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Everything posted by Sentinel947

  1. Who cares? Not I! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everybody.
  2. Haha. Nah. What you wrote about convection vs conduction makes a lot of sense. Never thought of it that way. And thankfully, in the last 10 years I've been a Scout and a Scouter, I have enough sense to use my sleeping pad as a sleeping pad. =P
  3. Wonderful insight! I learned something I didn't know. Thanks!
  4. Welcome! Feel free to jump in anywhere!
  5. God Bless. Is there any information on what arrangements are in place for him?
  6. The OA is a scouting honor and service organization. In practice it's social club of sorts. Not my sorta gig but I did make it to brotherhood as a youth. I try to volunteer once a year for something the OA does.
  7. Scouter Terry emailed the moderators about a week ago about upgrade and tweaks to the forum. Mostly streamlining and trying to improve responsiveness. If you see a thread or sub forum acting funny , post that information here. Yours in Scouting, Sentinel947
  8. When I was a Scout I found it annoying when siblings tagged along. But the leaders allowed it. Now as an ASM, if bringing a non scout youth along is the only way to deliver the trip I'd say that's a fair exception. But by and large I agree with moose.
  9. Camporees in my district are planned at the unit level. When my unit last hosted in 2008 Our youth leaders planned the event, while adults had an advisory role.
  10. Let's keep in mind we are Scouters and should be courteous even when we have disagreements with others. Thanks. Sentinel947
  11. Not necessarily a flame war. There are many different schools of thought on various subjects of Scouting. Part of the strength of this forum is giving people asking questions as many possible opinions and angles of view as possible .
  12. Nelson Mandela passed away earlier today at the age of 95. A great example of heroism and courage. Sentinel947
  13. Failure to earn Eagle doesn't make his time in Scouting a failure. He sounds like a great young man who challenged himself, made new friends and went on some awesome trips. Top it off that he's obviously a young man of great character and Id be loath to frame this situation as a failure.
  14. So the shelters are concrete restrooms basically. At least they have a secondary purpose.
  15. BD: there is an interest page. Has about 1.000 likes but it's not a group where members can interact and discuss topics, which is the obvious strength of this forum.
  16. Tell him to take pride in his accomplishments. If he's as good a man as you say , if he's about to be 18 invite him to be an ASM. As a poster above me said, scouting is about more than advancement. Your Scout has proven that he is a successful product of Scouting even if he doesn't have the final rank. Congratulations to your Scout on a successful scouting career.
  17. Tobacco police is alright in my book. I think that makes your assertion much more reasonable.
  18. If there is interest we could create a facebook group.
  19. This is something for your council office, since NYLT requirements vary from council to council. There should be a coordinator who could answer all the questions you have. That being said your unit leader probably knows what the customs are in your council. My council does not require ILST or ILSC. I went to NYLT in 2009, it's still one of my fondest memories of Scouts. I had no prior training before I went, I was 15 years old, and Assistant Senior Patrol leader. In my council most of the youth that go are between 13-16 years of age.
  20. I get your point. You draw a distinction between e cigs and real ones. And compare e cigs to coffee. (Which they both have low health risks and are habit forming) However I'm not sure if you got my point.
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