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bear dad

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bear dad last won the day on October 21 2015

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About bear dad

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  1. HI wanted to tell everyone that as of tonight, my son is a official Eagle Scout! He did a very good job thru the years and has made MOM and Dad very proud parents. Out hats off to him and what he has done. Now to the planning of the ECOH
  2. When I was a young owl, I really enjoyed Cooking MB. It is a shame that it isn't required for Eagle anymore. " this is coming back as a Eagle require MB believe starting 2013-2014? According to National
  3. Came across this, what do you think? unfair? http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/boy-scout-denied-eagle-award-coming-193454949.html
  4. We are starting a new pack and I was told that a new national requirement is 10 boys to start.Which is what we are doing now, not sure in your neck of the woods. DE told us that studies shown that with more boys the odds of folding is less, so they say.....
  5. What about MB consilors, maybe teaching a skill to ALL THE TROOP!
  6. Have any of you in the troop ever been to Grand Canyon on a summer camp or just a outing? Any advice, tips you can share? thanks
  7. bear dad

    is it okay

    Hi, Here is the question, have a business that approached our pack looking to donate the cost of a new PWD derby track for our unit. This company is looking for a tax right off, they said they had XX amount to spend or lose it. They would cover cost of track, but asked if we could put some type of sign, magentic or ??? that company donated track. This is what not sure of?? First I know about the solication rules, WE CAN'T!! This is a gift, donation to the pack, and was not, has not been solicated to them. They came to us. My question is this okay per BSA rules? Can't find anythin
  8. Well my son just crossed over , he joined the troop right before Christmas and they was off till this past week. from the moment he walked thru the doors he was on the SM to get the Scout badge stuff signed off. he recieved it this past Monday nite. he was very proud. Lot of the new scouts are working on Fire chit and totem chip as he is very excited about them. Already talking about MB classes. He has a lot of energy right, hope he kepts focus.
  9. Thanks for the kind replies. It was fun watching my son take pictures of me during the event, probably don't know what is all about, think he was proud of me standing in front of room full of people and getting a award. Now he is crosssing over tonight.
  10. Well the time has come and my son is crossing over this friday.He has been with the pack since he was a bear and now as he say's " moving to the bigger guys". What has touched me is how much fun he has had during these past years. He is eager to become a Eagle someday as that is his gold and wants to a be den chief also.Glad he got into scouts as he don't play sports as far as a team thing, and with scouts he has a chance to enjoy something he likes and shine while doing it. While the pack will miss him, this is what he has worked for and took time find a troop he really likes and spent
  11. The wait is finally over as I am getting beaded tonight. Looking back on the course at WB is was a lot of fun, met lots of good people and made new friends. Glad I went.
  12. The 10 essentials are a given, maybe a bandanna, muti uses for it. Extra socks,extra water if no water on trail. firestarters.Depending on where and when we go a little more in pack, as you know, something could go wrong even with planning.
  13. Stick to your guns. The only way learn sometimes is the hard way!. My wife is our kernel. she told everyone one it was at a given date and stuck to it. Found out if you give people till last minute, they will take it and more. Unless people are willing to step-up and do it , walk a mile in shoes they don't know what is involved. Sad for the boy, but a deadline is a deadline!
  14. We did our 1st show and sale at a local home improvement center. I asked way in adavance to see if if we could do one and if they had any other units for this date and time. Answer no we had the okay. call a couple days prior to sale to double check, still everything fine. We get there very early and start selling about 2hrs into and near the end, and local troop pulls up and starts saying to us this was there spot for last 3 years and they was going to talk to manager, told go right ahead they said we could be there. Manager came out talk to me and was polite and said they double bo
  15. Thanks but if you look at the info it also states at the top, The Arrow of Light Award is worn centered below the pocket of the tan shirt or centered at the top of the pocket flap of the navy blue or tan shirt. which is why i have been told both.
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