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Everything posted by IM_Kathy

  1. Basementdweller I'm registered to work with any troop not just my son's... have yet to be contacted by anyone from another troop. The registered MBC we have listed for our "troop" (may be registered with other troops too - don't know) many of them do not have an active scout and some don't have any - they just live in the city of the troop. A few more of the registered are parents of current scouts, but that are never at a meeting unless they are called to work on a badge. To me asking a boy to contact a total stranger for every badge and then having their parent(s) shuttle to
  2. I try to make sure I'm not the MBC for my son but I'm the only councilor for astronomy, swimming, and livesaving in our troop... I made my son take swimming at summer camp - there was only 1 thing he didn't complete and that was the surface dives. I had him complete those when we were doing swim tests with the new scouts so other adults were witness. When he did astronomy at summer camp there were more things to do at home afterward, but no other boys were wanting to do that badge so he was the only one with me doing a few of this projects, but since it wasn't "eagle required" we didn't wor
  3. the pack my son was with did the cross over in May which was a terrible time because the boys got just 1 outting before summer camp. The troop he is with now has their feeder packs cross over in December - our December campout is our winter tenting before they join, and then the new scouts get to attend winter survival training which we require before they are allowed to tent camp in the winter. Since my son left his pack they have changed to also doing their OA ceremony in December to let them cross then.
  4. I've only seen two ways: 1) order earned regardless of "eagle" or "non-eagle" 2) order earned but the "eagles" all on top and the "non-eagle" below... the boy I saw with this measured up number he'd have that were "eagle" and then started the others below. thankfully my son picked number 1 - it makes sewing them on so much easier because I don't have to worry about where to put them unless he gets a few at the same time and then he lays them out for me in order.
  5. First off I think it's important for people to understand the difference between Agnostic and Atheist.... Agnostic: a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. Atheist: a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. A person who is atheist says there is no god... an agnostic person says there may be a god or there may not be, it is beyond human knowledge to know for sure. Another way to word it would be an agno
  6. I'm just wondering what this boy did other than merit badges and scout rank work... he's 15 and already earned them all. My son is almost 14 and is quite proud of his dozen or so, but then with school, home work, chores, choir, student council, chess club, musical, conservation team, art club, and I'm sure I'm missing some but the school year just started so not sure if he's adding more this year or not he has a full load - having to be early to school 3 times a week and staying late a few too for all those activities. Some times he just wants to take a break and chill out like a "normal" t
  7. my son's troop... for SPL: Rank: 1st Class or higher Experience: Previous service as SPL, ASPL, PL, or APL Attendance: 75% over previous 6 months for PL: Rank: none Experience: none Attendance: 75% over previous 6 months for ASPL: Rank: 1st Class or higher Experience: none Attendance: 50% over the previous 6 months for APL: Rank: none Experience: none Attendance: 50% over previous 6 months
  8. reading this I gotta say I'm even more proud of my son... his first time at summer camp he wanted 1 that he could do completely at camp so he'd have 1 merit badge for court of honor - he did leatherwork because it was something he really wanted to learn about. He also took astronomy that year which was only partial at camp the rest he spent a good couple of months doing at home to complete. He picked it because it was something he wanted to learn more about. That summer he did what our camp called "Eagle Bound" which covered a lot of T-2-1 requirements, but he hated it because he was
  9. my son's troop the boys that have already completed a skill teached the skill to boy's learning... when the teaching boy believes the learning boy now knows what he is doing he tells the boy 'ok now go show leader X and he/she will sign it off once you show off your skill' I personally like this method because it does let the boys teach, but it also allows the adults to know for a fact that the boy has learned the skill.
  10. my son is way past early cub years... but being involved with both cub/boy scouts and girl scouts I am in favor of this. Girl Scouts starts with kindergarten, but the boys have to wait until 1st grade. We had 1 set of mixed twins where they made the girl wait until 1st grade since her brother couldn't join scouts until then. Some one also mentioned how they start many sports at kindergarten age as well - I think starting at 1st grade a parent/boy might think I'm already busy with baseball and basketball, unless scouts is something the parent really wants their son to be involved in.
  11. ok here are some ways that I go about it... I'm the committee quartermaster - basically making sure we have everything we need and refilling and repairing as needed. Our troop quartermaster was unable to attend the last campout - the boy filling in knew most of what needed done, but not everything. He comes up to me and says ok I know we need to do a,b,c done before we head out does it matter what order they are done in? I answer the question by saying it's easier to get the water jugs in and out without so much stuff in the trailer --- at camp loading time he did what was right and go
  12. another option is that if there is no junior level troop forms she can stay with her GG unit/troop (don't know what that's called sorry) and then sign up as a Juliette with GS staying a junior level and can complete her bronze. she can also be a part of the newly bridged cadette troop, but stay a junior scout... many of the badges do mix well between the two levels. I have a troop with Juniors, Cadettes, and Seniors. Some badges the Juniors will do more work that is "required" for their badge. here is a website that helps with badges and level equivelants: http://server.ellenbeck
  13. IM_Kathy

    knot work

    I'm glad to hear someone mention the one-handed bowline... I'm in my 30's and been involved in scouts with my daughter for 10 years and my son for 7 years (I think those years are right) and I have yet to tie a bowline without doing it the one-handed method. but hey, I can do it right handed or left handed ) it's also the only way I teach it.
  14. the answer is yes... but if your son is like my son the answer is "I'm not a girl scout mom" He sees lots of girl scouts since I double dip and he does not like all those fun patches. I don't like tons either except for some that are really special like my daughter's troop just took a trip to south dakota and so got a few from there which is really cool to show off to the younger scouts. My soon will stick to wearing one on his pocket when he choses to - normally he doesn't wear any temporary patches - he just sticks them in his scout show off binder.
  15. Gags - thank you for the link... I've saved in case I ever have the need. We have more than just the one boy missing this requirement and none are in big hurry to get it done so just waiting until later in the fall.
  16. we've actually had a scout that got held up with that same requirement. our school district doesn't really go into it until 8th grade (shocking if you ask me) so when we were with our past troop I worked with a local doctor and the SPL and we had a meeting focused on this requirement. And I was quite pleased to see even the older scouts did still come and participate. Unfortunately 1 boy missed that meeting. He changed troops along with my son and a couple other boys... the troop we are with now is in a different school district and it's done in like 6th grade there so the boys all get
  17. when I sit on boards with a boy that has never been through a BOR I like to start off by telling him exactly what will take place... here in a bit we'll ask you to say the oath and law... if you mess up or stuble a little bit it's okay... it's done at all BOR and great prep for if you ever get to go for an eagle BOR then we'll ask some basic questions that go over some of the requirements you completed - like for the cooking we'll ask you what you cooked. we'll also ask you some questions about how you feel about the troop and if there's things that you'd like to change or do to
  18. I have been around scouts that were kept from getting a rank for a time period... 1 was in our former troop and it was the SM's son and he signed off scout spirit and it envolved an episode on a campout that the members on BOR heard about and told him his behavior and attitude needed to improve to recieve his rank approval (was for star or life forget which) the other was with our current troop and it also had to deal with behavior and was handled at SMC with a set of what needs improved with a date for them to work toward. as to your son needing just another requirement for 2nd class an
  19. when my son was in cubs his pack did RGR but didn't use the kits... they used quart sized milk cartons. my son did all the work for his boats except the year he wanted to make a "pizza boat" and he laid out the topping onto the piece from where he cut carton in 1/2 and I took laminating paper and pressed it down over to keep it all in place - he tried and just kept pushing all the toppings off we were down to our last bit of laminating sheet otherwise I'd let him keep trying LOL for whoever is running it... make sure the gutters don't leak ahead of time and caulk does work to stop leaks
  20. IM_Kathy


    trying to remember all... the ones I recall: pinewood car (obviously) leather key chain/coin flob bird house with chimes they learned to use a sewing machine and made stuff bags for sleeping bags or dirty clothes... it does require extra help, more than 1 machine, and boys willing to take turns. pvc is also fun to work with though my son didn't start "playing" with it until he became a den chief
  21. I'm really torn about which way to side with this... I do think summer camp should be geared toward the more "outdoors" and "skills" MB BUT that being said my son is not into shooting or archary, is still scared to death of the climbing wall... and is getting close to completely most of the other MB's that are typically offered. He still wants to go to summer camp and will continue to go, but not having a MB he wants to do or needs to do may eventually make him think of not going. so like I said I'm really torn... if offering those MB might get a boy who would not go to summer
  22. I don't know what all has made you feel this way, but I'm sorry. the only thing we came across since being in cub scouts and now in boy scouts was 1 rule (and I don't know if it was a national, council, district, or camp) and that was that a boy was only allowed to share a tent with a "parent" and they wouldn't allow step-dad to share a tent. Step-dad was involved in everything else and was only told about that rule when we signed up for webelos summer camp so that's why I don't know the origin of that rule. to me it doesn't matter who is what to who... if they are there to support
  23. I haven't do deal with this with BSA but I have with GSUSA - there if the money and form are still in my possecion or our registar then we return it, but once it's out of our hands and sent in to council it is totally up to them and they parents have to work that out with them. as to how to get the ones that are very hit and miss... I'd try talking with them via phone or at a meeting that they do come to and find out why and if it's because it's "not fun enough" find out what they would like to see happen to make it more fun. There's a lot of reason boys miss - sports, band, split househ
  24. I can think of tasks that boys could be responsible for either as a one outting at a time deal or how ever long you want to make it... 1)tent helper - some of the shorter guys will sometimes have trouble with some tents because they just aren't tall enough to do a couple of the connections 2) camp fire planner and mc - if you do a campfire entertainment then this scout makes contact with the different patrols and finds out what they are doing, makes sure people aren't duplicating, plans the ofder, and works as an MC... I believe this will also tie in with the communication MB 3)
  25. the pack my son was with had the individual accounts... it's just a paper account where all the money is still in the pack account and the boys money is tracked and kept on record. things you need to determin: how much $/ or % goes to the boys what will happen when a boy quits scouts - some packs I know the money can be passed down to another sibling... but if there are no siblings and a boy quits scouts then the money stays with the pack what will happen if there is still money when the cross over to boy scouts... I've heard of some that it stays with the pack... to me th
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