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Everything posted by cubbingcarol

  1. Document, document, document. I would also suggest sending certified letters, and make copies. I don't especially like the phone route because unless you record it someone might say you were harassing them. Just my $0.02 (obviously I'm not a lawyer!), Carol
  2. This is a hot topic for me. If I could shut the borders down completely I would do it. Apply to get in the legal and correct way or stay your a@# out. This country has people who are starving, homeless, without adequate healthcare (or insurance), etc. who were all born here. Until we can take care of our own why should we take care of someone here illegally? Carol
  3. It is sad that adults have to muck up a good thing. I'm sorry but I'm almost sure you can't add requirements such as your questions, I may be wrong but I don't think so. You have to accept her word that he completed the requirements as all but the BB and Archery can be done in the home setting. Carol
  4. Thanks Twocubdad, that gives me something to work with. We have our meetings at our scout house in our local park. It would be very easy to make up a map of the area that would be easy enough for my guys to read. Learn something new everyday! Carol
  5. My husband, our CM, and I were talking about us having one in the early summer next year. I would think that old lawnmower wheels or tricycle or training wheels. Some 2x4's and rope to steer. I don't know about the axles, still have to think about that. I think it will be a blast. Keep me posted or PM if you get some good ideas. Carol
  6. Cajuncody, I like your idea. Did you work with your boys to earn the beltloop? If so, how long did it take ie. more than one meeting? I have a meeting in 2 weeks and was wanting to have the boys earn a beltloop and was thinking about the compass one. Thanks, Carol
  7. Did somebody say something?!? I'm so confused!! Carol
  8. Welcome aboard! Use lots of bug spray and have lots of fun! Carol
  9. Rooster, remember for Cub Scouts, a parent/s or legal guardian must be present on several occasions, this discussion does not just cover troops. I stick by the BSA rule of no homosexuals allowed as leaders or members but as for my opinion I don't believe gay parents should be banned. Homosexuality is not a contagious disease. Being in Scouts with them will not turn you or your child into one. Just my $0.02, Carol
  10. I too agree that the requirements are becoming a little too 'boring' and lecturing. That is why I include requirements in my den meeting plans to try and spice them up and make them more enjoyable. At least I did in Wolves, I hope I can this year in Bears. I retained all of my boys so maybe it wasn't too bad. Carol
  11. I tend to agree with Ed. Overstretched. Think about kids these days, some are into numerous sports, gym, dance as well as a host of other things. Who gets these kids to where they need to be. How many of you are also a coach or assistant? Don't forget to factor in job commitments. Then there are religious activities as well. Wow, I'm tired after just typing up all this stuff. No wonder we have fewer committed adults. I'm lucky to have as my assistants, my best friend (he has no children), and my mother. I really feel for the single parents. Carol
  12. No cookies, but I do have some ice cold watermelon. I also went and bought all the ingredients to make some old fashioned peach ice cream. Any takers? Carol
  13. Not to brag or anything but got nearly an inch today of that liquid stuff. Woo-hoo!! Now I need to find a troop that would like to do some public service and come mow my lawn. Any takers? Carol
  14. Fred, you are so handy to have around. Maybe that is just a Fred thing. Carol
  15. We got some wet stuff today and we live in the Panhandle. Close to 1/2 - 3/4". Sure was nice. My daughter was quite scared due to the fact that she had forgotten what that stuff was. (my 3 year old not my 16 year old ha-ha). Carol
  16. Have you alerted the CM, CC and committee that there is a problem with den size? Sometimes problems that are out of sight are out of mind. It may not be that they don't care but that if you haven't voiced your own concerns they may think that you think you can handle it. But definitely split! I have 6 boys that come faithfully and if it weren't for a couple of great assistants I would pull my hair out. Our pack is so small we only have one den for each rank with the largest being 10 in number (Wolf den). If they get a bunch of new recruits from fall sign-up they will have to split up
  17. We must not live our lives by 'what if'. For if you do you will waste it. Just be ever mindful of how precious time really is and spend it wisely. Carol
  18. Cub Scouts ROCK!! Welcome aboard! Carol
  19. Thank you Fred, you always make good points. Carol
  20. I used to use the word Da, then I graduated Jr. High. Carol
  21. In my opinion you have to have a strong connection to a troop. This may work better in small towns where there is only one or two troops, I don't know for sure. My husband is going to start up a new troop in Feb. because the only other troop in our little town is LDS. We know of at least one current Boy Scout who is going to come over to the new troop because he kind of feels like an outsider by not belonging to the church itself. None of our current Webs II are LDS either. We have no strong connection with the current troop because we are not LDS sponsered. I believe you need to h
  22. Yes all of what ya'll have said sounds true and correct. But let me tell you this... If one of your cute little teenage daughters happens to fall in love with one of my absolutely gorgeous and technically perfect sons and they happen to marry she had better be worthy of this MAMA. Of course I also have two daughters, but I'll let their father worry about them. Carol
  23. I believe this post was started to goad some people. JMHO. It sure goaded me. But I choose to take the high ground and will not enter a surefire arguement except to say I believe in the Cub Scout program. Carol
  24. That is a very interesting question. Could any of it have to do with where their outings take place? What I mean by that is that it seems to be really big wilderness at least down in Utah. I haven't the foggiest idea. But would be interested in hearing other opinions. Carol
  25. I started drinking coffee out of a baby bottle (my mother has told me this, she would take me to all the football games and this was a way to keep me warmer). It didn't stunt my growth. I'm no worse for it. I drink it black so I don't get any of the sugar or carbs. I say let the kids have it. It certainly isn't any worse than sodas. Carol P.S. It's alot cheaper too! Maybe that is secretly the reason they want scouts to BUY sodas.
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