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Everything posted by malraux

  1. Also the bit about no joint pinewood derby events just seems silly. Edit: didn't see your post above and should have quoted that one.
  2. Would be interesting to cross compare the GSUSA participation rates in those areas. If there's a relative dearth of GS participants in that area, then I could see BSA having a larger field to draw from. (just speculating of course, and I could just as easily make a case for high participation of GS in the south leading more acceptance of scouting generally.)
  3. I know that one of the troops our pack feeds to has an explicit rule that any parent who was in leadership in cub scouts has to take a year off of leadership before they can assist the troop. Again, good to help transition away from the cub scout model.
  4. https://www.scoutshop.org/catalog/product/view/id/398/category/746/
  5. Without knowing specifics, some other considerations are that sometimes it might not be a difficult item, but a nonetheless important one. At the cub level getting baloo trained leaders can be an issue for some packs. It’s not a huge amount of time, but it’s a necessary one for the pack to do things. Additionally, without seeing a whole ticket, it could be an easy step on the way to a much more difficult one. I won’t defend purely easy tickets, but there can be some logic in making some steps easier, if the others are all very long term and hard.
  6. The snarker in me would make the final act in that troop to ask the sm to sign off on the smc and completion of rank since he did meet with the sm.
  7. As a den leader, with a decade of scouting experience as a youth, the value of wood badge to me was that it helped to see the whole experience of scouting as an integrated whole.
  8. I do think there’s an issue where the worst cases stand out. If a 60 person class has 90% of the people have simple fast beading ceremony, the 6 who don’t will still stand out.
  9. I will say that in our council, wood badge is way oversold. Not every person who shows up at a training needs to append a “go to wood badge” to the end of their subject. I do also wonder how wood badge could be considered a life changing course. Getting married, having kids, or joining the peace corps were life changing experiences for me; wood badge was just a pretty good training course.
  10. It sounds like a good course for a summer camp to offer for scout masters.
  11. Doesn’t powderhorn function as a more advanced outdoor skills course?
  12. To clarify, what are you asking? Do we have incident reports of measles outbreaks occurring at a summer camp ever, or do we have a measles out break at a bsa summer camp in the last 5 years?
  13. The national rule is tetanus is mandatory, the others are just recommended.
  14. Nope and I have lost any respect I might have had for your other positions.
  15. Because the choices of one greatly impact everyone else. Hep A can pass when dealing with less sanitary condition combined with food, which sounds like every campout cooking situation. Measles can spread very quickly with even casual contact, and is pretty bad.
  16. Also, its a good idea to go through the job specific training for the den leader position. You can either do it via the online portal where you did ypt, or find a class. The council/district is likely offering a class soon for all the new den leaders; ask your cub master.
  17. it kinda depends on how it gets used. For example, with cast iron chef, the scout needs to plan a menu and budget it. Those are written things so using a sheet with those make sense.
  18. It also depends on the worksheet and the goal. Part of webelos is transitioning from the cub program to the scout program. That means that the scout should start getting used to the idea of tracking his advancement (ie getting sign offs in his book/worksheet) and working somewhat independently. To the extent that the worksheets help with that, good. To the extent that instead of reciting the outdoor code from memory the den leader is requiring the scouts to write it out and write a paragraph on applying it to a hike, that's bad. (Obviously if a scout for whatever reason was more comfortable wr
  19. Be prepared seems to cover these moderately well. Do we deny eagle to a scout that goes hiking/camping in bad weather and ends up needing a rescue?
  20. Not specifically what you asked, but you should be checking to see if any other den leaders also qualify for the den leader training award and or the scouters training award. Assuming the District Rattler Award is what comes up with a google, I would nominate the CM for that as well. The committee that decides such things can only say no. The committee chair should also be signing that stuff as part of their position.
  21. As far as I know, my pack covers dues. Given the time and effort leaders put into the process, it seems rather unfair to ask them to pay for that privilege.
  22. http://www.firecrafter.org/webelos-camper.html
  23. Presumably it’s the asymmetric way that women can supervise boys but men cannot supervise girls.
  24. My only real thought on this is that the current rules say that girls need to be in a den with a female leader. Part of the webelos den leader job is to go camping with their den at troop events. It really ought to be upon the pack with the visiting webelos to find the leader, not the troop hosting.
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