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Everything posted by malraux

  1. It’s not everything, but more overall numbers means more ability to afford summer camps, high adventure camps, better materials, etc.
  2. beyond that, the use of the word accommodation relates to the language used in the ada. People (especially in education) say accommodation because the legal language in the 504 talks about accommodations.
  3. Related question: Buddy system. What are the rules for mix gender buddies? On our recent cub scout camp out, we ran into the issue of how to deal with mixed gender buddies. The G2SS appears to be silent on the issue. Some cite the new YPT training as saying no mixed gender buddies. I don't recall that, but might have missed it.
  4. Enough of one to make them. Truthfully, I don't feel right in scout shorts if I'm not wearing the stupidly long socks with the red band.
  5. If you are starting a female troop, shouldn't you have a few female leaders in the pipeline for said troop? That said, I agree with the idea of getting a parent signed on as unit leader reserve.
  6. https://cubscoutideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Cub-Scout-Connections-12-24-2017.pdf Is what you want I think. The lion stuff isn't in there, but lions is pretty hand wavy anyway.
  7. I would imagine knife use would be not as bad as something like knots. Knife skills: opening and safely closing => well, some knives are designed to be opened one handed. You/she might have to work out how to handle a knife with a locking mechanism, or select a knife without it. Using it => basic idea stays the same, always cut away from you. It might involve using a clamp to hold wood in place. That seems adaptable. I would also consider using a fixed knife properly to be a reasonable adaptation in this case, but I'd want to double check the rules on adapting requirements
  8. Checking my references, I don't see any evidence that I earned the whittling chip as a bear. It's not signed off in my handbook, so I don't know that we ever covered it in cub scouts.
  9. Thats certainly my plan: start with wooden demo models, make sure everyone can handle the basic actions (receive the knife, check blood circle, open knife, close knife, pass to the next person) before allowing everyone to use a real knife to practice with soap first, then with a soft, easy to carve piece of wood.
  10. I do propose moving to the language of “Cubbing” and “scouting” to refer to the different programs.
  11. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/training/pdf/510-033(17)baloo.pdf page 72 “ There is no such thing as “cutting a corner off” for infractions. The rules are followed at all times. The Whittling Chip card stays as a complete unit.”
  12. The newer baloo training specifically says you cannot cut corners. I might disagree with that rule, but it is written down somewhere. (insert complaint about rules being spread across a zillion different documents)
  13. I probably mean guidelines anyway. I agree with the idea of more guidelines and fewer rules.
  14. I’ll be teaching my bear den (and some new arrival webelos) the whittling chip next week. As preparation for that I wanted to give a brief summary for the adult leaders about best practice for handling a perceived infraction. Looking online, the main guidance appears to be 1: can’t cut corners off anymore. and 2: for serious infractions you require a scout to retake the course. Are there any rules about how a leader should handle the immediate situation of a scout being unsafe? My proposed rule is a leader should take the knife and scout to a parent, den leader, cubmaster and explain what you
  15. The september edition of BL (cub edition) had the same theme of girls are coming to mirror the content in the scouter magazine. I haven't received scouter yet, but assuming it follows the same pattern it'll be more or less back to normal.
  16. Technically, two fingers is the correct option. That said, my muscle memory is still really strong for three fingers.
  17. fwiw, just got the new boys life. It appears to be back to the normal articles.
  18. Worth saying that my impression was that @Hawkwin post was primarily copying the existing troop document and posting what changes he wanted to it. That is, he's not responsible for that mess, the troop is.
  19. Finishing AOL and crossing over requires finishing 4th grade plus 6 months and or six months since becoming 10.
  20. Which seems kinda jerk-ish on the part of the troop, IMO. Not that the troop should be at the beck and call of the pack, but the troop visits shouldn't be about just troop recruitment.
  21. That doesn't seem exactly right. The threat is that "If we are not assured that she will be allowed to attend and participate fully then legal action may be the next step. I also plan on having a word with the school about allowing an organization to sell a program to girls that is then excluding those girls. In the future, parental permission should be required for outside organizations to use school time to recruit." That is not threatening legal action to require all units to go co-ed. Just that the troop shouldn't offer a camping opportunity to a pack and exclude some of the pack memb
  22. Theres a difference between the male female ratio changing and the rate of men going to college changing. If suddenly lots of women start going to college while the same percentage of men go to college, the m/f ratio will change while nothing has changed for the men.
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