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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. Agree 100% a total waste of money. All the meat has to done as a prerequisite so all you are doing is talking with a MBC at camp. That can be done at Starbucks and the coffee is better. Two from our troop went this year at our council and I asked the parents why? The response was "it puts a deadline on them". So there you have the real answer. They are scouts who have had their entire existence scheduled out for them so now they don't know how to do it the themselves. Great Eagles these will make. This totally subverts the purposes of the MB program. There was a trail to eagle semin
  2. I have not had much contact with LDS units but I did have a great conversation with a couple leaders using the same climbing cliff as our troop last year. He expressed extreme frustration with just getting some of these boys trained as leaders and then off they go. He could not get any real patrol method going because there were no leaders. I suppose in most cases Boy Scouts will really become Webelos III.
  3. It just seems odd they would change the whole Webelos program immediately after the big Cub Program Update. Then again maybe it isn't really that odd. When BSA has ever thought things through? Interesting how this brings the traditional program a little closer in some respects to the LDS program.
  4. Regarding Venturing I thought they already "fixed" that by registering all 18-20 year olds as Adults thereby scrubbing the program of adult homosexuals.
  5. "They flat out said in the preso on this". What preso? Presentation? By who? When? Is this a pilot program in your Council?
  6. The subject of older boys not wanting to associate with younger boys is a subject I would really like to see explored in detail on this forum. There are many reason Scouts appeals to me and the mix of ages is one of the top ones that appeals to me. HS is so horizontally structured and the vertical structure of BS is what appeals to me. My BS needs that mentoring form older scouts and he also enjoys mentoring younger scouts. I fully expect him to age out and be a camp counselor when his time comes. Is he a dying breed? What is happening to the concept of Servent Leadership? Am I just
  7. Where have you heard this? The new Cub program they are rolling out is clearly a two year Webelos program. Although I have no doubt under your leadership it could be accomplished in 1 year or less. The rest of us dolts, lucky to just get through. My Webelos 1 den is in no way ready to put up with Boy Scouts, and I am having serious doubts about 16 months from now. All they want to do is run around in the creek. Not a bad thing, but they have no interest in doing boy scout things. They are just banshees. (Including my son). He has already told me he is NOT going to do any Merit Badg
  8. Webelos have a choice on troop to join and the troops can't just take them for granted IMHO that is a great thing. Others here will disagree and say that is a bad thing and bad for the BSA. I am still trying to understand why.
  9. Pack I am curious. I certainly agree a relatively recent DUI is a disqualifier, but how far back is OK, if any. I am 47, if I had one in my teens or early 20s would that be a disqualifier? (I didn't, but should have on a couple of occasions)
  10. Awwww. Fred you are bring tears to my eyes. I am now thinking about getting one of those PayPal card readers for my phone. Oh, forgot your checkbook again. I KNOW you have your debit card. Swipe here.
  11. How about this grey area. The cigar aficionado who likes to keep a unlit cigar in his mouth? Had an issue with a new BS parent this past weekend that did that a few times. He did go off a 100 yards or so behind the trailer and light up. Out from the woods pops up my Webelos and read him the riot act. Parent thought it was funny and told my wife. Same guy pulled out his flask a few times around the campfire. New parents may not know all the rules and how seriously they are taken. I had the ASM have a polite conversation with him at the Troop meeting last night. If it happens a
  12. We have some lanterns buried in the trailer somewhere. Never used them in nearly 2 years with the troop, we seem to get by fine with led headlamps. All those lanterns seem to be good for is attracting bugs.
  13. I doubt you are are going to get council to go after these guys. The CO maybe. If you aren't comfortable with the company you keep......
  14. Don't do that again. I really missed you. Just not the same without your smiling face. Really could have used your expertise over in the "are den dues excessive" thread. It would have been fun.
  15. The national site says "for a specified period of time", but doesn't specify that period of time. Where have I heard this one before?
  16. Yearly certification will not work if YPT needs to be current for the full period covered by the new charter. Everyone in the Pack/Troop (not to mention district/council) would need to take YPT on January 31, 2015 in your example. Not a day earlier or a day later. Think BSA IT Is up to the task ? How many of the leaders could we get to really do that?
  17. I suppose a Mega Church that was into Scouting could find it useful. Once you start over 100 Scouts a troop could become a bit heavy. Imwouldnt want to be part of a troop that the SM didn't at least know everyone's name.
  18. Before to long we will have to go to Plilmonts glorious classrooms for YPT.
  19. You are forgetting Taxes. You can't earn money without paying taxes. At Halloween my wife and I impose the Candy Tax. "You don't think Mom and I are going to get dragged around the neighborhood all night just so You can get free candy do you? We can reach into your bag and take whatever we want whenever we want and you better keep quite about it. Get used to it."
  20. Q, go back to the original post. I believe the controversy is over $40 for the WHOLE YEAR. $40.00 a month better include some pedicures and a facial.
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