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When to wear OA sash


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In the coming months if I complete Eagle I will be presented it at a special court of honor at the Normandy Camporee. At this camporee there will be the OA call out. I am wondering what would be the more justified thing to wear, The OA sash or the merit badge sash as it is my Eagle court of honor?

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On 4/12/2014 at 7:05 PM, frankpalazzi said:

Merit badge sash. Your ECOH is and should be a troop function, not an OA function!

Not necessarily. The Eagle Scout plans his ECoH. Among the options are several that are Conducted by the OA. 

If it is an OA ECoH then the Eagle has the option of sashes (MB or OA). 

There were popular in my youth. I don’t see as many now.

Edited by HelpfulTracks
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4 hours ago, WRW_57 said:

Your OA flap and arrow dangle should be enough to indicate membership in the Order for an ECOH.  Add the sash to your personal history display, if you have one.

Agree with @HelpfulTracks . We had one Eagle who coordinated with the COR several months in advance his ECOH. a week prior to the COH, COR said they could no longer have the ECOH as they needed the facilities for their youth group. he could have it the following week if he wanted it. Eagle said no thanks since folks from out of town already made plans to be there. Since the Eagle was extremely active with the chapter and lodge, The CO that hosts the OA said he could have it there. Instead of the normal troop ECOH, he turned it into an OA themed ECOH. He and many others wore their OA sashes.

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