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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. Moderators; please consider moving this to its appropriate forum. It really should be in the Politics and Issues.
  2. "Does Scouting give any educational guidance in abuse issues to either the Scouts or the Parents?" Not sure how anyone could have been on these forums for more than a year, and who supposedly is involved in the program, could even ask this question.
  3. Two factors related to this that I perceive are that the most common ages for leaders that are also parents is between 30 and 50 or so. As kids, they were in the downside of the failed experiments of the 70's, plus the backlash against anything remotely smelling of military connection. So, many did not receive the best scouting programs, or suffered from the stigma, so to speak, if they were scouts. Many opted simply to not be involved, or their parents chose to not allow them to do so. Of course, today, there appears to be a shadow of the "parenting overload" showing up. Many of the
  4. Fred8033; The way things are in our local schools now, shop classes are almost gone. So, maybe these kind of badges could be more popular again. Learning a trade could be very useful, as we have far too few in the basic ones now. And, lets be truthful; they make good incomes if they are just able to do it; and if they are really good, they can almost name their price in some fields.
  5. Calico; Was no Perry Como either; and I would agree that is a mistake too. But, it was a list most likely made by people 2 or 3 decades younger than us. Bing being on top though, is right I think. Yah, I finally got my first cell June, 2010 when I was preparing to go to the Jambo. Have no text keyboard, so rarely text. Go days without using it, and sometimes simply forget I have it. But, it is good for emergencies, especially on the road. Been good for an occasional scout to parent contact too, which likely shortened wait times coming back. Also was good to have at camp this
  6. So, just for fun, what Christmas or holiday songs or singers make it seem like the season to you? KLOS this morning ran a top ten list of songs by particular artists which was somewhat surprising, though number one was not. It was of course, Bing Crosby and "White Christmas"; and Nat King Cole's "Chestnuts Roasting" (cannot remember the actual title) was there as well. Andy Williams was not, which came as a bit of surprise to them, and frankly, to me. I grew up with the Bing Crosby Christmas music, as well as Nat, Gene Autry (Rudolph), and traditional carols. But also enjoyed some lat
  7. http://realestate.aol.com/blog/2011/12/07/tennessee-home-burns-as-firefighters-watch/?ncid=webmail3 Here is an extreme example of what could happen if our community governments are either politically resistant, or simply broke. Is it right; some here seem to lean that way, based on their comments about health care and indigent people.
  8. Part of the maturity issue is directly related to our not allowing them to grow up normally anymore, the exact thing that the recent article talks about. There was a time in this country where by 16 you often were already raising a family and working your land, or in a mill, or some other type of gainful employment. While I understand that many "experts" today say that the adolescent brain is not fully developed until the late teens to early twenties, I sometimes wonder if that was always the case. Is it possible, that by NOT allowing kids to challenge themselves as much as was common a hun
  9. I was subbing in an eight grade history class last week, and they were on the ratification of the constitution, which included the conflicts of opinion between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. One of the book's bullet points was that Anti-Federalists were concerned about too much power in the central government, and also about a leadership group that would simply become another aristocratic group. I could not help but think about the arguments going on today about Federal versus States' rights. But I also had to think that the Anti-Federalists' fears may have occurred, based on the
  10. http://www.bostonmagazine.com/articles/the_age_of_overparenting/
  11. Are not unemployment taxes a state item? If so, then please connect the dots for me.
  12. Is currently a series of things about the Waltons TV show on the net, and also the Today show earlier this morning. The 40th anniversary of the original movie, and 30th anniversary of the show ending. Most of the cast was on the show this morning, and is now on tape on the net. It is interesting to read the comments of fans, obviously positive; but they also appear to indicate how many people perhaps miss the seemingly simpler life then, even in tough times. That there are quite a few younger people that are fans I find surprising. Really not scouting related, other than the ideal
  13. Do people know what socialism IS? NO! Beavah, you are so cynical; how can you say such a thing? Oh, because it is true!
  14. Our council carries them, but it is optional. Have to make sure the mail popcorn commissions every year; they only do it if you tell them to. Not really comfortable with the council having control of money for our unit, as they are always running on the edge financially. So, we have opted out so far. Think it may be a viable option for larger units, especially cubs, where they have a lot of supply needs. We are so small that we seldom spend more than $30 or so on awards, other than right after summer camp.
  15. You know, it is sad the negativity of a small group of regular posters on the boards. If everything in the program is either already going to pot, is likely to do so with National direction, or is over priced and hyped, then why are you involved at all? If the attitude expressed on here is what it seems, you should not be a leader anyway, in my opinion; and I would not expose my youth to you. Think about this, please, before your biases and fears rub off on the youth and other adults with whom you come in contact. JMHO
  16. So, what IS NOT covered by the Outdoor Code? Why do we need to continue to add more verbal approaches to things with which we already have dealt? Here it is, in case some have forgotten. LNT is nothing more than an expansion of part of this. The Outdoor Code: As an American, I will do my best to Be clean in my outdoor manners Be careful with fire Be considerate in the outdoors Be conservation-minded Be clean in my outdoor manners I will treat the outdoors as a heritage. I will take care of it for myself and others. I will keep my trash and garbage out of
  17. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Boy-Scouts-Classic-Raquel-Welch-Scout-Uniform-Fox-Patrol-Patch-PRINT-/260899605088?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cbed40a60 This is on eBay right now. Maybe this could be used as a recruitment aid?
  18. When Reagan was shot, I had just gotten in my car to go find a place for lunch, and the news was broadcast. I simply had that sinking feeling in my stomach, thinking "not again". Pretty much ruined my lunch. I cannot help but wonder how what affect these series of events had on my views today. I was not sure about my feelings about President Reagan at the time, but the idea that another president was attacked, in the United States, really hurt somehow, emotionally. The idea that our "free society", where everyone had a right to their opinions could allow this to happen was difficult to un
  19. There is a place for the Venture patrol in many troops. But, National could look back again at how the old Explorer patrols worked in the 50's. Other than the lack of coed involvement, they were able to often work on a viable level, while still being part of the larger troop unit. But, they were allowed to earn Explorer awards, even though they were only patrols. Their greater challenge opportunities often worked to an advantage, reenforcing many primary skills for use within the troop structure, while extending the depth of knowledge in broader related areas. One rating was about like ea
  20. Honestly, the assassination was more traumatic for me as college freshman, than 9/11 was as a late middle aged adult. When you added on the killings of Robert Kennedy and MLK a few years later, my once optimistic outlook on what could be was destroyed. Ever since I have been a bit of cynic and, as the name implies, a bit skeptical about most things on a political level.
  21. But it says dismissed, not settled. Does that not mean the case was simply determined without merit, or not good enough for trial, since jury was requested?
  22. Not really understanding legal jargon, I am confused by your statement about settlement. Doesn't it say it is dismissed with prejudice, then finally dismissed and closed?
  23. Boy Tahawk; you must be the oldest scouter here! You scouted in 1916? Wow!
  24. "I can tell you here in the PNW the hiking community doesn't have a favorable view of the Scouts. go to nwhikers.net and search for boy scouts. it isn't pretty, and a lot of it is just what basement is talking about. if you register to post, I wouldn't admit that you are affiliated." Just out of curiosity I went to the noted link, and it took me forever to find anything about scouts. I finally found a thread about noise in the back country that made some complaints. But, by and large, there were very few really bad comments I could find. Even in the noise thread, most people noted tha
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