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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. What ES requirement states you must build an ecosystem in a bottle?
  2. Did my pre ordeal a few weeks ago and am a convert. Nothing bad happened. Go figure. Buy a really good expensive ( or cheap ) tent that will protect you if you really need it. Then sleep under the stars 90% of the time. You will likely not need another tent for many, many years.
  3. "Try to extend the same grace you hope you would receive in our shoes." Is suppose that sentence has different meaning to us both.
  4. Why the edit 99? I am sure everyone here wants to hear what you really think and how you follow the Scout Law.
  5. Q, unless of course the PLC decides to meet down at the park. Then it is an outing and requires two deep. If a patrol wanted to do the same thing they could without any adults or one adult if they so desired, but the PLC is clearly not capable of taking care of themselves. I just get all warm and fuzzy inside when reading this stuff.
  6. Talk to your District Executive about it and see if he can get your Unit Commissioner involved. Sounds like your CO has lost interest in Scouting and it me be necessary to find a new CO for the pack or move the Cubs to another Pack. Every Council Is different but I think you need to speak with someone else at council regarding the location of your Pack meetings. Sure they need to be safe, but a pack meeting can be held anywhere. What better place than a Park! Whenever someone throws the "insurance" excuse at you be very skeptical. It is usually just them trying to get their way or they
  7. "One adult at the PLC; how does that work with Youth Protection Guidelines?" I don't know, how does one adult work with a Merit Badge session with more than one scout. Does your PLC consist of only one scout?
  8. The standard being put forth here seems to be "controversial". What kinds of parades are considered non-controversial and scouts can participate in?
  9. I think you failed to understand my point. I never said "no big deal" those are your words, not mine. Alcohol violations are generally given a pass in this society unless it involves a motor vehicle. Alcohol is much more likely to kill especially when considering interactions with other substances. I also never said anything about keeping this information from the rest of the troop. That would be nearly impossible anyway. Your points are valid, but don't put words in my mouth.
  10. My wife works with a guy who was active and aged out as a tenderfoot. Do you think it is usually last because it doesn't have that boy appeal like the Citizen Trilogy or some other reason? In this particular situation I am not so sure how "optional" advancement is or how much of an option the OP has in in choosing who or how to counsel. I think the Christineka is on the right track here, but with a couple of modifications. The boys should be able to create their own chart and the parents need to be involved in brainstorming the projects as well and then seek approval. I just get the feel
  11. NJ, not to hijack this thread but it seems to me this one would be most beneficial to work on earlier rather than later. Assuming it is as much about your current family as your future family, waiting until you are 17 and (hopefully) be on your own for a number of years before you start your own family.
  12. If it is not illegal seems to be a parental rights issue to me.
  13. Fifty Shades of Grey is one of the most popular book series with women. So are furry handcuffs. Fairly mainstream these days.
  14. Horizon, you have it so wrong. From the posts in this and other threads a female in a swimsuit only sends the message "I want to swim". A male in a swimsuit sends the message of moral depravity and is political. Still not sure where anyone plans to swim in a parade.
  15. Although the program may not have been designed to be done in a huge group setting, National has tacitly endorsed this model by allowing camps, fairs, universities etc. From all your other posts it is clear the program in your area is less than ideal even for LDS. Family Life is a big and important badge and given the importance LDS places on Family one that should be approached in that light and not glossed over. Do your best to talk to the boys individually about each of the requirements. Take literally "discuss", "tell", "show" etc. I have an 11 year old as well and he is nowhere nea
  16. I hope "pass off Family Life" was an unfortunate choice of words on your part and not the troop leadership. Read the pamphlet and requirements and then follow them. Nothing more nothing less. Don't let any men pressure you to do something you know is not right.
  17. Although this wouldn't guarantee competency it could help somewhat. Require 4 weeks of volunteer summer camp staff for Eagle.
  18. My old district did a Webelos lockin at a gym/community center. Covered aquanaut, artist, engineer and sportsman. They had a nice flow to it. Sport activity then moved to 1/2 of artist, sports activity, 1/2 engineer, aquanaut, then 1/2 of artist. It worked out really well. A Venturing crew acts as most of the Counselors. The hardest part was all the dads had nothing to do and staying up until 5am was roughest on us. Make lots and lots of coffee.
  19. You may be able to get away with it but it is frowned upon by National. See GTA 2013. Charging Fees for Merit Badge Opportunities Council, district, and multiunit merit badge fairs have become increasingly popular over the past several years. While they provide a service to our Scouts, they should not be presented as fundraisers. There are many other methods available to raise the funds necessary to operate the Scouting programs at any level. Although charging fees for merit badge fairs, clinics, or similar events is not prohibited, any fees charged should be limited to recoveri
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