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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. While there might be a few unfortunate units whose adult leadership overreacts to a kid still searching his way in life, almost always, the real issue is the result of parents and other adults thinking using the kids as pawns for their own agenda is okay. Certainly, most leaders would not "kick a kid out" for legitimate personal searching, especially those that are younger. The average kid will not "personally" be bringing these issues up until after 14 or 15. At that point, it may need to become a point of discussion with unit leaders. But, if the choice is made at that point, then
  2. You have just answered a question for me. I have one scout with that issue; I just noticed that it is not showing on his advancement report anymore. Yes, this is simply really a poor response, and also confusing. If leadership changes, or records on the unit or council levels are inadequate, it can really be a problem come time for Eagle record verification with the minimal merit badges, especially if a scout earned more than one. If someone from National actually monitors this, you should move on this to fix it the "right way.
  3. Much of what the scout does reflects from the family interactions. Over the years I have had a fairly substantial number of scouts that always have a book, or sometimes more than one, with them on outings and at summer camp. On occasion, they have had to be asked to please put it away while we did an activity; and it is rather nice to see a boy leaning on a tree in the woods reading. What has often been the case in that regard in the families is that TV was either not allowed (in a few cases) or drastically monitored; same with computer related things as the age has developed. Most did not
  4. Basement; I do not live where you do, nor know your kids, but the idea you do not see any athletes or such is nonsense. We have had many scouts in those positions in our area over the years. One year, one of my Eagles graduated 4th in his class and got a full academic scholarship to NAU. But he also was student body president and captain of the water polo team. Have had other similar situations with scouts in other units throughout our council. Then of course you can find numerous Eagle Scouts who are successful athletes in colleges, and even a few making it in the pro's. We simply n
  5. Interesting Packsaddle; what response would there be if there was some connection to Scouting or the Catholic Church?
  6. Well, the ignore list does not work anyway, as is obvious with this. Noted that two others I put there are also regularly appearing to me; so guess it has a problem. My issue here is that the comments are vicious and dripping with very non scouting attitude. Some of his comments, if you can get past the vitriol, are reality; I have not denied that. But, even if something positive or possibly a move in the right direction occurs, he is negative. So, it is the "black cloud" attitude and extreme comments that I find make his contributions less than believable. But, as noted, app
  7. Unfortunately, what is in play with BadenP has little to do with most issues in reality. It is rather his very large personal problem with any element of the professional BSA organization. It is really just sad to me that he feels such animosity towards them. But the extreme comments and constant negativity is beyond the pale, and reflects more poorly on him than on the targets of his venom. Again, as I have said before, I just hope this attitude is not displayed in front of the kids and scouting families. He is now being placed on my blocked list, as I simply do not feel he will chan
  8. Nothing is absolutely black or white; but some are more one than the other. Some issues tend to shade more one direction than the other; but often it is the definition or interpretation that matters. A big difference between a pat on the butt, or in the face attention getting and physically harmful hitting or shaking someone in anger. Few of us were beat as kids; but many of us had our attention focused by a swat on the butt or a stern lecture with hands on shoulders and face to face. This particular issue shades strongly towards non-physical interactions; but there are times w
  9. It is your district event, and you can do what you want in regard to recognition's. Whatever it takes to get participation should be considered. Nothing wrong with a few special awards or certificates, especially if people have sort of been left hanging for a couple of years. The council cannot dictate to you what you do; they are not paying or running it.
  10. Beavah; Like most of your requirements, but would be a bit more realistic in the number of camping days, but no fewer than 15 certainly. Also would replace the 50 miler with a week as a provisional or actual leader at summer camp with an average size troop; or spend a week on staff in an actual hands on, face to face with scouts daily, camp position for either Cub camp (two sessions) or Boy Scouts. The camp would have to be different every year, and in a different region. Also would serve a "hands on" position at a Camporee or similar event each year, actually camping and running an eve
  11. Perhaps the idea that not everything is a conspiracy, and that some information should not necessarily be publicly released in regard to National security should be made known to Fox and a few of our noble legislators. Nahhhh!
  12. The great danger in republics is that the majority will not respect the rights of minority. - James Madison Today, in many of these controversies, it is the opposite. But the PC crowd tends to have the vocal media and self important public figures on their podium. Just an observation.(This message has been edited by skeptic) (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  13. http://articles.southbendtribune.com/2012-04-25/news/31402658_1_eagle-scout-lasalle-council-algonquian-district
  14. While the subject of the meeting requested is important and should not be tolerated, the annual renewal specifically relates to the Institutional Head, not the COR. Certainly the charter renewal meeting might very well include discussion of the other issue; but the main point is that it is the IH that is the signatory on the Charter Agreement, along with the District Executive (not commissioner). The COR should absolutely go to the council chief executive, and if necessary higher in regard to the other issue, given it is not something petty and without real merit.
  15. Changing within the unique unit should be nothing more than putting the change into the records on Scoutnet, something possible from the unit person in charge. My understanding is that you can actually do this at recharter, simply changing their position codes on the data sheets. But, they do not have a way to do it in a similar manner during the non registration periods. I could be misunderstanding of course; but it seems I did this myself a year ago for one of my adults. Had to wait for recharter time to do it without a new application. Also just discovered we apparently cannot be r
  16. There is a related problem with Eagle identifications. Having reviewed records in depth, due to research on our troop history, I discovered that there is a number assigned to the Eagle, apparently on completion at National. Then, if the Eagle becomes a member of NESA, they too assign a number. So, council Eagle records very often show the same person under two different numbers, and on rare occasions even more if reregistration to NESA was done using a variant on the name, or inconsistent Eagle or council data. I personally am shown twice due to this problem. In regard to that, there
  17. And of course our most astute and accurate news site is on it. I periodically sign in there to see what their latest is, and caught Hannity making a big deal about this. Of course they are also baying about the generals, suggesting 100% districts in Philly are likely fraud, and demanding special prosecutor for Libya, while suggesting once again impeachment. It has been a whole week since the election. They never seem to see how ridiculous they sound half the time. And, if they actually have someone try and voice something reasonable, they almost never are allowed to finish a statement
  18. I would probably put something like "tu" or "tew" or something denoting the spelling sounds, and it would use quotation marks of other set off indicators. Same could be done with other words.
  19. It has been less than a week since the election, and already we have stuff all over the net and even in local papers' letters about how awful the results are and how the country is going to implode because of it. Then we have idiot business owners and so on spouting off how they are now going to lay people off because the ACA is so unfair and will kill their profits; or they are going to make all employees part time. Of course, many of these same people would never reduce their own incomes, even though most are drawing far more than most regular employed people make. Somehow they feel
  20. California has a lot of issues, as most know. But, one good thing that has come out of our propositions is term limits and a relatively unbiased district boundary process. Also, as someone pointed out, the two highest vote recipients in spring primaries run, even if from the same party. Also, the governor and lieutenant governor are elected separately which allows opposite parties at times. In regard to choosing the president, I would like to either see popular vote be the only factor, or if the electoral college is to stay in place, then ALL states would have their votes earned by pop
  21. OGE; I feel a bit sheepish in that I should have noted that these observations are not limited to these forums. It is even worse on Facebook, especially with the use of text talk in many of the postings. It is heck being old and a frustrated poet.
  22. For over a year now I have been noting the carelessness of mis-typing or simply, heaven forbid, not understanding the difference between "lose" and "loose". So, today I lost it and decided to "loose" my frustration here. "loose lips sink ships"; not "lose" lips sink ships, though I guess if your lips were "loose" you might "lose" a ship or two. The football game was lost because of a "loose" defense; if we knew how to tackle, maybe we would not "lose" so many games. If you "lose" your temper, then you "loose" bad vibes on those around you. Hopefully "loose" comments will n
  23. Am not certain what has changed, at least for me. I have had access to these things for a while now. Did not realize as SM I might have more on-line advantages. Maybe that is why some leaders have looked at me as crazy when I commented about doing advancement or checking rosters. Slowly it evolves.
  24. Yesterday I had seven scouts and three adults, including myself, helping in a Forest Service related cleanup of a closed shooting site. It was sponsored by one of the local area forest support volunteer groups. My experience with these groups is that they tend toward what would be considered "liberal" by many, so likely could project negativeness towards BSA based on media issues. There was not one negative comment from any of them. Rather, they were all thrilled to have our help, and especially appreciated the kids, even commenting on their enthusiasm on finding strange things, as wel
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