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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. OGE: I recieved your PM this Saturday am. I pasted and clicked the hyperlink, and filled it in, and "send"ed it. It registered as "sent", but then the dreaded "504 Gateway Timeout" page appeared. I set up and again attempted to send via the hyperlink from the PM, but the little green line at the bottom of the page did not lengthen very fast, and then stopped entirely less than 1/2 thru, and then the "504 " page appeared again. A sob, a sob, a sobsobsob...
  2. I have received some PMs from the good posters here, but have seemingly not been able to send to them and be received. I have tried the hyper link included in the PM to me which I received, and I have tried the PM link on the original postings here in Scouterland. None have been received, 'twould seem. Comments ? Common troubles?
  3. And to think I was surprised to discover that the swatiska was really a hindu good luck symbol, and a sioux good luck symbol, and a Scout good luck symbol...
  4. Amen to BDPTOO. Comfortable walking shoes. It's not rough terrain, You will easily put on 4 or 5 miles a day, or more. And extra socks. Not pure cotton. Wool or blends or ...(? I forget the name). Our Staff camp in '05 had lots of mini clothes lines festooned with rinsed out socks every day. Dust and heat and humidity. Have fun... Any luck with the PM?
  5. Don't forget our old friend Smokey Bear ("The" is NOT his middle name!) www.smokeybear.com/kids/default.asp
  6. Can't please everybody. One CO will lose it's Scout unit. The DE loses a unit (looks bad on his record). Somebody has to pull the number off their uni and sew/glue/velcro on a new number. It may indeed seem like the right thing to do from a community viewpoint, but you will get some negative vibes along the way. Considerations: where is/are the Boy Scout units(s)? Where are the supportive parents? Make sure all sensitive toes are taken into consideration. Yoour "good idea" may not, at first blush, seem too good to others. It is not a District or Council concern, except as noted a
  7. Moose: "Omish"? Could you mean "Amish", as in "Pennsylvania Dutch" (which have little or nothing to do with Holland)? Good people, but you won't find any Scouts among them. Jakob Ammann, Swiss Annabaptist...
  8. So, if Scout (brown fleur d'lis) is not a rank, then Bobcat is not a rank ,too?
  9. OO - OO- .... Concept! "Wii Axeyard!!" No blood, rub file on blade to sharpen, angle is importatnt, use contact method, fell trees with big axe, carve necker slides with pocket knife... When redwood is cut down, extra points if you yell "TIMBER!!" loud enough, vibration machine when it falls, Two people use crosscut saw, cooperation, positioning, speed, How do I patent the idea???
  10. Wanna excite your boys about going to camp? Two ideas... first, ask your Commish or DE to put you in touch with the District's or Council's Camp Chair, ask him/her to come and show camp pics and talk about it. Our Council has some excellent DVDs about the various types/sites/possibilities. second, ask around to find some Scouts either in your unit or a neighboring one, to come and talk about camp. third, ( I meant three!) call the camp itself. I bet they would love to come/send someone/help you make the excitement real. "What is not expected cannot be exceeded, or dissapoint
  11. Pioneer Possibilities we have used.... Search around for a trick roper, who might also teach the boys some tricks. Park Police in our area have a mounted unit. Do yours? Have them come visit the camp. Do you have a local museum? Check for their outreach, education section. Farmers in the area may have old time equipment to poke around in/on. Check with your local County Extention service. See if the local County Fair folks have any connections with "Old Timers Clubs" One year, we adjusted the theme to Lewis and Clark, and every day we "progressed" some hundreds o
  12. It starts with... One boy... Two Stars, and their meaning... Three parts of the Scout Promise... Four points of the Scout Sign and compass, pointing the way... Five Words to remember: "Do a Good Turn Daily" ... Six ... Seven Scout Ranks (S,T,Se,F,St,L,E)... Eight Boys in a Patrol... Nine good knots to know (demonstrate them?) Overhand, Square, Two Half Hitches, Bowline,Clove, Tautline, Sheetbend, Figure-Eight, Sheepshank. Ten Fingers clasped in friendship between brother Scouts... Eleven Ranks from Tiger to Eagle (T,W,B,We,S,T,Se,F,St,L,E) Twelve Points o
  13. BDPT00: Now you do. PM me for details...
  14. As others have noted, the RSOs must be 18 and over. My understanding is a Shooting Sports Director is for Overnight camps, with a full range of ranges. He/she oversees all the ranges, each overseen (?) by a RSO. Age not withstanding, LMTY, any Cub Scout Archery or BB or Slingshot range needs to have a steady, mature, responsible hand. No nonsense, make rules stick kindaguy. They can have fun, take pride in the bulls, but no one wants to send a Cub home with an arrow in their foot.
  15. If you are asking for ideas about how to build a wood fire (on what to build a wood fire) when there is no official fire ring, here are some ideas: First, make sure from the PTB that open fires OF ANY KIND are allowed. Second, contact your local Boy Scout Troop. They may/can provide Scouts to help, equipment to borrow, ideas to use. The usual idea is to not damage the existing grass and to protect against fire spreading, so Third, make sure you have the means to put the fire out, BEFORE you light it (buckets of water, shovels, etc.) A BIG steel trash can lid on bricks can
  16. Sctdad: If you make it yourself, no one will fault you for wearing a 4 turn woggle. However, please note that the WB beads are hung on a seperate "shoelace" around one's neck, and not from the woggle. The way the shoelace is draped/twisted around the neckerchief might make it look like the beads are attached to the woggle, but they are not. Leastwise, I've never seen that done. Could be some local affectation, I suppose. Here's how you demonstrate your prowess: Take sufficient leather thong and soak it in water a couple hours. Turks head knot it around the Council Camp flag pole, firm it u
  17. We really do need a subject line/subthread/section on "religion, Chaplain issues". As previously said, it is ONLY when the CO requires a particular religious belief to belong to their Scout unit that this should be an issue. The Scout Promise reminds the Scout of his "duty to God " and other important things. It is not and was not intended to be an "oath" except in the "promise" sense of the word. As BP reminds us, "What sect or denomination a boy belongs to depends, as a rule, on his parents' wishes. It is they who decide. It is our business to respect their wishes and to second their
  18. In some ways it is a good thing to have regularly scheduled BoR. Folks know what to expect and can plan accordingly. OTOH, it is not the best thing to ONLY do it every 90 days for all the reasons promulgated previously. Our Troop preschedules out CoHs every three months. They are nice ceremonies and everyone looks forward to them. The BoRs are held as needed, a "pick up" game, if you will. The SM tells the CC that Johnny Scout has passed the rank requirements and SM conference, and the CC asks around for Cmembers who will be present either now or next week, say. The Scout then attends the Bo
  19. Very nice story. Put that in my "use it sometime" file. Makes me think how far we've come... Packard (what today? Prius? Fusion? Porsche?). YP (drive the boy home? alone with him?). Boy politely asking about the car. Man not responding with fear(?) that the boy might be meaning harm to the car. Charity all around... Could a modern family train up the boy in the way he is to go so well today? Judging from some of the posts on this site, not a few would have problems with that. Then again, I would expect there are many who would...
  20. Oh, this is sweet! Logic, cooperation, physical exertion, communication, all in operation at once! The little table top game I have has seven wood discs on three poles and was called the "Hindu Temple Puzzle", and all along it was a french mathematician? I would favor 4x4 poles sunk securely in the ground, about 5 feet tall, (Boy Scout hieght). Grind/sand off till smooth, chamfer the top edges and use tires of graduated size. Inner tubes are too bouncy and light weight, maybe use them for the Cub Scout version. Go to the local Merchant's or Tire Kingdom, they have been very Scout
  21. If the mom in question wants to go as a Scouter, she should step up, volunteer as a ASM, take the training and see what happens. If , indeed, the SM meant "no females allowed", that action would flush the question out. Speak to the Charter Org Rep or CO Head, local DE, the Friendly Neighborhood Commissioner, and go for it.
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