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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. My initial take on the post is that, yes, the Scout should get ALL his awards from the Troop. The Camp Class should always pass the TF, SC, FC, MB, Scout Lifeguard, Mile Swim, Totin Chip, etc. on to the Troop for final approval and presentation. I believe the TC class conselor was operating on the premise that this was an average Scout and "a Scout is Trustworthy". Pass the card to the Scout, he passes it on to the Troop. The Camp may have learned something here, the Troop may have learned something and hopefully the parents have picked up a piece of info about their son too. AND the Scout
  2. Ah no... Ya gotta be a Camp Director... As the First Assistant Cub Scout Day Camp Director for Program Design, Procurement and Implementation, (guess what my significant other is...)I must say that if you build it, they will come and throw up on it. But you don't concentrate on the problems except to plan for the possibilities and solve them when and if they happen. You concentrate on the OTHER 200 Cubs smiling and saying 'OOO" and "AAAH". Even the Cub with the sprained ankle will remember the ambulance ride, if nothing else. The rest will learn alittle about map and compass use, what
  3. At our CSDC this year (as in past years), we always have coffee and donuts on hand for the early staff settup folks. So we order 2 "Boxes o' Joe" from Dunkin'Donuts and 3 dozen donuts. Then two Packs, out of grattitude, bring us another "Box o' Joe", EACH. Then the staffer that comes in after lunch arrives with... another "Box o'' Joe". We take home 3 full "BoJs".... Next morning, change the order to ONE BoJ, and 3 doz Donuts...Same two Packs each bring ANOTHER BoJ each... Noon Staffer got the message... Home refrigerator is full of Iced Coffee... Third morning, we buy NO coffee
  4. OO...OO...OO... By All Means... Love to compare... Did you do "Land of the Pharaoh-ohs"? The police and F & R folks came to our CSDC because they wanted to, not because they HAD to! Where do we send the coffee?(This message has been edited by SSScout)
  5. Here's how I was taught. It works, but BE CAREFUL (you'll see why in a minute). Corfam? Nah... Collect: Shoes, Kiwi black wax polish in the little can (Esquire not so good, seems like), a small candle anchored on a plate, Cotton balls (cosmetic section), old wool sock, stiff bristle brush, cotton rag (T shirt?). Saddle soap, if possible. Allow AT LEAST an hour (HOUR) per shoe. Clean shoes with stiff brush and cotton rag as necessary. ( if they are new, just wipe dust off). Saddle soap to remove dirt. Water as nescessary. If leather soaks up water, let'em dry thoroughly before p
  6. Might be too late to arrange this year, but we have 4 Troops that negotiate to work at the County Fair each year. In Uniform, they help direct parking and traffic, deliver ice to concessions, pick up trash, and act as 'gofers' for the Fair headquarters. I know, also, that the Fair is open to proposals from folks to operate food concessions and such. Are you chartered to a church or civic club like Lions? Perhaps they would partner with you for a funding project. Frinstance, at the Fair, we have several churches that run food stands and you'll see Scouts behind the counter in Troop Tshirts.
  7. Whoa... Memo to Fellow Staff: Misconstruing the unmeant misunderstood multiply referenced jargonistic lingo is to be avoided. Mebbe a new thread? SNAFU POTFH (Indiana U vs Purdue) GFY IMHO.... Write the letters to Outside, I've seen some very appropriate responses here, and THEY need to be addressed outside the choir, STS.
  8. Osama dies and enters heaven. He is immediately met by Thomas Jefferson who nails him with a right to the jaw. As Osama gets up, he looks up to see Patrick Henry, who punches him in the stomach. Now doubled over, he looks up to see Robert E. Lee who is holding a table over his head and brings it down on Osama. Osama looks behind Lee to see a long line of people. He raises his hands and prays, " oh Allah, what is this? I do not understand..." A deep voice is heard: " don't you remember? I said 72 Virginians..."
  9. Gern: Does the Significant Other know she's "current"? Or does that indicate a white water canoe partner?
  10. Herr Ratzinger was elected Pope by the Catholic hierarchy. Since I am not Catholic, anything I might say would be as an outsider, nicht wahr? Be that as it may, Pope Benedict is the acknowledged head of his multi-national organization. As such, he is expected to make pronouncements about his organization. It happens to be a Church, which has as it's purpose, the definition of how its' members should (and why they should) worship God. I think that virtually every religion on this earth, from Anabaptist to Zoroastrian, would admit, if pressed, that theirs is the best way to God (and, in the
  11. "National has just informed us that there is no truth to the rumor that the Cooking and Pet Care merit badges will be merged"
  12. As per Monty Python>>>> "Attention, this is your Camp Director speaking. There is absolutely no cause for alarm. "
  13. And shall we mention the movie "Castaway" with Tom Hanks?
  14. One more thing occurs to me that hasn't been mentioned here.... Mosquitoes are attracted to the more odivarous person. Hence it is preffered to use non-perfumed soap OFTEN. And non-perfumed deoderant (not antipersperant). There's a selling point: Let the 'skeeters go to the more stinky Scout! YiS
  15. Okay, here's your rope. Now, hold it on the table like this. No, make YOURS look like mine. Good. Now, you take the left end and,... no, the OTHER left end... There ya go... put it OVER... OVER the right end, and pull it under , like so... Hey, how does yours look like mine? yep. yep. Real Good! now see how the left end comes back to itself and the right end goes UNDER... and back... on its own piece... yeah! just like that!! sort of... And you call that.. what's your name again? yeah that's a Jamie knot!!... Now let's start again and see if we can do it really neat this time...You
  16. Yep, gotta learn the benefits of cleanliness, which, if not 'next to Godliness' is oft times next to impossible. Recommend the movie/video: "NO MORE BATHS" (1998) by Feature Films for Families The kids band together to force a moral issue by refusing to take baths until the adults in the community 'do the right thing'. Kinda like a "Our Gang" with a deep thought.
  17. mtm25653: I congratulate you on having such good rapport with your boy. Not everyone would divulge such to a parent. And, such skill and slieght of hand can be an asset. Now, how is he going to return the tab to it's rightful owner?
  18. Yes, Just a little interest here... Okay, so some of us us oldsters think some of the Program has been eeeeased up abit, and some of us think it's just a sign of the times, and some of us see the PROGRAM being adapted to attract "todays boy" (marketing). Still, there ain't no more Blacksmithing MB, and some might mourn the loss of the Rabbit Raising MB. The 2x4 that my father built with measured 1-7/8 x 3-7/8. The "2x4" you buy at H-D today will measure 1-3/4 x 3-1/2. Is there a paralell? Or am I just being meloncholy, regretting the loss of my halcyon youth? At the p
  19. Le Capitain Ron.... Aw, Aw, Aw,,,, Zat is, 'ow you say, rich? N'cest pas? No fois gras por vous...
  20. If there is/was such a thing as a nudest Scout Troop, how would the "uniform" method be applied?
  21. ""The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water."" John W. Garner, Forbes Thought page Aug 1, 1977 from The Official Rules by Paul Dickson
  22. Extreme Pioneering::: Google "Chinese Bamboo Scaffolding" and marvel at the 50 stories high, LASHED together outer scaffolding utilized in construction. start at www.inbar.int/nm At the Jambo, we saw a lashed together merry-go-round, several 'tensegrity' structures, all lashed from poles and rope. Maaavelous... Wrap it thrice, frap it twice...
  23. In the topic of Neckerchiefs:::What Kudu and Nessmuk said... Since the Boy has become a Scout, I have had a chance to compare Then with Now. I have begun to feel that alot of Scouting has been 'softened' to supposedly make it more appealing to "Todays Boy". (a spin off?). Consider: ** Neckerchief becomes a decorative item, rather than of intended, practical use. It is "optional", by Troop decision. ** Rank requirements have been obviously eased, Frinstance, no signaling requirement for FC. (you find the others). ** Uniform in general is less military ( a good thing) but has
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