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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. "Faith, Religion and Chaplaincy" thread, anyone? As I have shared in anecdotal form before, I think most folks join Scouting and then self select out when they discover the more overt religiousity of our organization. I know most kids when they join certainly don't give it a thought. Camp, hike, fire cooking, fun, nature study maybe, that's what they join for, not theology. Late night tent conversations, campfire bull sessions, that's when the BIGGER things come up, that's when the adults and the older Scouts start thinking about can they truely promise a"...duty to God" and what does tha
  2. Without the chapter and verse, I think one will find that the project must be done to benefit something/one that is not Scout related. For the CO? Possible, but not new shelving in the Scout closet in the CO's basement. Paint the classrooms, but not the Scout room. New picnic benches and landscaping/sidewalk/BBQ fireplace/outdoor pavilion/ but not the Scout sign outfront.
  3. Ye sons of France, awake to glory, Hark, hark! what myriads bid you rise! Your children, wives and white-haired grandsires. Behold their tears and hear their cries! (repeat) Shall hateful tyrants, mischiefs breeding, With hireling hosts, a ruffian band, Affright and desolate the land, While peace and liberty lie bleeding? To arms, to arms, ye brave! The avenging sword unsheath, March on, march on! All hearts resolv'd On victory or death! Whoa...Sounds better in the French. "You played it for her, and you can play it for me"
  4. I also suggest you write a letter expressing your observation and feelings on the matter. A collection is appropriate, and most protestant denominations "pass the basket" . Other faiths have a "collection box" near the door, which I favor in this instance. The box near the door can be accessed later, without holding things up. I have seen contribution boxes in many venues: museums, Scout camps, US Parks. We do need to finance "God's work" (and, if properly addressed, most of it is God's work, in one form or another). That said, I also agree that the amount collected could certainly be exp
  5. Any boy can join Scouting. All boys should. When speaking of faith and religion, whether they remain depends on their "trustworthyness" and desire to not be a hypocrite. "...duty to God" and "reverence" and the religious stuff inherent in the Scout Handbook and elsewhere in the Scoutworld (see DRP, which should be DFP) will make it clear to the Scout and his parents that certain things are to be considered when the Scout makes his Promise. We had a very fine mother sign her Cub up for CSDC and then because of the quality of the staff, volunteer herself to help. We gave her an Adult Scoute
  6. I would like to thank Mr. LeRoy for inspiring Beavah to write as he does. That last piece was very good, and speaks my mind. Beavah: Are my PMs still not reaching you? I have had some email conversations with some others of late, but no response from you.
  7. "We really do need a Faith,Religion and Chaplaincy forum." The answer to your titled question, as has been previously enthusiastically stated, is YES. The diversity of faith in Scouting is, some other's opinions not withstanding, truly one of it's strengths. In few places can a boy (or any child, or person) expect to meet folks of such diverse culture and belief, all included by a love and loyalty to two things: The Scout Promise (or Oath) and the Scout Law. My advice to you is to approach the Taoist temple/church and offer to help them charter a Scout unit. Cub Pack, Boy Troop
  8. Very interesting.... Church sponsors Scout Troop. Church did not understand that it is an option (underline option)for Scouts to learn about safe firearm use. Church (understandably) is concerned about youth and firearms. Will not allow firearms on Church property. In my family, we do not allow firearms (or their representation) in our home. It is understood that games and activities (paintball, war world, etc.) that make shooting humans seem like "fun" is against our faith and we will not pursue or support them. Yep, we even get into a discussion about waterguns at CSDC, but anothe
  9. Miquinn1978: Howdy, Pull up some magnetic bubbles and join the virtual campfire. It's entertaining and thought provoking. Provokes other things too, but you'll see... Yeah, when I was Scout, working on my Dinosaur Herding Merit Badge, I sure wasn't concerned with the stuff that concerns me here, now. Scout HQ migrated from New Jersey to Texas, instead of selling donuts on Saturday morning (Troop fundraiser,) we have corporate popcorn, Eagles have a project to plan and complete, GPS gets you lost instead of a paper map. It is a brave new world, but very similar to the old one, after
  10. we really do need a Faith, Religion and Chaplaincy forum. Can I have an "amen"?
  11. To what end? I have better things for my thumbs to do, if I was at the Jambo, which I will not be.
  12. I like to sit them down on our deck, pull out my Bible, with all the notes attached, and discuss their arguments. Very often, they are surprised to find that their Bible does not agree exactly with mine. This leads to a discussion about which translation is appropriate, which verses were left out or "edited", which translation ( I don't speak greek or hebrew or aramaic) we can trust. If they ask about such and such a verse about (frinstance) blood tansfusion, I refer them to another about testing the truth of testimony by making folks eat dirt and, if the Bible is , indeed, infallible, which d
  13. We really do need a "Faith, Religion and Chaplaincy" forum. "It is a sad Reflection, that many Men hardly have any Religion at all; and most Men have none of their own: For that which is the Religion of their Education, and not of their Judgment, is the Religion of Another, and not Theirs." =William Penn, "Some Fruits of Solitude", 1682
  14. Magnets are useless for Cub Scout recruiting. You need to convince the boy it's fun and the parent it's good for the boy. I like the idea of a craft to make, and take home, even if only a paper airplane race. Local Cub Pack makes up stickers with contact info on them and then gives away popcorn (popped!) at the local school fair. Stickers stuck to Popcorn bags. Cubs in uni and or Tshirts. Flags, photo board of activities, folks to answer questions. Cub books to look at.
  15. In this article about New Delhi's new airport, there is an accompanying picture that shows a wall with some decorative sculptures of hands, one of which is VERY similar to the three fingered Scout Sign. Can anyone explain the reason behind these sculptures? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/07/02/AR2010070203125.html
  16. Among the Quakers, we call these "queries". Go to any Yearly Meeting website and search "queries". Sing "Scout Vespers" to yourself... Say to your self... Have I been Trustworthy? and pause for the answer to come. Repeat thru the Scout Law... As to Scout bureaucracy, and being the best SM, CC, ASM, etc. you can be, yeah, "feedback is a gift", but be willing to accept the answers you get without defensiveness. Just accept the answers. Don't try to "explain", just accept the answers others may give you. Compliments are nice, but knowing who feels slighted can be good too.
  17. *sigh* Down and Derby was , er, well, a movie. Well, come to think of it, I might buy a canned sandwich. We do sell canned corn, right? Fundraising... I can see it now... a cute little Bobcat Cub comes up to the grandmother entering the Safeway, and , looking angelically up at her, says : "Ma'am? Would you like to buy a ham sandwich to support thr Cub Scouts?" I see a future here...
  18. I dunno.... I could see coed Cubs... but maybe not in the tweens... Girls do mature earlier than boys, in many ways, but not always... Getting the genders to respect each other , brother-sister wise would be a good thing. Working together as Dens, Patrols, what a concept. But we still have gender seperate atheletic competition. Is this about "feeling good" about yourself as a man or woman, gaining confidence in one's physical ability (camping, hiking, canoeing) as well as learning to respect the other gender as an equal? Or about "opportunity" for all that, which maybe the GSUSA hasn't p
  19. Hi Liz... I am sorry for your complications. Anyone know if the camp kitchen/commissary/dining service is "Council" run or a "contractor"? That may make a difference in the kitchen attitude. Poor service equals no contract... let's see, food concerns.....what I have seen or heard of.... gluten free, lactose intolerant, diabetic, vegan, vegetarian, nut allergies, shellfish allergies, hallal, Kosher (same thing? some say yea some nay), strawberry allergy, egg allergy, nitrates,,,,,
  20. ...and don't forget the Yankee pushdrive screw driver in the elevator...I still have my daddy's.
  21. From my next to favorite recreational website: http://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/latest "Nashville, Tennessee - Boy Scout Catfish Sits in front of the Boy Scout Headquarters right in plain sight; very interesting and funny sculpture. It's on a very busy street -- no parking unless they let you park at the Boy Scout Headquarters. Best to see if you turn around and come from the other direction." "Boy Scout Catfish: Address: 3414 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN [show Map] Directions: On I-440 get off at the Hillsboro Pike exit and head south, is not very far off the i
  22. "Black socks they never get dirty the longer you wear them the stronger they get. Someday I think that I'll wash them, But something keeps telling me, no no, not yet, not yet, not yet, not yet." Wool socks, rinse out daily. Cotton socks, need soap and water, I have never seen AF with wool sock use, only cotton. Fewer blisters with wool, too. Famous cartoon: Willy and Joe, the Bill Mauldin GIs from WW2 are sitting in the fox hole. Willy holds out a pair of socks and says, "Joe, yesteday ya saved my life, and I said I'd never ferget it. Here's me last pair o' clean soc
  23. 2morrows, that's the way we are speaking with Scoutson. A balance of cash and cashcards.(whatever happened to traveler's checks? they were free from AAA). He will be on Jr. staff, but faces the same "temptations". Did yourScout or you receive the Jamboree catalog? 99% of what is available on site is in that catalog. Preorder some of the souvenir stuff. The Troop meals and site water jugs will keep your Scout alive, but he may not think that's "living". Ice cream, snacks, "special stuff" will be, by your local standards, expensive. He may need to replace a hat, or buy the poncho he forgot (
  24. Read the fine print. Compare cost of Jamboree card/bracelet with your hometown bank's debit/cash card.
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