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Everything posted by Mom2a

  1. Mimic some of our graduation ceremonies: Our high school had a parade. Decorated cars and the graduate rode in the car to wave at everyone. Middle school set up a podium with their awards in front of the school and the students walked single file, 6 feet apart in front of the podium, were handed their awards. They then walked directly to their parents cars. We were parked in the school parking lot watching and listening to their names being called over the local radio station. I’ve seen some cubs where the cubmaster and den leaders went from house to hose to present awards. One car
  2. FWIW I attended and staffed WB in one council and now live and scout in another council. I’ve not experienced any hazing, fighting, belittling or bullying. In my experience those who get the least out of Wood Badge are those who go into it because someone is coercing them into it and those who think they have nothing to learn. I wouldn’t recommend taking WB if the course dates were scheduled close to college due dates and or exams. I also wouldn’t recommend taking WB until it is something you want to do. Spending 6 days outdoors with like minded adults can be some of the most fun and
  3. You have an obligation to contact your de and or council. As a Scoutmaster and parent you need their support and guidance through this issue. As a parent your son needs to know that you will be there to protect him whatever the situation or personal cost.
  4. We have a scout in our troop who is about to turn 18. He made some poor choices regarding recreational drugs when he was younger. He has gotten himself back on track for completing high school and his future. He won’t make Eagle due to his detour. He is, however, the best “older scout” because he is honest about his mistakes with our younger scouts. He is able to tell them don’t do what I did and I think they actually listen because he isn’t a parent. He is brave and honest when he talks with them. There would be be a huge difference we’re this scout bragging about his detour. T
  5. I'm late in commenting but please take your son to visit other troops. My family recently moved forcing us to find a new troop. Oldest son is a die hard scout, youngest I really feared he would want to quit. Our old troop was okay but didn't really work the program the way it was designed. Older scouts not very welcoming or interested in teaching younger scouts. No patrol activity outside of the weekly patrol meetings. We visited several troops in our new community. Went back for a second visit with our top pick and my youngest yells across the room during their patrol time, " When ar
  6. I am also a Cub Scout Roundtable commissioner. I am looking forward to having an actual Roundtable discussion on the topic of cooking with Cubs. I have taught a session on the topic at our annual adult training event. The best part of the class was when everyone shared things they have tried, what worked and what didn't. I also plan on discussing how cooking can be used to teach more than just cooking requirements. Webelos/AOL scientist adventure-one requirement is to do an experiment with two different household chemicals. That could easily be done with cooking.
  7. Both our pack and troop pays for the registered adult leaders' registration. The pack charges a fee to offset the cost of food for campouts and adults pay for any entry fees. The pack pays for the scouts good and any entry fees. It is paid for out of our fundraising. The troop adults and scouts pay for outings (food and entry fees).
  8. We have camp masters who like meyerc13's serve in the off season giving those using the camp for weekend camping a go to person other than the ranger. Summer camp is usually about half and half. Adults (retirees and teachers) who work the full summer and stay in adult staff housing (cabins) and then the teenagers who work the full summer and stay in the staff housing area (older buildings and platform tents). All age groups work in varying positions throughout the camp.
  9. I recently finished being a first time staffer as a troop guide. I loved it. It was very worth the pre-course staff development time. My family's initial reaction was not extremely supportive but after we talked and they saw how much it would mean to me they agreed to work with me on the scheduling. My kids are young enough that husband and I both had to take vacation time in order for me to be on staff.
  10. We had the random Saturday day camp a few years ago. It did not go well. Attendance was extremely low. Each Saturday was at a different location.
  11. My AoL boys crossed over last week as planned without any problems. My Webelos den has two adventures left. they have done parts of two but are waiting until the weather is nicer to hike and collect rocks. My bears should be able to finish up on time (mid May). I had a long planning session with the den leader today to get everything mapped out and keep them on track. Wolves are almost done. My tigers I am actually worried about all of them completing. I asked my den leaders to report at our next committee meeting what they had left to complete and their plan for accomplishing
  12. Taco in a bag was a huge hit at our fall campout. Parents thought it sounded strange then fell in love with it and are still talking about how good they were. Spaghetti has worked well in the past. We have also had friendship soup. Every scout brings a can of their favorite vegetable, pack provides meat, broth and noodles.
  13. We have the AoL crossing over ceremony during our blue and gold banquet in February. The other boys graduate to their next rank at the end of the school year.
  14. Quarterly CoH the scouts bring snacks ....chips, lots of cookies, soda, (cheese and crackers and veggie trays occasionally). Eagle CoH is a separate event. Food provided by the family of the Eagle. I have been to one with heavy snacks and cake, a couple full blown wedding reception type meals and one where the parents provided the main course and had friends bring specific side dishes.
  15. Mom2a

    Den Names

    I told both the den leaders and their scouts for our Webelos 1 and Arrow of light dens that they could come up with a den name. We would get them patches etc and it was never pursued by them. My youngest is a Webelos 1 we are planning on taking their den camping towards the end of the school year. I will probably attempt one more time. My older boy was put into a new scout patrol and they really struggled to find a name. I think of the Webelos years as prep for Boy Scouts in every aspect. I would hope that by coming up with a name as a cub it would be easier to come up with a name as a
  16. Den and pack meetings run 6:30 - 7:30. The Tigers get too tired if we run later than that and my Boy Scout wouldn't get picked up from his troop meeting on time.
  17. Interesting idea. I sent out the warning tonight : if you aren't up to date I can't register you. My first year doing recharter was a nightmare cleaning up the mess of a roster that had been dumped in my lap. Second year was much easier.
  18. Awesome! I would love if a local troop offered this.
  19. I am sad for those of you that have to compete with other packs. The other pack and our pack work together to make sure that scouting is available to any boy and his family that want it.
  20. We do our recruiting from 2 local elementary schools. Our main school pto is our charter organization. The other smaller school is recruited from and always given the option of starting its own pack but no one ever wants to step up and lead so their boys come to us. The other pack in town recruits from the other 2 schools. A lot of recruiting goes on outside of the school recruitment events. We work hard to have a good reputation in our community. Our pack parents and boys know that they can always bring a friend who wants to see what scouting is about. We have several families no
  21. We are a grade level pack. The kid in question was given several warnings. Therefor being told to go sit down is a reasonable instruction. I usually tell the kids they need to find their parent and be by their side. (Very sternly with raised eyebrow). If climbing on the platforms and bars is a violation of camp policy then they could have been asked to leave the campout.
  22. We recently split up our wolves into two dens. We were at 12 as tigers and held off splitting until this year. We thought they would naturally lose boys over the summer. Instead they recruited friends to join. We worked with the den leaders for the wolves. Mixed it up some. We figured if you recruited a friend to join then that friend should get to be in your den. Spilt up some who behave better when apart. We tried to keep existing pack friendships intact. It seems to be working well so far.
  23. We may have a brand new boy, 11 year old fifth grader joining our pack. He and his parents were at a sign up night this week. They may or may not come join us. I don't plan on stressing the boy or his parents out over earning AOL. We will let them know the option is there if he chooses to join our pack over going ahead and joining a troop.
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