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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. Pack; read the first entry, and it will all clear up, hopefully.
  2. Find it odd that after twelve years of this issue, the possible final resolution brings barely a nod. At least common sense appears to have won out this time.
  3. Well, we took cubs and scouts to an assisted living place on Friday evening, and I wore my other Santa hat, the one with pins on it with seasonal quotes, including "Jesus is the Reason for the Season", and we sang both secular and religious songs, and I read the poem. No complaints, just lots of smiles and some following along. "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!"
  4. Assuming they do not drag this any further, the question arises as to whether the ACLU will now have to return the settlement paid by the city to get removed from the suit?
  5. Your point with your quote? This was the statement as to why the lawsuit was brought; and the court ruled otherwise. So, why are you posting this?
  6. Ninth Circuit finally gets it right. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-boy-scouts-20121221,0,2116614.story
  7. FScouter; apparently the NRA agrees with you to some extent. See their AM announcement. "ALL" issues could be solved by only one ban; "IGNORANCE".
  8. While the program is simply a major element in my own life, it still has to take a back seat to personal issues at times. As a senior scouter with no skin in the game other than my own interests, I have more time. But, I try to make my scouts' families understand that the troop is not the first priority; simply let me know if there are other responsibilities and so on so we can plan appropriately. Basically, it is family, school, possibly church, then scouting; and sometimes seasonal sports before the unit. I expect a scout to keep average or better grades, especially if going for the high
  9. http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2012/12/20/bsa-chief-visits-newtown-presents-spirit-of-the-eagle-award-to-tiger-cubs-parents/
  10. In 1960 we had the then young and very attractive Lennon Sisters, and 13 year old Brenda Lee who had just had her big hit, "I'm Sorry". So, headliners were found back then too.
  11. I subbed yesterday in a fourth grade class for part of the day. When checking in, I casually mentioned I had remembered to bring my Santa hat and a favorite copy of THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS to read if time was available. They informed me that I could not wear the hat, and only read the story to myself; NO holiday clothing or allusions are allowed. I have a white beard, and every year at this season some children ask if I am connected to Santa in some manner. The older ones are just trying to be funny, but the younger ones often are serious. Had one of the class girls ask me twice if
  12. It is all because those of us from earlier days were allowed to play cowboys and indians, have cap guns, and watch those horribly violent B movies with Tom Mix and Hoppy. So some pass it on to their children and grandchildren who add the influence of video games.
  13. Any average family, even in California, should be able to live on 100K per year comfortably. But they would have to actually budget and live within their means, rather than their wants. There lies the biggest problem with too many families. You do not need a new car regularly, and leasing them is a waste since for the same cost you can own it outright within 4 to 5 years, then drive it another 8 to 10 or even more. Am almost seventy, and have only had 5 cars, all of which were owned. Also have driven economy level for 40 years. Never saw the need to buy things I could not really afford;
  14. One perspective on this thread. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151195531403915
  15. Vote by mail, and it takes me no time at the polls at all, unless I simply drop the mail ballot on the day of the election, which you can do. Then it is simply hand it to a worker who checks it for security and makes sure it is in the box. No reason it cannot be done by most. And we do not have long lines of those who choose to vote directly either. I am more concerned about the national news making projections before the polls even close on the West coast, as it can easily discourage people from voting and then affects local races and issues negatively. No National results shou
  16. "The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." Benjamin Franklin
  17. Have to admit that I am on the same page as the regular National basher's on this one. It is so obviously a poor decision and format, but whomever is in charge simply is not too bright. JMHO of course.
  18. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/06/mormon-church-calls-for-more-compassion-towards-gays-homosexuality-not-a-choice_n_2252874.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmaing5%7Cdl1%7Csec3_lnk1%26pLid%3D242336 Now this may be the final key to BSA making a more even handed, rational approach on the issue. Will be interesting to see what happens.
  19. http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news%2Flocal&id=8901494
  20. Pack; I perceive a possible hint that a broader based education is still important, even though it seems to have been pushed aside in favor of narrow focus. This would be especially true in high school from what I see. The integration of writing, grammar, familiarity with basic philosophy and the arts, geography beyond simple political location with math and science is critical. And, while there is a lot of talk about the need for more scientific education, it certainly is not promoted very highly in elementary and middle school due to the focus on teaching to the test(s). Locally, we
  21. Re the Gay comment; thank the biographers who try to fit a different cultural standard into modern day ideas. BP was raised in a totally different environment than most can really understand, one where his way of life was fairly common. That was all male schools, an all male career, and finally, late marriage due to the Empire and its unsettled maintenance by the military and related British civil servants. Teal, at least touches on that reality and simply asks if their might have been a closeted leaning. But, his descendants are part of the British Scouting group, so that reflects on the
  22. Somehow I do not see B.P. accepting this, based on his numerous spirituality related comments in his writing. At some point, and this is it for me, the program is no longer Scouting. You can have all kinds of hybrids, but the real program is not the same without God or some form of spirituality and belief in something greater than ourselves. JMO of course.
  23. "How many scout scholarships are there?" Quite a few, though the majority are for those completing Eagle. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/sitecore/content/Scouting/About/FactSheets/scholarships.aspx Remember to copy the "whole" address.
  24. Not sure where you get your details on the camps Merlyn; but Balboa swimming pool is open period at certain times, just like all public access pools. Balboa only books part of the property during "part" of the summer for scouting activities. The pool, many of the meeting areas, and even some of the trails are open even when cubs are using the actual camp sites. Fiesta Island has a Scout specific camp during most of the summer; but since they were asked to build it by the other using groups, they also get first summer usage. Remember, they maintain it and furnish all the facility equi
  25. Okay Merlyn: Let's start with the really early one, the Randall's, twin cubs in Orange County back in the 90's. The father, a lawyer, sued the BSA because they were atheists. Interesting that one of the of them was quoted attributing nature to "Mother Nature", when asked how he accounted for it. Hmmmmm; dad did not get to monitor his thought process that time. They lost by the way, eventually, though the father pushed it until they were turned down for Eagle. How about the ongoing San Diego camp suits? Those "adults" claim their kids are not able to use the camps because they are ad
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