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Everything posted by Eagle92

  1. The problem is that reality is not s just one factor, i.e. only politics, only economics, only history, only medicine, ad nasueum. rather reality is a the combination of everything and how they interact with each other. So politics will affect economics which will effect medicine, etc etc.
  2. One of the problems with ACA, is that folks do not know what's in it despite what some Congress Critters have said about passing it in order to know what's in it. true story, a few months after it was passed, we had an employees' meeting with the CEO about the state of the hospital. During the questions and answers portion, one guy point blank asked how ACA will affect us, and the CEO "I don't know," and went on to explain that vast sections of the law pertained to DHHS rules and regs that would be forthcoming. I got some freinds who are small business owners, and all have said that ACA
  3. One thing my council did a few years back was put out a training survey that leaders filled out. I know in my case it helped out. Problem at the time was this: not all training courses had codes. I was told by my DE to use the then current training codes, but the original dates. WHICH has come around to bite us ion the butt so to speak Now that most of the old courses have codes, we got leaders playing the matchmaking game to get the right course code with the dates.
  4. Road, Yep, when poor service happens once, people tend to remember. And when it happens repeatedly, everything seems to get blamed on the poor service. Even if it is the leader's fault for the problem. As to LDS units, I hate to say it, but trying to keep up with who's a leader and who isn't can be crazy. I remember as a DE going through about 5 or 6 people to get the charter to the units. Doing a camp promo and OA elections was challenging, and I know that the current list of leaders for the LDS units is incorrect b/c I called the folks and none of them are involved in scouting
  5. And yet, from my perspective, shouldn't you? (Unless it really was a nasty case of the office losing it, in which case it wouldn't be your fault--Believe me, I'm not making any excuses for faulty work in a council office). But is it really ethical for leaders to accept boys into the program and never bother to get them registered, all the while informing the boys and parents the kid is in fact registered? Shouldn't you as a leader be regularly checking the roster to make sure it's accurate? When does it become my job (I'm not a professional) to make sure the units to do theirs? Am I
  6. Base, You aint kidding. My wife still reminds me of the time I missed one of my son's first birthday, not the party but the actual day, because of Scouting. Funny thing was, one of our coworkers asked her to talk to me about doing an OA performance, so I thought she was OK with it. Now the stuff the pack has been handing down to me is getting a LOT better. We are getting a New CM who is not only working to get more involvement from parents, but also has already started with succession planning for when he leaves in 13-14 months. I am actually hoping that he moves up to SM, but that
  7. Well if we expand to books, I'll ad the following: 2nd ed. BS Field Book 9th ed. BSHB, Green Bar Bill's last one. I acquired the BSFB either from my brothers or my cousin. It is well loved, has no fron cover, and has a heck of a lot more info than the current BSHB on the outdoors. Heck it's even better than the 4th ed. FB I have IMHO. That 9th ed. BSHB was the one I Eagled with. I got my original signed by GBB at the 89Jambo, and unfortunately didn't get a replacement and still used it. Long story short it split and is long gone. Absolute best "THANK YOU" gift I ever receiv
  8. I can sympathize. We have one key leader, one who has actually held the pack together through some difficult times, be a bit abrasive. Some folks don't want to work with the person, and I have a feelign we have lost a family or two that I may not have known about. I do know we may have lost one family, one of my former Cubs, over some comments the leader made. The thing that may keep the family in is that the leader is moving up with the son into Boy Scouts soon. Nothing I've done has helped when I've talked to them. I think part of the tactlessness can be attributed to the fact that the
  9. I'm very proud to have been in scouting as a youth. Yes I had my ups and downs, but the things I learned are hard to put into words. The experiences I had, the responsibilties I had, the opportunities I had, are too numerous to describe. Suffice to say, folks are amazed at some fo the things I did as a Boy Scout, Sea Scout, and a leader under the age of 23. Been doing Scouting for 30 years now. part of it is I'm still having fun and enjoying it. Part of it payback, there is no way at all I could ever pay back the leaders in my life, youth and adult alike, except to continue serving.
  10. This topic is ironic as one of the hospital associations I get emails from had a link to a newspaper opinion piece by a pediatrician on this same topic. Basically he thinks that parents should be told as it helps the kids accept responsibility for their actions. But he knows he will lose his license if he does. Me personally, my philosophy is this: if I am paying for something, I better know what's going on. A tangent on the topic of medical ethics to scholastics. I personally was rath4er ticked off that when I was paying for college, as well as grad school both times, "to the paren
  11. LONG LIVE KNEE SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I got the knee socks covered for a spell. When they were getting rid of all knee socks, thankfully national brought them back in all green for the CUs, I got 2 pairs, and the in-laws got me a dozen pairs for Christmas.
  12. Actually what I think is best is a patch blanket poncho. Patches on jackets, with exception of a few, is verboten.
  13. I'm one of those who wears way to many hats; TCDL, RT commish, district committee, training staff, MBC. Plus sometimes things get handed to me from the pack. Honestly it is a lot, and I know I am not doing my best at the various positions. But unfortunately it's a matter of either not getting done. Best example is that they went 3+ years before getting a CS RT commissioner. Only reason I took it on is I was not going to be the CSDC PD and I was asked for the 4th time. With the exception of TCDL and MBC, I would give up everything else if I could. I am having too much fun with midde
  14. Sometimes folks ignore the rules. there was a troop in one council I was in that did an ad for a car dealership wearing the uniform, and repeating the Law with a major emphasis on 'THRIFTY"
  15. I too miss the collarless shirts, although they were "vintage" when I was a Cub, I had one. A necker under a collar looks weird to me, even though most folks wear them that way today.
  16. Actually the "brag vest" is not a Cub Scout thing, but a Scouting thing as any member can wear one. Heck if memory serves, the vests were created to replace putting temp patches all over the red wool jsckets by Boy Scouts and leaders.
  17. At least you can access it. After repeated attempts AND changing the password 5 times, still no access. Besides it still doesn't list my original concerns: COR is a figurehead, leaders incorrectly listed in the wrong position if on the charter at all, etc.
  18. We all know the negative stuff is out there. I made darn sure that the YP section is in the HBs and they WILL be going over that info with their kids as it is required. The adults feel comforted about it. Going a step further, and also to help with our leader recruiting process , my pack is going to do a live YPT for all parents and leaders that need it. Part of it is to grease the recharter process for any new committee members/leaders. Part of it is so that parents will know exactly what the leaders know and the process.
  19. Kool, While some councils will not allow it, a "test out" or "challenge" option to IOLS is allowed. For example, when I did IOLS, one of my staffers did not have IOLS. Since he is an Eagle, OA member, summer camp staff alumni, combat medic, etc. I thought he was competent enough to staff IOLS. And yes he was. Best example was the WB 3 beader who served as an MBC for several outdoor MBs, but never did IOLS due to his schedule (he did WB as a CM). He ended up teaching the course as part of his summer camp duties one year. And that's when he finally got it.
  20. THIS IS THE UNIFORM POLICE, PUT THAT RANK AND NEEDLE AND THREAD DOWN AND STEP AWAY FROM THE MB SASH. Agree Uniform regs state only temp insignia go on the back of the MB sash. F Scouter, If memory serves, traditionally excess temp patches were not sewn on the back MB sash but either the red jacket, prior to 1972 or thereabouts, or the red vest, which most scouts won't wear b/c it's too often associated with Cubs these days.
  21. Some info on the Heroism Award Heroism Award. The Heroism Award may be awarded to a youth member or adult leader who has demonstrated heroism and skill in saving or attempting to save life at minimum risk to self. Recognition may be given to a youth member or adult leader. The action taken need not involve attempts of rescue at risk to self but must put into practice Scouting skills and/or ideals. First awarded in 1923. Awarded in 2011: 121 Cumulative awards since 1923: 3,351 http://www.scouting.org/Media/MediaKit/Awards.aspx 10 page application is here http://
  22. One of the guys I went through PDL-1 with was a "re-tread," someone who left professional scouting and returned. He was a hoot because he left Scouting to work for another non-profit that has/had a close relationship with BSA, and he seemed to know everyone at national because of the other non-profit and previous expereince. Anyway, one of the things he talked about was when professional training was at Schiff and you camped during the entire time.
  23. Gotta remember that DC was designed to be Neo-Clasical, hence the key buildings look like Roman and Greek structures, as well as the monuments. It's only been recenly that they started going away with the neo-classical look.
  24. 'Hawk, "Stuck" is the wrong word. "Committed" is the right word. I have a Tiger and two years down the road another Tiger. SWMBO originally stated she would get involved in Cubs too, but has since changed her mind, and more than likely won't change it back since she is heavily involved with not only homeschooling, but but with the local homeschooling association. Plan at the moment is to join the troop committee since A) the troop meets on the same nite my wife takes care of her mom and I need to be with the kids and B) allows me to work on getting the parents out of the way on campouts a
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