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Everything posted by Sentinel947

  1. Never an Eagle, what makes those sound Christian?
  2. I honestly think at this point the gay issue was an excuse for some people to get out of the BSA and start their own organization. I only know of one Scout who is going to be joining this new organization, and that Scout isn't from my unit.
  3. I think most of the above posters are relating it to their own experiences with their own Scouts. I agree, there is no mention of the boy being autistic.
  4. Makes me think of a few Scouts in my unit. A reminder to be aware of bullying.
  5. I was cruising CNN this fine morning and came across this. http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/02/us/connecticut-teen-suicide/index.html?hpt=hp_bn1#cnn-disqus-area The young man was a Boy Scout and considered "awkward" but "a kind hearted person" by other students at his school. My prayers go out to his family. Sentinel947
  6. I've always believed that earning Eagle is what you make of it. It can be just a checklist, or it can mean so much more than that. Ultimately, it is a checklist. It's what happens during the filling out of the checklist that really matters. Not the checklist itself. We are trying to build boys into men of character. When the checklist (The means) takes over the character (the ends) the program is failing. This is on the leaders. However, EVERYONE is responsible for their own actions. If young men, Eagle Scouts, are getting arrested, dealing drugs, whatever, that is THEIR fault, not Scoutings.
  7. I often find myself without the time to entirely dissect and read word for word each and every word typed into a thread. I'm not afraid to admit that. Have fun teaching the game of kings to other Scouts in your unit. (I counsel for Chess MB myself). Help them learn the deep strategy of the game, help the Scouts love the game, and the requirements will come as they progress through the game. The benefits of playing game are not obvious (Kinda like Scouting!) but they are there. How long have you been playing Chess EagleScout411?
  8. In conclusion: EagleScout411- you signing off merit badges for other scouts in a no go. If you want to teach your fellow Scouts about chess, go for it. It's a wonderful game (I play regularly) and many of the Scouts in your unit could benefit from playing the game. But rules are rules, you are forbidden from being a merit badge counselor at the age of 15. Your Troop has committed an error, and are fortunate that there hasn't been any advancement issues arising from such. I apologize for some of the belligerence Scouters here have shown you. Thanks SR540Beaver
  9. What would you recommend for killing mildew on a tent or tarp?
  10. As a Catholic, our Mass's have special significance to us. It is the point where we get redemption from our sins and partake in the grace of Jesus Christ. Why would you want to force outsiders to attend ? Most of them will look on that in a disfavorable way and may cause them to leave your unit. Invite them to attend, and leave it at that. I agree with Jblake on his points. I'm not aware of any BSA documents that point to anything of this nature. There could be. "Go in peace, and glorify the Lord with your life." Sentinel947
  11. JBlake, if servant leadership was a communicable disease, that post would have just given me it. Very thoughtful and well done!
  12. "Honestly, I'd rather watch him fail and be the one to pick up the pieces." I'm extremely disappointed to hear a Boy Scout have that kind of attitude. Very disappointed. Perhaps your attitude is why your fellow Scouts find you unelectable. However, I don't know you, so I can't say that with any certainty. I'm not trying to insult you with that. Maybe it's just your frustration with the situation. I understand your frustration. It was only a four years ago that I was a Senior Patrol Leader in my unit. I remember running for elections for various positions. Now as an Assistant Scoutmaster,
  13. I ended up at Scouter.com because I was bored during college and was looking at Scouting websites. -Sentinel947
  14. Since when did this politics forum only discuss things pertaining to Scouting? Also Thomas Jefferson, I just wanted to argue some history for no reason whatsoever. The turning point of the Eastern front in WW2 is generally regarded as the battle of Stalingrad, which took place in August 1942- Feb 1943. Pearl Harbor was December 7th 1941. The German invasion of Russia only began in June of 1941. It's likely that the Russians would have won the Battle of Stalingrad and reversed the German momentum without American assistance, but it's factually incorrect to say the Russians had the Germans
  15. l leave this here for discussiong. http://www.ijreview.com/2013/07/65699-the-trayvon-martin-case-in-pictures/I
  16. Peregrinator: They could consider it, but the Prosecution never argued for manslaughter. They spent the whole case trying to argue malicious intent.
  17. m the legal perspective, the Prosecution tried to hit a home run with a big time charge in Murder-2. They tried to prove Zimmerman profiled and had hateful intent to kill Martin. That was overreach, and a simpler charge should have been attempted, like Manslaughter. I think public pressure pushed the prosecution into a really difficult charge to prove. Beyond a reasonable doubt. I'm disappointed that Trayvons family was denied justice, but happy that media pressure did not create a conviction where the facts did not lie, and clearly to almost anybody who watched the trial, the State blew it bi
  18. Thomas Jefferson, lets start with the fact that everything I say will be dismissed because your atheism is far more intellectually superior to anything my pea sized mind can comprehend. Some Christians, myself being one of them, believe that Science and Religion are compatible. Science tells me how I live, how the world around me works, and how to improve my life and the lives of others. But Science cannot inform me as to why I live. What is my purpose? What should I do with my life? Religion does that. Look at all the scientific inventions that were created by Christian, Muslim, Jew
  19. I can't wait to watch this group crash and burn. They screamed and made a ton of noise when they left, but had no exit strategy. Sounds like a bunch of adults that just wanted to start their own organization and now have an excuse to do so.
  20. If y'all want to discuss Politics and or the Membership Policy we do have a sub forum for that. The reason we have separate forums isn't so that people can avoid discussing the political/culture war issues, but rather that those issues will dominate the whole forum, and there won't be an easily identifiable way to find out other Scouting relevant information. So we have a nice separate forum for that. Lets keep it that way. If ANYBODY thinks by them preaching and pontificating on an internet forum like this one that they are making a noble contribution to the political causes they care about,
  21. Ding Dong, I'm just dieing to hear one of your possible examples. Do tell. It also brings up a question, why does that woman's charter organization look at the EM form? Or is she afraid of the Unit leaders looking at it? If she is, then she's far too paranoid to be involved in any group, and should just sit inside her house wrapped in bubble wrap for her own safety. Sentinel947
  22. "You have to admit there are zealots within the BSA" You seriously think that somebody at a Camp is going to go through the Emergency Medical Records looking for somebody with a religion they don't like? Or that a first responder will deny care to somebody based on information within that person EMF? You cannot be serious.
  23. I'm in ROTC in college, and the Scouts always ask me questions about it and seem to think it's pretty cool. Cool as in macho, probably not cool as in fun or exciting.
  24. King Ding Dong: I always assumed he was Excommunicated. But looking at the actual facts, he was last married in 2000, and became a Catholic in 2009. The Catholic Church probably doesn't recognize his previous marriages. To Catholics, there is a difference between what the Government says is a marriage, and what we consider Holy Matrimony, (Marriage). I would be assuming (Which means I don't really know the answer) that the Church doesn't recognize his earlier marriages since it didn't have a part in them. (He was a Southern Baptist at the time.) Wikipedia says that his previous two m
  25. Packsaddle, I certainly don't have an answer. As I said, I haven't read his resources, I don't necessarily agree with his posts. All I said was that he outlines an argument, then explains it, citing his sources and resources that he's used to make his case. And that, is what I find refreshing, since most internet discussions Mostly come down to is "this is what I think, I'm right and you are wrong", with no explaining or defense of those opinions. My respect for his argumentation doesn't mean that I agree with him. Never once in my post did I say I agreed with him. Based on my experie
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