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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. Since I often tend to think that people might actually be rational and maybe even act with some amount common sense, I put these thoughts out there. First; when health care reform and adjustment has been a major issue for decades, and continues to be a problem, why has this even been the first actual legislation passed of any kind? Second; since there are parts of this act that actually are beneficial to most people, and especially those with kids in higher education or facing very expensive health problems, why is there the baying of destruction of the entire bill by those against i
  2. So, can we claim mispronunciation when we hit our thumb with the hammer? Or do we just have a corner taken from our Hammer Swing'n Chit? Just asking.
  3. It appears, at least with Chrome on my computer, that the tool bar type links at the top do not work, but the ones to right in the red boxes do. Once you get to the page, the sub categories do not work, but the main page items appear to.
  4. Do have a question regarding the article stating they had the "first" female SPL. Not sure how that might happen, at least within normal bounds. If it is a crew, then the leader is a president. The crew would not be a part of the troop. I suppose they might have made a local decision to merge the two, so to speak, and have an overall group leader, or SPL. Back in the day, prior to coed of course, we had explorer patrols that operated separately from the main core of the troop, including being able to do both the explorer and scout advancement programs, but they were part of the troop
  5. Sort of like crowd control for the suffrage marches in the teens. The article notes the police refused to do it. Borderline, but a common thing back then in actuality.
  6. Once again; we might want to consider the Koshare groups in Colorado. If you read their history, it is obvious that they have worked very hard over the years to develop authentic dances and to cooperate with traditions of the tribes from whom they take dances. And, if a concern is brought to them by a "legitimate" tribal authority, they have respected it, and worked to either solve the problem, or discontinue that part of their routines.
  7. Great article; too bad no photos. But, there was also NO comments about the PC nonsense. That is to be lauded, as the story is about the unit.
  8. The comments about OA being fake and insulting to Native American culture are simply part of the PC mentality of today. Yes, there have been some poor renditions of ceremonies and regalia; yes, some scouts involved do not give it the seriousness one would hope; yes, there have been a few real faux pas's over the years that did not show the OA as particularly cognizant of Native American history and tradition; but more often, the efforts are well done, and regularly receive positive feedback from local tribe representatives. In our area, we have local Chumash leaders that on occasion particip
  9. Engineer: "Some of us have no interest in the outdoors." If that is the case, then why would they even consider the BSA? Whether or not it is as extensive as it once was, which really depends on the unit program, outdoors is still a major part of the program. Someone joining with no interest in nature and the outdoors makes no sense at all.
  10. Two thoughts, or questions to ponder. How much effect does the project have on the age of attainment? Remember, no projects were required until circa 1965; and initially, they were not quite as specific in regard to requirements. On the other hand; are adult Eagles, those that earned it as an adult when it was still allowed, factored into the data. Also, when you consider that you had to be 12 to join until the 40's, then the age difference is even wider. Still, much of it has to do with maturity I would have to agree. Kids are so over protected and under challenged by things tha
  11. Base'; I hear you. We are the only troop on the west end of our city, which once was the core, but is now the "poor" end of town. We have not had younger males available to do the proper outdoor program for 10 years; our parents are wonderful, but either no male in the home, or have things that make them unable to be involved except peripherally. Same goes for the cub pack that meets at our location. As such, we struggle to have a decent program in both units. And ours could be the next one of those about which Lisa speaks; we are very old, but we cannot draw the kids from the
  12. Take away access to questionable video games, TV hypnosis, and delusions that every kid can become a professional sports player of some type so they might be involved simple playing for the "fun" of it. In the hay-day of Scouting, Little League barely existed, and there were few other sports for youth. High school sports had restrictions on how much training could be required in the off season by schools, and of course TV and computers were pretty basic and a minor distraction. Kids also were encouraged to simply play outdoors, often until dark; then simply were called home, or went t
  13. Caleco; I think the difference may be that in the other instances, they were ordered released to the defense, but not publicly. Not sure, but seems to me this is the first "public" release order.
  14. Can anyone say "McMartin"? Why is it that we do not learn from such fiasco's? Now the "witch hunt" is to open to whomever might likely profit from it, mostly lawyers with questionable ethics. As pointed out; how many individuals who were never prosecuted for whatever reason held sway at the time of the accusation or suspicion will now be dragged through the mud? How many victims will be accosted by things they may have finally dealt with and moved on from? Redacting victims is only asking the "diggers" to find them by other methods; but they will search, that can be almost guaranteed.
  15. One of the aspects of this discussion seldom touched on is the reality of early pubertal children, especially boys. Having spent many hours in many schools as a sub for 14 years now, I have noted that kids in grades starting at about 3rd or 4th, but especially in middle or junior high levels, are almost manic about "gays being unacceptable". Boys are particularly obsessed with making sure people do not think they are gay, and also in their abhorrence of the idea. This observation contradicts the statements about acceptance, at least at this stage in development. As such, it is certai
  16. By the year 2015, all advancement can be completed on-line so scouts do not have to waste their time going to meetings and outings. That includes Eagle; but the candidate must upload a video, no longer than 5 minutes, of his project being accomplished and completed. Virtual camping will become the only camping requirement, though they can still count actual outdoor camping, as long as they document it with photos or video. All high adventure activities will also be interactively available.
  17. It appears I was not the only one that hit send a number of times without apparent results yesterday evening. Perhaps, if one has the time, a monitor might remove the duplicate entries in the various threads. Just a thought. Thanks.
  18. Sorry; already have the 100th anniversary ring or 2010 jambo one. No more changes.
  19. Like many of the newer tech options, Be A Scout is so obtuse in its design that many cannot figure it out, so just ignore it. It does not help that there is an almost unknown link in My Scouting to Be A Scout that allows unit personalization. Fixing the inefficiencies of many of the on-line programs and so on would go a long way in improving those areas for which they were implemented in the first place. All of us continue to get frustrated with the tech problems, and strange twists in the designs of many.
  20. BD; Not sure where you looked, but here is a fairly accurate list. A couple from the old AFL, and some from way back. Also three head coaches. At least one Hall of Fame. Deuce Lutui; Offensive Lineman; Arizona Cardinals. Played in two Super Bowls. John Beck; QB; Dolphins and Ravens Kirk Chambers; Offensive Tackle; Browns and Bills Austin Collie; Wide Receiver; Colts. Greg Lashutha; AFL Buffalo Bills; only one year, playing on practice teams. Scott Mitchell; QB; Dolphins, Baltimore, Detroit, and Cincinnati. Tom Mack; Offensive Guard; Los Angeles Rams. In Hall of Fame.
  21. Have to wonder if the coach, assuming he actually said that or something akin to it, is aware that two Eagle Scouts recently played in a Superbowl, one on each team. A little digging, probably in the same school, will likely dig up a number of scouts that also are starters on some team, or high level performers in other one on one competitions. I have had two water polo captains ( one who also was student body president at the same time while graduating 5th out of about 800 and getting a full academic scholarship), a number of CIF level wrestlers, though they eventually did quit due to their
  22. Am confused again. NOAC and Jamboree, are not troop events. Like any activity, if it is important to the scout, then he likely will find a way to fund it. But,the decision is that of each individual whether or not to participate in these types of events. Now, a council charging extra fees of some sort in order to approve that participation is flat wrong. And they should be brought up short as soon as possible. How that might be done can be discussed.
  23. Okay, doing some more search on the NEW form, as well as reviewing the on-line manual, I can find nothing in the either the FAQ's or the GSS regarding the first aid items. Also, interesting that the still available paper version does not have anything about that either. Also, it is obvious that they expect fewer to be filed, since it in not absolutely required for much of the normal activities anymore. Whether local councils will still require it for everything is doubtful, as they surely would prefer to have one less thing to deal with. May have found my own answer. I did not miss so
  24. Okay, I just played with filling an on-line plan with the newest link through National. Couple of things that caught me off guard. It asks for all the adults, both registered and not. Then it says the non-registered does not have a current Youth Protection. Are they saying we are going to have to try and get every adult that goes to take the on-line YP training? How does it show as taken if they do not have a registration number? I can live with asking the non-registered that participate to take the training; but the other is a mystery, since they will not be on file, unless they will ha
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