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Decorum And Acting Scoutlike


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Folks... (and really this is directed at just two or three of you)... Give it a rest on the moderators. They are all volunteers, and they make this place better for us all. They also aren't immune to their own opinions and passions, nor did they volunteer to give up their ability to participate in the forums.

I picked a balanced team of very reasonable, moderate folks and begged them to provide this cheerful service. It's unseemly to whine about them. They are doing the job I've asked them to do.

If you have concerns, feel free to PM me directly, but please stop complaining publicly about what you see as slight to you.

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No complaints here Terry,  I think all our mods are terrific.. And since it seems the two who had the issue have solved their issues from posts BDPT00 has made in other posts, I don't know why the issue is still being dredged up..


Lot's of hugs to all our Mods.. And if our emotions would let me, I would send you also some beer and wine and cake too in order to compensate you on these days where our emotions on the boards overtax you.. :D   (Oh !!  :wub: I know why no beer or wine.. Scouting doesn't allow it.. Well we still should have cake, that is allowed.) 

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Folks... (and really this is directed at just two or three of you)... Give it a rest on the moderators. They are all volunteers, and they make this place better for us all. They also aren't ammune to their own opinions and passions, nor did they volunteer to give up their ability to participate in the forums.


I picked a balanced team of very reasonable, moderate folks and begged them to provide this cheerful service. It's unseemly to whine about them. They are doing the job I've asked them to do.


If you have concerns, feel free to PM me directly, but please stop complaining publicly about what you see as slight to you.


Fair enough. But it would be nice if the mod apologized for his part just as the person who made the original mistake has. That way we don't have one level of behviour set for non-mods and another for mods. Given the thread title, I suspect that's what the OP was meant to address....to all of us.

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Oh yes, a pie emotions would work just fine.. I was just thinking of what other forums I belong to have in their bag of tricks, so it was cake, beer and martini glasses, also some shamrocks and stars and rainbows (but those might be a little too girlie for BSA, and right now some would protest the use of the rainbow emotion when trying to send a peace offering..)

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As I promised Sentinel, I took time off and took a hike. 

While I'm back I'll take this time to apologize to BDPT00 and the forums in general for 'going off' the way I did. Stosh was right, I should have handled it with PM and the result was destructive overall. I regret this greatly.


I had been on the trail for a short time only to be called back to attend a memorial for a friend, evidently killed in a robbery the same day as my regrettable words - which just doubly makes my reaction that much less important in the grand scheme. I apologize.

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I had been on the trail for a short time only to be called back to attend a memorial for a friend, evidently killed in a robbery the same day as my regrettable words - which just doubly makes my reaction that much less important in the grand scheme. I apologize.

I'm so very sorry to hear that. You have my condolences. Such things are never easy. Know you have friends in many places whether you know our faces or not. You and yours are in my prayers.

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As I promised Sentinel, I took time off and took a hike. 

While I'm back I'll take this time to apologize to BDPT00 and the forums in general for 'going off' the way I did. Stosh was right, I should have handled it with PM and the result was destructive overall. I regret this greatly.


I had been on the trail for a short time only to be called back to attend a memorial for a friend, evidently killed in a robbery the same day as my regrettable words - which just doubly makes my reaction that much less important in the grand scheme. I apologize.


Like I said, I have moderated forums before, been there, done that, regretted it too.  It's a good lesson to learn 


There's another lesson one could learn that I have in my repertoire as well.  


(It's displayed in the previous sentence as well.)  :)


 My sympathies to you and to the family of your friend.

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Aging is a funny thing.

It is said that with age comes wisdom.

I'm not so sure.

Back when I was a little fellow I was OK with believing that the Catholic Church was the way to go!

This was thanks to my Irish Catholic parents, nuns beating out the catechisms to a rhythm  with a ruler on a desk.

At about age 15 or so I started questioning my faith and for a while turned away.

I did return but still had and still have questions.

This has at times led to some really wonderful discussions with people who are far more religious then I am or ever will be.

These chats have always been respectful and good natured.

No priest has ever got that upset because I have said that I disagree with my church and the teaching on birth control.

As I got older I became more of what might be called a Cafeteria Catholic.

As  a Scouter the only unit I ever led that was chartered by the church was a Cub Scout Pack. So the subject never came up.


Over the years my thinking about the Scout Oath and Scout Law have more and more became about me.

"On my Honor"

"I promise".

"To do my best."

As a leader of both youth and adults I am happy to not worry what National comes up with or does.

I as a youth leader am the face of Scouting to the youth I have in my care.

Even as a leader of adults I am at times the person who people see as The District or The Council.

I have no control over what National does, I have very little control over what others do.

I do have control over what I do and what I stand for.


All to often the idea of being kind is seen as being weak.

This is so very wrong.

I say that if we were all a lot more kinder the world would be a far better place.

I get and understand that some people are overjoyed with the change and that others are very unhappy.

Still if we are willing to be kind, listen to both sides and respect each other, my hope is that we can avoid any unnecessary hurt or harm.


Parents and their kids will join units where they feel most at home and most welcome.

Meanwhile I will continue to build pioneering towers a little higher then the good books say are allowed.

We will at times go into the gray areas at camp fires.

I'll watch as young kids climb trees or even use water guns.

But I will never knowingly harm a Scout or hopefully another Scouter.


The youth we serve invest their youth in us.

This really is a blessing.

My great hope is that we don't waste time fighting and squabbling amongst ourselves.


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  • 2 years later...

The expected change in policy by BSA is a major inflection point (one long overdue in my opinion, though I respect that some may disagree based on their religious beliefs


thats one of the moat biased comments i have read on the issue

my opposition to it has absolutely nothing to do with religion

all to do with raising 2 girls through girl scouts  and seeing how boys group dynamics changes with presence of girls

You talk about decorum then make ignorant comment linking oppostion to religion

you should apologize for your statement

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15 minutes ago, qwazse said:

Although, I daresay the appeal to debate without denigrating may still apply.

I'm not sure what we would debate. A discussion without denigrating would be interesting. 

Funny thing happened at work yesterday. A colleague, who I've worked with for 20 something years and attended the same high school 50 years ago came to my office to talk about her 50th high school reunion. She graduated a year after me, so we had a lot of the same friends.

Well a group gathered as she was telling me how proud she was of her friends because they are more accepting of blacks, Jewish, gays and so forth. I noticed the crowd looking at us in wonder, so I explained that in our school of 1500 students, we had 3 blacks, and I'm not sure of any Jewish or anyone else. We didn't have racism in our part of the world because there wasn't anyone to be racist at. I looked at her and said if we were guilty of anything, it's that we grew up naive. I would rather be naive then so judgmental of your friends who didn't grow up in a school where we could even practice racism. She took a step back and didn't know what to say. She brags about being very liberal on the political spectrum. I think she realized that she was being the very person she was accusing her friends at our school.

I kind of feel like that is where our culture is. The general population is being accused of all kinds of horrible things by cultural political activist when in reality the worst we can say is we were, or are, just naive.

I'm still trying to wonder where those of us who don't approve of gay behavior fit. Can't change the bible or biology. Are we eventually going to jail. Or can the culture accept each others differences. I'm still seeing the word homophobic being thrown out every once in a while on this forum. The word homophobic is defined as an irrational aversion to homosexuals. Where is the line drawn between rational and irrational? And, what about those who have an irrational aversion toward the religious. What are they called, moral-phobics.  

The more we try to become inclusive, the more exclusive we seem to have become.


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14 minutes ago, Eagledad said:

..., we had 3 blacks, and I'm not sure of any Jewish or anyone else. We didn't have racism in our part of the world because there wasn't anyone to be racist at. ...

Your classmates could have taken a cue from my classmates' playbook and pounce on the Arabs ... or whoever was next in line. :confused:

Fact is, folks in OK are so nice it's just plain scary. I'm glad Daughter graduated a Sooner. But, every time I visited, there was just a tiny part of my coastal wiring that was on edge ... just waiting for you all to club us when our back was turned and put us in the stew pot!

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17 minutes ago, qwazse said:

Your classmates could have taken a cue from my classmates' playbook and pounce on the Arabs ... or whoever was next in line. :confused:

Fact is, folks in OK are so nice it's just plain scary. I'm glad Daughter graduated a Sooner. But, every time I visited, there was just a tiny part of my coastal wiring that was on edge ... just waiting for you all to club us when our back was turned and put us in the stew pot!

:laugh: No clubbing because the "coastal wiring" (great description) is to some degree entertaining. 


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