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Everything posted by local1400

  1. Search "Chief Neckerchief". I've seen that name in several recent threads. Too bad the boys couldn't make their own as a troop project or maybe(?) part of the Textile MB??????
  2. Thanks for the photos Many. Imagine, everyone wearing neckerchiefs. Show them to your home troop Scouter friends.
  3. I was a Trading Post manager back in 1990. I don't believe we carried knives. That is a fairly big-ticket item to have sitting on your shelf and counting every week. Most kids who come to camp already have them. A good knife is what, 30 plus bucks? That's a lot of money for a kid to spend on one item. This camp needs to change it's policy and the troop and parents need to know the rules expected of them before camp.
  4. My pink shoes go great with my Scout socks and switchfronts.
  5. scoutldr--No more Beekeeping. You have to buy honey now.
  6. G1, from this and previous thread on this Mom, it sounds like it is good she wasn't born 200 years ago. Imagine the indignity of doing ones business without the luxury of a bidet! I am surprised the human race is not extinct (yet, it is coming) due to impacted backsides and the toxicicity that comes with it!
  7. Railroading could be done in 3 days, Pets (if you have had one for 4 months), Wilderness Survival (3 days tops), Soil and Water Conservation (1 week tops). Good luck Meamemg, congratulations, now get to work Scout! You are too close to be a Life for life like me!
  8. I like Gatlinburg. Specifically, the BIG 24oz. Porterhouse at The Alamo restaurant. Good bread too.
  9. I will be buried in mine. It is the cleanest thing I own.
  10. Thanks for the article Brent. I only wish she had included more facts and figures for all to enjoy. Like, the number of teens killed in drunk driving accidents, drug overdoses, gang-fighting, or how about teen pregnancy numbers, drop-out rates, arrested youth, and on and on. The number of Scout deaths, while tragic, are not that high. EDITED PART: I almost forgot, ban golf and we could save hundreds from lightning strikes and heart attacks each year.(This message has been edited by local1400)
  11. But what about the goofy announcements OGE? Edited part: Where oh where can I buy some of those beautiful neckerchiefs?(This message has been edited by local1400)
  12. If the knee length socks are a concern, they have different lengths. I have worn Thor-lo brand socks for years and am glad the BSA now has them. Yeah, 15 bucks, but these things will last you 5 years or more with proper care. Plus, there are the ankle socks which feel good and go great with my mocs.
  13. Yeah, I'm with Stosh on GS cookies. I will still buy them but I have never had a GS knock on my door. As for 98acm, I think the 9/11 attacks WERE staged but have no opinion on moon landings as I was born in 1970, so I can't really be persuaded either way. If the leaders don't wear uniforms, then kids won't, then where are we then? A Scout is brave. Wear your uniform man.
  14. It is too bad S had to be expelled. "Single Mom and Dad is not involved." Here is a boy who needs what Scouts has to offer. I think an appropriate punishment is sweating out some time performing service projects to the Camp plus double secret probation.
  15. "Unfortunately one of the boys who the Scoutmaster wanted included in the election couldn't attend the Troop Meeting that night." It is not up to the SM, but the Scouts.
  16. G1, checked and replied. Now don't get me started on the UFO theory and where 80,000 missing Americans a year go. (Smiley face with wink here!)
  17. It's a BOY-LED organization. We shouldn't get upset because Johnny was passed over for Jimmy. OA is a society of HONOR CAMPERS! It is designed for the boys who are the best Scouts, who lead by example, who best lives the Scout Oath and Law. That is exactly how it should be explained to the voting youth. If a boy is passed over and really wants to be a brother, change your ways to show the troop they made a mistake and next year he may be rewarded. As far as the original question, our troop holds it's election during the winter and the boy is "notified" at the Spring Camporee. At the closing ca
  18. Sticks and stones Pack378. I have worn my uniform to grocery stores, c-stores and stuff like that on meeting and outings travel. No one laughs at me or anything. But then again, I am built like a lineman.
  19. Responding to Gonzo1's opinion of 9/11 it has always been my opinion that either 1) it never would've happened if Al Gore were elected on account it was retaliation for Bush1's failure to get Saddam the first time or 2), the U.S. Government did this to enrage Americans into supporting the warmongers desires and to drive the price of gas to record profit levels. Mr. Cheney repeatedly tried to rob the US Railroad Retirement Board, which is solvent unlike social security, and is where my pension is held, because "railroad workers make too much money". Mr Cheney made millions of this war. I am not
  20. Maybe if Mr. Enyart would donate some cash to the council, the Scouts wouldn't need to make noise to raise some funds.
  21. I wonder what happens in the Pacific NW where there is more than average rainfall. Any OR/WA Scouters out there who want to weave a tale? I hear it rains briefly, but daily in HI. Never been there yet so I don't know. But I have worked at camp where it rains 5 or 6 days straight and I know I didn't lay in my bunk all week and wouldn't want to anyway. Scouting is an outdoor event, and that means taking what God drops on you whether it be 30F and snowing hard with a 20MPH wind, or 95F and holy-smokes-it's humid.(We endure both in New England.)
  22. Well that is sad LongHaul, because the camp, and its sole reason for existing is for the boys it serves. I know our boys look forward to our council camp each year, and if you took that away from them, we might lose half of our Scouts. (Advancement is not pushed-it is something for the boys to want to do. They want to camp and have fun). It is also a shame to bar kids from a hearing/session that discusses things that directly affect them. Is the CAC afraid that some 16 y/o's and even younger will ask the tough questions that require an honest answer? The kids should absolutely have the right t
  23. Wouldn't it be grand if ALL Scouts in the CAC fulfilled requirement no.8 of the Citizenship/Nation MB on this topic? Maybe a few thousand letters form boys to their US Senators may bring some much needed support to the fight. Go down swingin' brothers.
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