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Everything posted by SemperParatus

  1. Hunt's got it right. Can the beer. Stick with the soda. Raise this issue with the Troop Committee, if their answer is we have nothing to do with it, then they have deluded themselves into finding justification for something they know is not right for the sake of money. I would suggest that the committee examine its motives and consider other avenues of fundraising, that are more in line with the values of scouting and don't require adult-only effort and financial intermediaries to try and launder the money.
  2. Welcome neighbor! There are several other Marylanders that post here.
  3. GB, Never saw the movie, but more than a few have told me about it
  4. We are all human (I hope) and have all made some embarassing blunders during our service in scouting (I suspect). Time to share yours now...if you dare! I'll go first... In my second year as Cubmaster many moons ago, we moved our Blue & Gold to a very nice facility. I was miked up with wireless technology and everything was going so well. During a brief break in the festivities, I snuck away to relieve myself of excess liquid refreshments. As you can probably guess, I forgot to turn the mike off and the 400 or so people in attendance were serenaded with the sound of the soft
  5. Mamacub, Welcome!!! You were absolutely correct and according to your story, handled it very well. This is a very common tale, especially with new scouts and parents. I hope they have gained some understanding that in scouting, there is a sense of integrity and caring, both of which you have demonstrated. Best of luck with your den and new pack.
  6. Forgery is a crime. I would prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. Your Pack should find itself a new CM ASAP...this one is off his rocker.
  7. I wonder if anyone was offended by the belching exhaust smoke from his rv as it rumbled through the campground. Sounds like a typical crowded commercial campground...what does the guy expect? Maybe next time, he'll camp at Walmart.
  8. If I were in your shoes Diver, I would just let it go. The chances are very good that she has been given 'advice' before, but to no avail. Focus on your program and the boys. Welcome to the forum!
  9. Talk with the boys and their parents about their options, rather than 'just tell them' what to do.
  10. I'm with Ed...the kilt does no harm and if that's what the boy wants to wear as part of his celebration of his accomplishment then so be it. Personally, I think its a little goofy. But, who am I to get in the way of his night. As for the other scout, if he has a big problem with it (and I would doubt that he does) then the troop leadership should seek to arrange the celebration(s) accordingly. This is another good reason to not have group Eagle COHs.
  11. If I were you, I would gather together as many other committee members that share the same concerns and arrange a meeting with the CC and COR to address them. If the CC and COR are not willing to address the concerns by talking with the SM and seeking ways to immediately improve his performance, then I would discuss with my son (and the other folks with serious concerns) the possibility of looking at other troops that may offer better opportunities for fun and growth.
  12. Hate to disappoint the revisionists, but the overwhelming majority of the founding fathers were indeed Christian. http://members.tripod.com/~candst/tnppage/qtable.htm
  13. A Form 1023 need not be filed if average annual gross receipts are less than $5,000. Accordingly, there would be no need to pay the $500 Form 1023 application fee ($150 if receipts are less than $10K annually). Of course, you would not have an exempt-status/public charity determination letter from the IRS to show potential donors. That doesn't mean they can't claim a donation to the corporation, but it could scare larger donations away. Likewise, an annual Form 990 need not be filed if annual receipts are less than $25,000.00. Depending on the state, there are no taxes to pay.
  14. I don't understand. If there are 8 girls saying they will go Juliette, then why not just have the 8 form a new troop led by the current troop's co-leader? Surely, scouting is more fun when done with friends.
  15. Hi kahits, Good luck to you and Aidan. Any chance you are a Rich Mullins fan? Aidan you're young But Aidan you're growing fast Me and your mom And all the love we have We can only take you so far As far as we can But you'll need something more to guide your heart As you grow into a man Let mercy lead Let love be the strength in your legs And in every footprint that you leave There'll be a drop of grace If we can reach Beyond the wisdom of this age Into the foolishness of God That foolishness will save Those who believe Although t
  16. Welcome. Relax and have fun. Before you know it, you will wake up and your son will be a man. Enjoy this time in your and his life.
  17. Welcome, If you really are a leprechaun, you may want to focus on cub scouts first
  18. Good tie-in with GW, ...and lest we forget... Mary Custis Lee (Robert's wife) was the granddaughter of George Washington...and of course Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee (Robert's father) was a close friend of the G-man, giving us those famous words at Washington's eulogy... "First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen...second to none in the humble and endearing scenes of private life."
  19. Best resource for challenge and leadership games is Karl Rohnke's Silver Bullets, Quicksilver and Cowstails & Cobras books. You will find hundreds of great ideas presented in a fun manner. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&rank=relevancerank&field-author-exact=Karl%20Rohnke/002-3390451-7509656
  20. Robert E. Lee on slavery... Letter dated December 27, 1856: I was much pleased the with President's (Pierce) message. His views of the systematic and progressive efforts of certain people at the North to interfere with and change the domestic institutions of the South are truthfully and faithfully expressed. The consequences of their plans and purposes are also clearly set forth. These people must be aware that their object is both unlawful and foreign to them and to their duty, and that this institution, for which they are irresponsible and non-accountable, can only be chang
  21. We use Troopmaster, but don't track partials. I have had discussions with the advancement chair about this, but unfortunately other pressing matters seem to take precedence. After summercamp, we do help the scout hook up with a registered counselor for partially completed badges and attempt to track and follow-up. However, if several months go by with no activity, it invariably gets forgotten by the troop leadership (and the scout). Something we need to work on and can do better. Trev, any chance this SA may want to relocate to the land of pleasant living?
  22. We don't track them (up to the scout), but I wish we did. It would be nice to know that when a scout asks me for a blue card to start working on a badge that I could use that opportunity to remind him of the specific other badges that he is almost finished and maybe help him focus his efforts to completion.
  23. DH = ???? Dad Hero? Dead Head? Dark & Handsome? Drooling Hedonist?
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