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Deaf Scouter

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Deaf Scouter last won the day on January 30 2017

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23 Excellent

About Deaf Scouter

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 01/01/1962

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New York
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Merit Badges and American Sign Language
  • Biography
    Fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) as a member of the Deaf Community, yet lip reads & speaks well for interaction with hearing people. My specialty in Scouting is merit badges and planning events behind the scenes. Also working behind the scenes at the National level, related to Deaf, Hard of Hearing (HoH) and ASL. I wear MANY hats at the Council and District level.
  1. My first awareness came from a Facebook posting of this article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/hamilton-church-volunteers-denied-entry-to-u-s-so-they-wouldn-t-steal-american-jobs-1.4022969 Seems this is a ripple effect, along with a bit of precautionary measure thrown in so youth are not getting stuck at the border. With youth, things like this can really play havoc on their emotions from excitement to disappointment due to cancellation on the spot without really understanding the full scope, especially after months of planning and looking forward to their trip.
  2. Ken.. the Scouter's Code of Conduct just recently came out January 13, 2017 check out Bryan On Scouting's article: http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2017/01/13/what-is-the-scouter-code-of-conduct/
  3. Did you attend a course a the Philmont Training Center? If not, could be someone that knew you and attended there and recommended you. Did your SE get back to you after that initial conversation?
  4. Really nice video. Bummer it is not captioned yet.
  5. Out of curiosity, anyone have problems following the the new Cub handbooks in understanding the way the scout law and oath is supposed to be signed in American Sign Language? Back in 2014 there were hardly any videos but today googled and saw several. Had to shake my head when most of them were incorrectly signed. For some it was so obvious the person was hearing, not Deaf. I know they are trying to be helpful. So let's see... Is American Sign Language (ASL) English in sign language? Can all deaf people lip read? Can all Deaf people understand written English? What is
  6. Barking spiders. Just heard it the other day for NSP.
  7. Now shall we move to food and which nationality they go too? (I was wondering how TaHawk got pasta with latin or scot since neither struck me as Italian.. *laughing) If I could get Chocolate to stop being fattening then I could eat more of it says this Hershey Gal!
  8. We see this all the time in our council. Pancakes at a restaurant on a certain day, Applebees, Cam's Pizza, Mark's Pizza, and etc. The nice thing is the scout and his parent do not do the planning, getting supplies,cooking and clean like spaghetti, fish fry, bbq chicken dinners or pancake breakfast.
  9. My thought... confusion on the posting thread so I'll jump back to the top with the first post. You should have a fundraiser specifically for this trip and not take it away from your charity fundraiser. Not sure if they do bottles but here that month bottle fundraiser brings in a lot and for just half a days work once a month on Saturday. Think about building up a 'troop campership' fund and keep it as a specific level annually. As for scouts who don't have funds for the trip, they WILL do more than the average scout to help pay. My son and I did that with me being a single parent. Ask n
  10. Welcome to the forum and YES we have a scout representative at Committee Meetings. Basically it is the SPL who brings the PLC stuff to the Committee member to help implement the Troop program.
  11. Yes, I've heard it but we address this in our district AT the EBOR if the Scout makes it. We explain our expectations to stick around help teach younger scouts, provide leadership modeling and more.
  12. Pie irons in campfire are a nice snack, even in cold.
  13. My opinion, will be VERY different from what I see here. Start through yourself by going to trainings and RT. Focus on getting training and network for yourself closer to home. Discussion will lead to talking about your troop and those closer to home can actually go to some of your troop meetings and talk about Boy-led. The other is Wood Badge. The reason I suggest Wood Badge is tickets ahve a great way of bringing in support for you to finish them and if you write them to include this change to more boy-led, things might happen better pushing the adults back to the sidelines where they b
  14. So strange how today's announcement through Bryan On Scouting really hits home and on the tails of my post just a couple weeks ago. Check out the 'NEW' Planning Sheet: http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2017/02/01/scout-planning-worksheet/ Makes me wonder.. do we have Scouters in Scouter.com that are directly connected to National Council??
  15. This is hilarous . When I first opened the topic, I expected a question on gaining someone's wisdom. Opened the link, and laughed so hard! Good one Stosh!
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