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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. While National has been very poor in their response to this, and not proactive, the files themselves are not nearly as bad as the media portrays. Even the ones they cherry picked had comments about family reservations or local officials outside of scouting choosing to sweep it under the carpet. Then you read the ones where actual prosecution occurred, and the individuals were put on probation for most of the sentence. Especially before the era of fast and more efficient computers, the scouts response was often pretty good. There is enough blame to go around in the small amount of mat
  2. In our council you cannot return any chocolate product, period, and only full cases otherwise at the time Take orders are placed. Our council at least has been badly burned by Trails End not accepting returns, so the council has to be careful to not get stuck with huge surpluses. Of course, it does not help when some unit, as happened in the past, ordered way too much product for store front sales, then returned 50% or more. Your best bet, at least here, is to look at the size of your selling group and who will actually participate, then look at last year, and order conservatively up
  3. Yep; to that I would certainly agree. It is odd, particularly since the info on-line regarding her issues with the city are pure legalese, though could have been done by her husband who supposedly is a book publisher and connected, at one anyway, to a law firm. Who knows. Just another example of our egocentric society.
  4. Yep, definitely a gadfly of some sort. Could not help myself, I Googled her. Has sued the city of Buena Park regarding zoning issues and accused them of racial prejudice. List herself as a Peace Advocate for occupation and claims to have been educated at Carnegi Mellon and Harvard, as well as worked for various branches of military support in the government. Guess I just will never understand some individual's reasoning, or lack of it.
  5. Even if the info in the alleged firefighter's letter is accurate, it would likely only garner an award of merit of some sort. Of course, the rest of the petition is so disjointed and meandering, that it makes very little sense to me. Even those on that site are not really responding to it, as it has very few signatures even after weeks. Something is odd; possibly just another publicity stunt or attempt to embarrass Scouting.
  6. Youth protection conference hosted by BSA. http://news.yahoo.com/apnewsbreak-boy-scouts-host-anti-abuse-forum-183117154.html
  7. http://www.kwqc.com/story/19907647/president-buys-boy-scout-popcorn-from-davenport-boy#.UJAjwEqq7Sw.twitter Oh my; the President who "hates" the Boy Scouts purchases popcorn. "The sky is falling!"
  8. From Nelson Block's short biography on Green Bar Bill. Our current pro's might take note, as well as ourselves. "Throughout his work with the national office, Bill maintained his dogged effort to see that material was thoroughly researched, well-organized and invitingly presented. Boys and leaders must be taught Scoutcraft that worked. The national staff must set an example in living up to the standards they proposed others live by. Those who did not measure up were in for a discussion with Bill. Even if it was the Chief Scout Executive." http://www.trussel.com/prehist/crump/hillcou
  9. Nice job; I will keep this on file for my own use if okay, since I also counsel it. Just a suggestion of additional important figures to add, along with links of use. It is likely that without Robinson, the first group would have been less successful and might very well have failed, as Robinson was responsible for landing West. Of course we all know about Hillcourt and I still do not believe they left him off the list to start with. Edgar M. Robinson: Part of initial founders group and instrumental in establishing the successful committee. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar
  10. The Scripp's "Trail of Betrayal" series began in Sundays local paper; so far almost 7 full pages of stuff. While they definitely are noting local officials sometimes not charging someone, and also the lightness of sentences in some cases, I find it sad that they continue to put the blame completely on BSA in their statements. I will wait to make further comment until the whole series is complete in a day or two. On day one, there was a quarter page insert of local cases; and they all were handled properly it appears, including a number with long prison terms. I knew two of them perso
  11. I just read the short notice, not really an article, about this. It continues to confound me that a few on here are so over the top against the program. We have a new unit in our district area, and it has a wide base of religious beliefs within the families. Other than actually having the belief in God element, they are not pushing any particular religion. Most interesting to me was the note that they have membership in other countries, including India. Now, I realize someone here will say that is a tool to proselytize; but maybe it is simply an offering for a worthwhile alternative femal
  12. OGE; not sure Shirley Booth was ever "hot".
  13. As for the continued bandying of "public money statements", you will find if you actually look that in the large majority of the cases the government entity is getting free maintenance of property and much of the time improvements that pass to it should the BSA use lapse. That was the reason the court sided with BSA in Philly, even with all the PC screaming. Same should occur should the San Diego case ever be resolved. The city has gotten far more benefit than they would be receiving should it be in city hands, especially in the current economic atmosphere. Military facilities aid groups o
  14. Just hope that here, on this forum, we have "equal" representation. If not, then it is turned into a biased political canvas. You can choose to not read them, but it is hard to ignore them.
  15. Surprised that noone has noted that there did not appear to be any discussion of the duty to God element on the Ellen Show. Of course, since I did not see the social media stuff, I cannot say anything; but if it was as questionable as some have said, that would certainly give me cause for concern if I was to know about it on a board, as it points at overall character. Too often young people, especially ones who already have issues, tend to make things worse for themselves by pushing limits to the breaking and trying to somehow become more accepted by risky activities and statements. It
  16. Read this to get another perspective on these issues. http://3dblogger.typepad.com/wired_state/2012/10/why-i-dont-support-gay-eagle-scout-ryan-andresens-tactics.html
  17. There was a time, prior to WWII, that some religious CO's discouraged young unmarried men from leadership. But, that has not been the case for a very long time; and I do not believe it ever was a National ban. Have to go way back in materials to see.
  18. We have/had home schooled scouts, and also ones in private schools. Overall, the HS ones seem to be a bit more polite and attentive, as well as appear to be ahead of their peers in many subjects. However, a few have/had serious social barriers because of little intermixing with peers. This is somewhat mitigated today by HS groups that meet once or twice a week for interactive functions and parental sharing. However, some parents will not participate in these groups, and it generally shows in the child's social contacts. The other issue with a few of the kids in HS is the parental inab
  19. Is it pie time?? Make mine gooseberry.
  20. Sentinel just reinforces the observations I have posted before about the subject in middle school and higher elementary grades, especially among the boys. There seems to often be a disconnect with the difference between toleration and acceptance. It should be interesting to see how the projections of the younger generation changing the dynamic goes as they get older. Many of us have found ourselves discarding things about which we had strong opinions as youth, in favor of more middle of the road attitudes. Thanks Sentinel for pointing out your observation, even though the strident fe
  21. Maybe not in this country as yet (though some might wish it so), the Boy Scout Handbook, or its equivalent in other Scouting orgs.
  22. While it is true almost anyone can read a story, it is also true that some read stories much better than others. Understanding the reason for punctuation, using proper intonation where needed, and using hand, along with facial expressions as needed to fit the story are things fewer use to advantage. As far as age goes, all ages appreciate a good story read or even recorded. All you have to do is watch kids if they are exposed to either old radio programs such as The Shadow, or more current material from recordings or today's radio stations. Personally, I feel story listening and readin
  23. Lisa: Short and succinct; that "should" be the final word here.
  24. Never been a minimum for a sash as far as I know, other than looking a bit odd with only one or two. But with today's mostly short sleeves, wearing them on the sleeve is uncommon.
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