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Northeast Region

Sections, Lodges and local discussions


    • And of course there is : With your parent or guardian’s permission, demonstrate how to iron two different articles of clothing. Demonstrate your knowledge by cleaning your bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen. and the obligatory : Explain how equity is different from equality.
    • I hear you.  Of course, we could simply teach this stuff for fun, but based on our litigious society, we probably need a release for even sewing; after all, there are sharp things involved, and some youth's feelings might be hurt if someone laughed at his sewing his finger to the shirt, or how crooked it was.  I have been posting articles from our council history from almost a hundred years ago, newspaper coverage (imagine that) of camp activities and such.  The youth are noted to work with the adults to improve the camp, and actually build parts of it.  But today, the bad word insuranceies and the  insurance companies and the black feathered lawyers make things nigh unto impossible.    
    • Life Skills...why do we need parents? Why not add some of these to Family Life and combine FL and Pers Management into one MB.  
    • @Eagle1993Probably correct   My friend said that over 10% of councils have less than 1000 youth and there are only 5% with more than 10K youth.
    • Show me a Life Scout who cannot develop Eagle project ideas and I will show you a scout with limited community service. Consider 17 year old Life Scout Bowden Warren who is also a member of Newton Grove Fire and Rescue (NC) and his words to Newton Grove Town Board.   “I’m here to propose my Eagle Scout project plan. This will be a significant enhancement to the Newton Grove emergency helicopter landing zone that we, the Newton Grove Fire and Rescue, use. This project is designed to help improve the safety, visibility and accessibility of the area, ensuring it meets modern standards for helicopter landings. Based on my experience as a member of Newton Grove Fire and Rescue, I’ve seen first hand the need to improve this existing location, which at this time, is just an open grass lot that we have to use. There are some safety concerns that are due to limited lighting and unmarked power lines. There have been some close calls when landing helicopters. In the last 12 months, per last year’s call volume, we averaged more than one Life Flight per month from the Newton Grove emergency landing zone, which has increased. The logistics of Newton Grove, as each of you know, we’re an agriculture community. We have a major interstate with highways that intersect, and we are growing an industrial area as well. I believe this validates the need of having a more permanent and upgraded emergency landing zone. If you support this plan, the construction would include land preparation, electrical work and pouring a concrete pad that would be encased by a decorative perimeter. It would also have a sidewalk to access the service road, which is located off of Mount Olive Highway on East Weeksdale Street. Based on the projected expenses of this project being around $40,000, I plan to reach out to the Newton Grove community as well as local businesses to help with funding for this project. I hope each of you see this project as a major asset to the town and surrounding communities, as much as I do.” Response from Mayor and more at source: https://www.clintonnc.com/news/103506/n-grove-helipad-gets-green-light
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