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David CO

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Everything posted by David CO

  1. This is a sure-fire way of guaranteeing that older scouts will leave the unit. Word will get around that the parents are anxious about their kids hanging out with older boys, even if there is "little to no evidence" that any wrongdoing is actually taking place.
  2. Illness is a very good reason for being absent. Your tone suggests that you question the honor of your scoutmaster. Tread lightly here.
  3. If you didn't speak up about not having elections when the guy you liked was SPL, then you shouldn't make that an issue now. You will sound like a hypocrite.
  4. Yes, it sounds like mistakes were made. Tragic mistakes. But in the end, the scoutmaster saved his scout. Well done.
  5. My bath tub empties out into a sewer system which, after treatment, empties into a river system, which flows to the gulf. So me and my rubber ducky are officially seafaring men. Argh, shiver me timbers!
  6. I've never read any of his books. Just the synopsis. Are they any good?
  7. That's what I was thinking. I know that he couldn't play sports because of a hip problem. It may have kept him from being active in scouting as well. I don't know. I have a meeting tomorrow with someone who wants to discuss applying aspects of Covey's "Seven Habits" to the curriculum. Some of the stuff sounds a lot like things we already teach in scouting. I was wondering if Covey was active as a boy scout. If you talk about scouting values, nobody is interested. Put the same concepts in a self-help book, without any mention of scouting, and they will sell off the shelf.
  8. Does anyone know if author Stephen Covey (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People) was a boy scout?
  9. Our policy is to direct all such requests to the administrator. A camp counselor is not is not supposed to agree, disagree, or even discuss a request like this.
  10. If they haven't given you an explanation by now, they probably never will.
  11. Yes. For a short period of time, I served in both positions (IH and SM) while we were transitioning. I don't recommend it as a long term arrangement.
  12. Thanks. About 200,000 teachers are assaulted each year. About 9% of teachers report getting threats.
  13. I agree. My most serious injury was not the result of a stabbing. The worst one was from being kicked from behind, breaking a vertebra in my lower back. There was no way to anticipate, prevent, or stop the attack.
  14. Speaking as someone who has been assaulted 6 times (stabbed once) while working as a school teacher/coach, I would have to say "no". It is not all about the optics.
  15. Could you explain exactly which part of this event is absurd? Are you suggesting that an eagle scout is above the rules? Should the rules apply to everyone except eagle scouts? Do you feel that small knives should be allowed on school grounds? Do you think that we should have rules against knives on school grounds, but not enforce them? Somebody did take responsibility for the outcome. The school board took responsibility and expelled the student. You may not like their decision, but the school board did take responsibility. They did make a decision.
  16. Not true. Judgement and reason are still used to determine guilt or innocence. Zero tolerance policies require people to take responsibility for their actions. That is the whole point of having a zero tolerance policy.
  17. If you have already talked to your COR, then there is nothing more for you to do. The ball is in his court.
  18. It is estimated that there are 1.4 million gang members in the United States. There are more adolescent boys in gangs than in scouting. Physical and sexual abuse in gangs is so common that the news media doesn't bother to report it. It's not news. Every case of sexual abuse in scouting is a headline story.
  19. It is possible that you are the source of his anxiety. He might be imitating you.
  20. Do you really not hear the contradictions in your statements?
  21. Too bad. I guess you made the mistake of being born in the wrong decade.
  22. Military re-enactments are allowed. Laser Tag and water pistols are not.
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