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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. No you were not the only one.In fact I commented on how it was not really an appropriate article for Scouting magazine since it focused on family camping instead of patrol camping for the 11-16 years initially mentioned, and that BALOO covers a lot of the materials for Packs to go back and teach to their new families. Another reason why I'm worried about "family Scouting."
  2. Sadly, the way the BSA has handled the town hall meetings, it is a major charley foxtrot. At the meeting I attended, about 15 people were there because it was very last minute. Most were Venturing leaders, and only 3 of us opposed Boy Scouts going coed attended. And all my arguments on why their proposal won't work were ignored, or had a look of 'Yeah, we know what's going to actually happen and we don't care." But I know there are many opposed. I had a Scouter tell me 'Hell no I won't allow my granddaughter to join the troop,'" yet her son is 110% for BSA going fully coed. heck he was the
  3. When I commented how a 'separate but equal" program will not work because you would have two sets of meetings, camp outs, summer camps, etc and that I have been told by Scouters that they will integrate girls into the troop if they have "separate but equal" the feeling I got at the council's meeting was one of 'yes, we know that's going to happen and we don't care."
  4. Why not swimming? You do know that BSA made Uniform swim trunks at one time! Seriously though, BSA at one time made OD swim trunks that could be used as uniform trunk. An aquatics director I know had connections with national supply, and got them to make them. rationale is that aquatics staffs sometimes cannot make it to dinner on time and needed something they could just put a shirt on with. Plus it promoted uniformity of the aquatics staff. Didn't go far with that one. Here's a link to a pair on sale on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/391703233196?chn=ps&dispItem=1
  5. Please tell me you are joking. The issue is that under current GTSS policies, pioneering projects are extremely limited. Note: Pioneering projects, such as monkey bridges, have a maximum height of 6 feet. Close supervision should be followed when Scouts are building or using pioneering projects. Unless NCAP has been changed, the only way to go higher than 6 feet is at a council summer camp program with the council's risk management's approval. What's going to happen when we host the WSJ in 2019? will we ban structures over 6 feet? Or will Summit staff go around and approve eve
  6. Variety of reasons why a camp will put age restrictions. One reason is the popularity of the class. Age limits are used to restrict the number in the class to a manageable level. Another reason might be to have incentives for the older Scouts to come back to that camp. But the #1 reason may be local laws. Some jurisdiction do have restrictions on shooting sports. One guy I met told me that the camp he worked at straddled a state line. Shooting Sports areas was a distance from the bulk of the camp because the state that the areas was in allowed folks to use firearms at 16, and the
  7. Back when I was a COPE Director, we could certify pioneering structures. So I see the usefulness of a pioneering certification. But who would it be for Scouts or adults? If only for adults, why not for Scouts? And if for Scouts, will we put in stupid age restrictions?
  8. Apparently they are not allowing commentary on the article. I Asked why are posting articles on family camping with 11-16 year olds, what that is Scout aged youth and should be doing Patrol camping. I also stated that the article is in the wrong journal since all the information is basic BALOO level info, and most packs I know of do an intro to camping for their new families. EDITED: This really concerns me because it appears that BSA IS trying to promote family camping now. I have seen, and am unfortunatley seeing now, what family camping does to troops and patrols.
  9. May I try again When the powers that be looked at the stats for membership retention back in the day, they noticed 2 trends. First was that Scouts who got First Class in a year tended to stay in Scouting and eventually earn Eagle. That lead to the creation of "OPERATION FIRST CLASS!" (sic) Over the years that has morphed into First Class Emphasis; First Class, First Year and whatever else they have called it over the years. The second trend they noticed was that the majority of First Class Scouts who earned it within a year of joining were in patrols that were comprised of only 11 y
  10. Yes I remember the days of less paperwork. And I miss them. But I admit to mix emotions on the topic, at least how it's done in my neck of the woods at the district level. I like how it's done and am comfortable with the expectations. In my part of the woods, there are two meeting, one optional. Every year the District Advancement Chairman (DAC) has a meeting for all SMs, Eagle advisers and Life Scouts. The purpose of the meeting is to talk over the entire Life to Eagle process, expectations, etc. It's not mandatory, and the recommendation is that at least 1 representative form each unit
  11. Oldest completed the 2 Eagle required MBs and SMC he needed for Life yesterday. At the SMC discovered he taught the wrong first aid skills, but he is working on that. So it looks like he will be up for his Life BOR on the 28th. Also, some of you may have remembered the challenges my troop was having 12-18 months ago. It was bad. The camp out this past weekend was AWESOME! SPL and PLs did their job, and it went very smoothly. With the exception of new parents interfering some, it was flawless in execution. Even with the bad weather we had,back up plans were made by the SPL, and he improvis
  12. 3rd Edition SM handbook is EXCELLENT!!!!! I also highlyrecommend it. Just don't lend ithem out. I did to a new SM starting a new troop. Troop folded and I never got my books back.
  13. They also got a bunch of tools used for maintenence as well. The Old Ranger's House (OHR and in one article called a house) was converted into a workshop/storage area. Sadly that's the camp I grew up at, Salmen Scout Reservation's Camp V-Bar.
  14. That is becaus up to1989, there was no such thing as a NSP. From 1972 to 1989 you had mixed aged patrols, aka traditional patrols, and the Leadership Corps of older Scouts. I know that at one time BSA had Explorers in troops for the older guys, but do not know the time frame. So mixed aged patrols are the traditional patrol recommended by National from 1910 to 1989, and many units continue to use traditional patrols after national started recommending NSPs because the traditional patrol works. It's not a matter of ignoring what nationals tells us to do, it is a matter continueing to use
  15. Agree 110%. When I was the "Troop Guide" (I was doing this in 1986 and it was called Patrol Leader at that time) It was extremely challenging trying to get the new Scouts up to speed. Instead of increasing morale, allowing us to focus on their advancement, getting htem better in tune with Scouting etc, there were arguments, no one wanting to listen, and not enough help from older Scouts on the camp outs b/c they were with their patrols. And our SM only interfered once, and that was when I was at my breaking point and the SPL took over my patrol while the SM had a chat with me. I say it was acc
  16. The reason Is stated the use of statistics on First Class Scouts for the creation of NSPs is because that is what national used to justify creating the NSP model. The more I think about it, more I realize LDS units must have influenced its creation since their stats would skew traditional patrols since the y keep all the 11 years olds separate. In fact if you think about it, they are aged based, i.e. 11 years olds separate from the rest of the troop; 12-13 in the troop; 14-18 Varsity et Not just where you live. In the three states I've seen it used, the only way it was "succe
  17. My understanding was that the NSP concept was based upon research that showed Scouts who earned First Class in a year stay with the program. My argument against this was this: what does the data show about how active the troop is? I asked it in 1989 and continue to ask it, but get no response. However the more I read and hear about the LDS program and their 11 Year Old Boy Scout program, and how it is identical to the NSP concept, It is a logical assumption that LDS Scouts influenced the data back in the 1980s and National used their model for the NSP concept. The issue therefore with the
  18. 1) As I stated, the caps are for emphasis, not shouting. I guess I could Bold or underline or even italicize for emphasis, but I admit I'm lazy and caps works easiest. 2) You may studies are all over the place, and yes they are. But look at the methodologies used. Some of the research uses methods that leave out factors. Heck even some of the pro single gender ones have questionable methodologies. But if you look at the studies for single gender as a whole, there are fewer problems with them overall than with coed studies. 3) If you want, I'll not only pull up my research from back in
  19. GOODS NEW: Son is suppose to be contacting his SM to finish the last 2 MBs needed and his SM conference for Life. BOR is scheduled for the 28th. BAD NEWS: Why do I feel old ? (sorry couldn't resist)
  20. We've have similar issues with my troop. At first it was not a problem. Now it is because it seems as if everyone is bringing their kids. At least when my youngest went camping in June, he was a Webelos. If it wasn't't for that fact, he would not have went. The parents I mentioned earlier brought their Tiger with them and let him lose. Yes he was all over, thankfully not in a canoe. Sad thing is that these parents are volunteers, and do not see what the problem is or how they are hurting their sons.
  21. I am against allowing girls in Boy Scout troops for a variety of reasons, but in a nutshell BOYS LEARN BETTER IN AN ALL MALE ENVIRONMENT JUST AS GIRLS LEARN BETTER IN AN ALL GIRL ENVIRONMENT! (caps for emphasis). Heck Surbaugh evens mentions that in the jambo video thatis online. If it hurts the boys I'm against it. I am also againt partnering with or creating a parallel program because PEOPLE WILL IGNORE THE SEGREGATION AND GO COED ANYWAY. ( emphasis again) IF IT HURTS THE BOYS, I AM AGAINST IT! ( This time I'm shouting, mostly at the national folks who are shoving this down our thro
  22. I've previously stated how one volunteer will create a "paper girls unit" and fully integrate the girls into the Boy Scout troop, irregardless of what national wants.
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