 15 air squats 15 push press 10# dumbell each arm 10 push-ups on knees 15 crunchs 2 minute rest
  3. REI teaches it and it is covered. I took mine from an ESCI instructor who happened to be a 30+ year paramedic and fire bataliian commander. He taught it at a council training weekend. He was amazing and the course was amazing as well. It worked for Seabase.
  4. Correct, if you show up to Sea Base for example without have WFA they will make the entire crew waste a day and take it. They are not happy about it.
  5. Hmmm, a good WOD (Workout Of the Day) would be: 4 rounds 400m run 25 20" Box Step Ups 25 deadlift (barbell or dumbell or kettle bell) weight varied 45# - 65# 25 kettle bell swings 35# or 55# 10 push-ups 25 sit-ups 2 minute rest What do you think?
  6. cool! I think they really help for hiking, like an lunge on an incline.
  7. I do Box step ups......no jumping for me. 🙂
  8. I am 50+ and do Crossfit. It is great, but you need to find a gym that has coaches that scale and aren't so focused on killing it. If you show up and everyone is in their 20's turn around. When I showed up, there was an equal range of 30's, 40's, 50's and even 60's so it went well. But yes you need to be very careful, I have seen many crossfit coaches not understand how to adapt workouts.
  9. Physically, I may not want to emulate them but one of my assistant scoutmasters when I was scoutmaster was heavy but had 55 years of scouting experience and was a model for everyone. I am overweight, but run 4 hour marathons btw. So just because someone is heavy it doesn't necessarily mean they can't do a 5 mile hike. I can run circles around most of our scouts, when we do the running test for the tenderfoot rank, I run along side of the slowest scout and encourage them to keep going and not to get discouraged. So, please don't make assumptions about weight. I no many people that
  10. I have been there and I am sorry. Try to find the good in your life and support your son. Thank you for everything you do for the boys.
  11. I have been an ASM. SM, and now First Mate. I was asked to be the SM and I did it without much consultation with my wife. I was asked to be the Skipper(SM) of the Ship and I asked my wife and she said no. Have a frank conversation with her over dinner out. 1) Explain that you are supporting your son's activities and you are there for him and the other boys in the troop. 2) Understand that you are always on call. Whether it is in person at a meeting, campout, email, text......But that your family will always take priority. 3) Agree to guidlines about how much time y
  12. I will let you know how Sea Badge compares to Wood Badge in a month....Is that the anchor of training? I agree with Fred. Woodbadge is a good training but not the pinnacle. There isn't a pinnacle training IMHO. From Wood Badge leaders will continue on to take more specific trainings like Powder Horn, Outdoor Ethics, Climbing, Aquatics, Sea Badge, Philmont Leadership Challenge. I would say Woodbadge is the pinnacle of general Scout training.
  13. I think partnering with the NRA for shooting sports is fine thing to do. BSA partners with the leaders in each field US Archery, PADI, Red Cross,... The partnership should begin and end with the domain that they are experts in. I don't think there is a better replacement for firearm safety training currently. IMHO, people need to not mix politics or religions with scouts. Scouts should be a safe place for the youth.
  14. I wear my beads on special occasions, I don't for other times. Being a Sea Scout now, I never wear the neckerchief with the blue uniform.
  15. I try to model good behaviour for the scouts. I am 50+ so it takes more work, but I see it as important to be active and able to do the things the kids want to do.
  16. I agree the lake is way better, you lose your mind in the pool. And.... BRRRRRR a lake in AK....
  17. My son and I wore jammers. All black ones are reasonable. Gym shorts over them while walking through camp. A mile in regular trunks = chaffing.
  18. They are cut differently. They vary the thickness and material around the suit. They do provide floation but not like a standard wetsuit. This is what they kinda look like: https://www.xterrawetsuits.com/pages/googlespecials?gclid=Cj0KCQjwjbveBRDVARIsAKxH7vlXreDJMdGTGCq0QKosC7CeahTCuuq-irBdKHS5he5F1brjSvl0nn8aAnnwEALw_wcB
  19. Not triatholon wetsuits. They reduce drag.
  20. Too muddy it even more. Do the swim at Sea Base or the like in Salt Water. You will be very bouyant. AFAIK, you can't do the mile swim at Sea Base because they don't have a swimming area.
  21. Welcome to the forums The mile swim doesn't not state a requirement for where the mile is swum. see below. I have completed it with my son in a lake and in a pool. Both are fine. The problem with the pool is that there are people that cheat. I have seen people stand up. stop at the wall, push off the bottom of the pool. All of those are things I would disqualify for, In the lake, I have seen boy almost drown and panic. Sadly, many people that earn it probably shouldn't but it doesn't say swim it strongly or in a certain time period. My son, toasted me on the last mile swim
  22. Nah, enjoy it. Just don't tell people that because you went you are better than them. And remember there are beads and there are beads...... Not a consistent rubric.
  23. I had the same feelings as you. I enjoyed the weekends with fellow scouters with a purpose. But didn't really learn much since I have done a lot of training at work. I am taking Sea Badge in December, we will see how that compares. Yes I am a sucker....
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