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Are there any female Scout Executives in the US?


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1 hour ago, RememberSchiff said:

Oct, 2014: Sharon Moulds, SE/CEO Laurel Highlands Council 2014-present


"She is one of seven women among about 300 Boy Scout executives. She oversees programs for about 30,000 Boy Scouts in 16 council districts across Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia."

That is a big council!

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4 hours ago, WisconsinMomma said:

That is a big council!

Unfortunately, many of the rural councils were teetering on collapse, so the mergers and acquisitions were the only way to keep those districts afloat. We're trying to keep everyone happy. As it turns out, venturing is working relatively well in some small towns. It's been a rough decade.

FYI - Sharon is an excellent scouter.

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There have been women Scout Executives for a long time (although out of 250+ Councils, a relatively small number), but recently, a number of women have moved up in the organization.  Wendy Shaw was promoted to National and  runs the Membership and Program groups.  Sharon Moulds mentioned above is in her 3rd council as SE and was also an area director with national.  And there is now a woman on the BSA top leadership cabinet for the first time in history.  Saw a list of Scout Executives hired in the last 4 years and it's a very good picture of diversity.  Many more Hispanic and African-American's in these roles.  Good to see the BSA looking more like our Nation's demographics. 

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We have one female DE (although I'm not sure they use that title anymore after they reorganized everything) and there was another one who left about 5-6 years ago, but I don't think our council has had any at a higher level than that. I suspect the percentage of female DE's and Field Directors is considerably higher than that of SE/CEO's.

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