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Everything posted by local1400

  1. Its Me-- you can't compare leaders of two different programs. As far as the Scoutmaster who has "boring campouts and meetings", it should've been the boys running the program, THEIR program. You sometimes have to let them fail, learn from their mistakes, so long as you are right there to teach them the correct way to do things. Maybe this is getting off topic a little (but then again, what thread doesn't?), but I don't see the need to attend WB when I have many years of actual Scouting experience in a boy-run troop to draw from.
  2. Congratulations! I came from a troop that will blow out 98 candles next April. Continuous charter since 1912! I love to hear about successful old troops. Does National or anyone have a listing of the oldest troops in the country?
  3. I am not and don't plan to be WB trained. My perceptions of WBers was burned into my brain 21 years ago, and it won't change. I do however think the training emphasis should be placed on the Scouts, and not every adult in the troop. After all, aren't we preparing boys?
  4. It is great the PLC is taking charge and planning. That tells me the system is working like it should. But what do you do with the boys who want to camp instead of watch cars going in circles? Is the unit big enough to engage in two functions separately and simultaneously? It is possible, and I have seen it done before, that the troop splits into patrols for different events!
  5. Let them have at it. See how long it takes to cook about 45 meals on an open fire. Then at the next meeting, you have your "lesson learned" session. But why oh why are all 45 people eating the same meal? Where is the patrol method? Not everyone in the troop needs to eat the same meals. That is when you find out which patrols have really done their homework, have carefully planned for hearty meals. Remember, it is winter, you need extra food. But pick up a Scout handbook or Fieldbook and see how eating is done in the patrol method please. Oh, BTW, since you got to let the boys go with their pla
  6. You can never have too much toilet paper.
  7. Hold a play. Many aspects of a theatrical production can also be used for Merit Badge requirements.
  8. I tried the link, but the page was not found. Welcome InHonorOf. Please tell us more about this Scout!
  9. Unless you are in Hawaii, maybe January weather is keeping back some attendees? You could try holding next years event when it is warmer out (Yah I know, only so many open weekend dates). 250 isn't a bad number though, more than some lodges have total!
  10. Many Lodges have by-laws that prohibit the wearing of flaps if you are not currently registered. Yes, Sash abuse is also fairly common. I wear mine ONLY at OA events (and NOT at COH's). No one from the lodge will actually come beat down ones door over this situation, but you could remind your friend about the service aspect of the OA as well as the obligation he spoke when he earned his membership. You could encourage him to get back involved. OA is not an award, it is an honor.
  11. Joni4TA: Since funds are dry, have you considered a Troop held JLT? You could make a weekend training event for your youth leaders right at your favorite campsite without the distraction of the entire unit camping. There are plenty of resource materials available. I like some of the old 70's PL/SPL/TL handbooks, but todays stuff is good too. Set up a course of study that covers everything Scout related. And lots of team-building game breaks too.
  12. I love smokers. In some states they pay 2 to 4 bucks a pack in tax. If there were no smokers anymore, WE will need to make that up in , oh, GAS TAX. Or something.
  13. As the nights dip into the 20's I wish I was an oil company exec.
  14. Gold Winger, I don't think you'll ever see the end of Strips and Flaps. $$$ for council. I too wish I still had a 70's green Scout shirt, but I can't find one in 2X. I am still holding onto my community strips in the event I ever find one. I also have community strip for msnowmans town (or at least the big mill town I think she lives in).
  15. Yah Blue, my district has only about 12 troops in it. And we could drive over an hour from one end of district to end.
  16. How about Beekeeping, Bookbinding, Consumer Buying, Farm and Ranch Management, Food System, General Science, Masonry, Rabbit Raising, and Signaling. All replaced within the last 20 years. Also Firemanship changed to Fire Safety.
  17. Gunny, thank you for serving our country. And thank you to Gonzo, John in KC, and all our other Scouters here who have served (and still serve again with the BSA!).
  18. Thinking about Lisabobs dilemma about whether to buy Juniorbob a new uniform now or to hold off until the "new" uniforms come out got me to wondering. Will you be the first kid on your block to sport the new uniform (IF and when it comes), or will you be content like me to continue on in the current shirt until replacement is absolutely necessary? How about a little survey friends?
  19. Back in the 80's the Katahdin Area Council held Winterama's at the now-closed Loring AFB, in Limestone, ME. One year my troop went up but I had the flu. I was cheated out of "flying" the B-52 simulators and I am still traumatized to this day.
  20. Excellent GWD! BTW, how is your health holding up?
  21. I have heard of it but have not subscribed--yet. It is available for subscription through the Lawrence Lee Scouting Museum, Daniel Webster Council, N.H. They also have back issues for sale at the museum.
  22. No amount of sugar can mask that bitter Starbucks coffee. Luckily, we have very few in this region. When gas is $3.05 and rising, who can afford $3.05 for a cup of coffee?
  23. Pack, hey buddy, that sounds like a pretty tough neighborhood there you live in. Maybe you should look for some new friends.
  24. I will publicly apologize to Ed (and Merlyn) over my previous post. They are not the same person, but rather, separated at birth. (Sorry again, I could not help it). But seriously, the bickering should end. Our days are numbered my brethren. Mark 13:35-37.
  25. I just checked their website and it says Camp Sinoquipe is in Fort Littleton, Fulton County, PA. They have a camp promo video to watch. Sometimes things so familiar are changed with the passage of time.
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