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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. Not only should the Ws' get a program that will involve them and lead them on to being "loyal Scouts" (where did I hear that?), a creative CM will know to include his Ws in the leadership of the Pack. The younger Cubs should be able to look up to the Ws as examples (Wow! I'll get to do XY and Z when I become a W!), but the Ws should be encouraged to take on some leadership roles in the Pack. Good flag ceremonies, skits, knot tying demos, uniform wear, etc. Don't let them become a CS elitist group, which only says to themselves (and as read by the younger Cubs) "Hey, when can I get out of t
  2. The Jambo can be, I would aver, divided into four types of people. There is (are?) the pro staff, the volunteer staff, the Scout participants and the visitors. And the military support staff, I guess. Five types. It is, IMHO, one of the best uses of military spending around. The Scout Participants are selected by a competitive method. Not everybody who applies can attend. I think (correct me here) but each national region/council selects the Scouts that attend from their area. Draw from a hat? Write an essay? Know somebody who knows somebody? The method is unknown to me, but in my a
  3. My Scoutmaster said,"soap the pot, And the cleaning will go like a shot" So that's what I did, Bottom, in, out and lid. Bubbly stew but edible...not! Poison Ivy has green leaflets three. Scouts certainly know this, don't we? Yet we sometimes get lesions In sensitive regions From using the wrong leaning tree...
  4. SSScout


    Added Value... "And if you order your belt before 10:30, we will include , absolutely free, a simulated brass safety clip that is specially designed JUST for your belt!" Things I have seen hanging from the clip (sometimes more than one): -pocket knife. -compass. -match safe. -coil of rope. -signal flag (?linesman?) -ANOTHER clip. -dog leash, with small dog attached! Any more?
  5. Oy veys mir... I'm not sure I have boots tall enough to wade thru all this... In no particular order... I was referring to Jesus' having no POLITICAL power, not spiritual power. Yes, he allowed a lot to happen to fulfill the prophecies and his Fathers will, but still, he had no POLITICAL power. And that is what is spoken of here. Constitutional law... as opposed to moral rectitude... The Great Compromise allowed the southern states to count the SLAVES as less than a whole human. And then not allow them to vote, because they (slaves) were not citizens, but "property". Back th
  6. David.self: Welcome to the forum! ( or is it the colliseum? Hard to tell sometimes) Let's see now, Jesus was not european, but Pilate was. Jesus had no power, but Pilate had the power of life and death in the land, speaking for Caesar. Pilate "washed his hands" of the affair, and let the "locals" deal with their "problem". I perceive that the previous thread was (in part) dealing with how one treats people who are of a different color/heritage/religion/language than oneself. Some folks perceive themselves as superior to others by virtue of their place of birth or type of parents or profe
  7. It occurs to me that Jesus was not a white caucasoid european. Presumably neither was the Sanhedron. But Pilate was. TS: WWJD?
  8. Aztec human sacrefice... ummm... Well, I guess we missed that one back in Abraham's time. Here's a site to mess with your collective minds and stretch the idea of inclusiveness... it seems there are many, many "true faiths". www.religioustolerance.org Is there a Scout movement in Haiti? do they have a Voodoo religious award?
  9. "Veeery Interesting. But Shtupid." =Artie Johnson= MRL: Now you've got my attention. Except for those who accept the faith given them by their family and environs ( Friends use the term 'birthright'), one's expressed faith is a choice. And it is correct to use the term "convinced". Most Friends these days ARE "convinced". That is the term we use for those that come to worship with us and after a time CHOOSE (decide??) to declare themselves in agreement with Friend principles and testimonies. It is ultimately a CHOICE, even if it is a choice not to change. Evangelicals, of what ever persu
  10. Friend LongHaul speaks much of my mind. I do not choose to be a Jew. I do not choose to be a Baptist. I do not choose to be an athiest. But I could. We have that choice and the results accordingly. But some folks, in their search for truth either 1) do not search, but accept what has been given them already by family, or school. or 2) settle in to a faith (yeah even atheism can be called a faith) that seems to suit them, a 'comfort zone' or 3) keep looking to find an explanation for how the world came to be, as it is or as it might be, or 4) to explain what comes after THIS life, or
  11. All the good ideas. I bet someone you know knows someone who has a brother in law whose cousin is a Ham radio operator. See if your Cubs can visit their operation. Look up REACT, both in the phone book and ask the local fire and rescue folks, they will know. REACT folks do disaster communication and often can come and set up at your location to demo international communications! Talk to a Ham in Peru or England! How cool would that be!
  12. A couple of questions for them what can answer: 1) Was it BSA that "pulled the Charters" or was it the various organizations that resigned them? 2) Were there really any "Public Schools" sponsoring Scout units, or was it the PTAs and such? I can't see Thomas Jefferson Union Elementary School of Blahblah City sponsoring a Scout unit. The PTA could. And the leadership of that august group might have taken umbrage at the DRP. 3) Since BSA is a voluntary organization, and no one HAS to join, why is it so important that certain people WANT to join? Hypocracy not withstanding... Hell
  13. The DRP as presently stated and used is contradicted by BSAs courting of Buddhist Scouts, Confuscian Scouts and others (those are just the ones I'm aware of). The promise that we ask Cubs and Boys Scouts to state, speaks of ones "duty to God". First, I would suggest that promising to do ones best here naturally makes the DRP unnecessary.I would then postulate that that duty is not mine to judge, but Gods. I would perhaps speak with the boy about how he sees his duty and how he might be striving to meet it, but it is not my duty to judge if he really is doing "his duty", only God can do th
  14. Ladeeeees and Geeeentlmen... The main event! In this corner, at mmnteinmte pounds, the judeo-Christian traditionalists... And in this corner, the all-inclusionists... And in THIS corner, the any-religion-see-the-dictionary-definitionists.... AND in THIS corner, the Baden-Powell Nature-as-religion-Practical-Christianityists... And in this other corner, various Scout masters and Cubmasters just trying to teach Scouting to boys while not being terribly interested in the boys personal beliefs... This will be 15 rounds, no holds bared. Logic, faith exposition, sac
  15. 12) " The business of America is business" =Calvin Cooledge= Is there still truth to this statement? TBC...
  16. 10) And when the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, it was with the support of whom, as a counter to the Russian presence? And was there somewhere a mention of a proposed oil/gas pipeline ? 11) My memory may have some gaps, but when the French were reticent to give up their colony in Indochina, what happened to the elections mandated by the Geneva conference? TBC...
  17. Usta be a Scout had to be First Class to be able to earn MBs. Now, Scout rank is sufficient. Some Troops use the MBs as a structure for passing the rank requirements: earn First Aid MB and you've automatically passed Second Class and First Class first aid requirements. Is this appropriate? It seems to be the way to go. There are other examples. Check with your District and see if there is a master MB Counselor list.If there isn't, harrass your commissioner and DE and DCuntil there is one. Your Troop probably has a cadre of MB Cs for their own use, too. Encourage your Scout to make his o
  18. 1) We have the bravest, best equipped, best trained, most loyal "Citizen army" (note the adjective) in the world (singular scandals not withstanding). They go where they are asked to go and do the best job possible, under the conditions. (and why do we need so many civilian 'support staff'? Paid to what corporation?). And I thank God for the safe return of my step son. 2) I pray daily for President Bush, that his decisions will be correct, that he has all the information he needs to make those decisions, and that his health remains good. I also remember that Mr. Cheney is Vice president
  19. "!! Donner! Party of fifty! This way please!" And 'A Modest Proposal' by JSwift is related to the 'Rule of 25' because??? Some of BSA regimen gets, as Alice said,"curiouser and curiouser". Is the goal to encourage the boy in his famiy's and his chosen faith or what exactly?
  20. I have always been surprised at GS organization (or lack of it). Some years ago, the Scouts at our school decided to have a "join Scouting " day. We arrnged with our neighboring Troops and Cub Packs and went to the GS leaders and invited them to join us. They told us (!true!)that they had enough girls and didn't want anymore to join! Can you imagine a Cub Pack reacting like that? I second the words of GWD. It would appear that the BS program depends on the program, and the GS program depends on the Leaders. If you can become the GS leader that breaks the pattern and helps to create
  21. Beltloops are fun and the Cubs love to wear these pieces of mini armor. Let me point out a few things I noticed as a CM and as a CS Day Camp person: 1) The Pack should try to utilize BLs as a means to bring the Cubs together. Earn'em together. Play the team sports as a group. Take the boys skating, bowling, frisbeeing, etc. 2) Go to the Day Camp! Automatic BLs! And about the only place to earn some of them (archery for one, map and compass?.) 3) Don't dissuade the parents from helping their boy in the pursuit of the BL, but encourage them to include the other Cubs in the De
  22. Whoa!! Like connections! I'm impressed. YiS!
  23. And what is the news from Chicago and Owasippe? Hello?
  24. I must say that I only know my council number because one of my professionals mentioned it in passing at a District Committee meeting. It is used as short hand for THEIR correspondence. He also told me that he doesn't know of any master list of such, except at National. National Capital Area is #82. Just get the NAMES right, they tell me the secretaries will get the numbers right. YiS.
  25. I don't know, never heard of any, but if the Jehovahs Witnesses wanted BSA recognition, (I think they have their own Sortascout organization) even tho they are a very large, well recognized religion, they would be REQUIRED to sponsor at least 25 BSA units? Hypotheticaly, a JW boy might join a BSA Pack/Troop/Crew/Ship and want to earn his faiths award, but since the JWs don't sponsor ANY BSA units, he could not earn a BSA sanctioned award? I got that right?
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