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Scoutmaster Ron

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Everything posted by Scoutmaster Ron

  1. Ty, Get flyers out to the schools, hold an open house in which you can several stations set up and invitees can go around the room and learn scout skills., get to your district roundtable and invite webelos to attend outings meetings, have an invite a friend camping outing. Just stome ideas to start
  2. ASM514...would you mind sharing your presentation with me? I am embarking on a active recruitement for my troop and would appreciate anything and everything. Tks
  3. "I did not want to hurt the leader but I felt that the leader should apologize to MY SON - not just to me and that instead of hiding what happened, it should be talked about and then put in the past. " Please don't tell me that all you wanted from this guy was an aplology? Protect your son and protect future son's from this man's abuse he has crossed the line and should be removed from the program until a full inquiry can be done.
  4. File charges ASAP..get witness statements if you can. Pull out of this troop it's clearly not a safe enviroment to be in.
  5. Thanks everyone for your response they'll sure help me...especially the troop
  6. Why are the parents so insistant he go? If it's that big of a trio all the boys probably should have their canoeing merit badge also. And if the parents "hire" a lifeguard to go with their son does he have to register as something? Matua has the best response make sure one of his parents goes on the trip.
  7. I'm looking for perspectives from other scouters on what would you say if someone (adult) Why should my boy join Boy Scouts? Sometimes I dont always think of everything to say and would like to get your ideas.
  8. Congrats! My fist weekend outing starts in Sept,also turn 40 during one of thsoe weekends and do my ordeal in between. I have inquired alot about Woodbadge ..just worried about coming up with ideas for tickets...correction I have ideas for my tickets just wonder if they are ticket worthy. I like to concentrate my efforts in 1st class 1st year scouts and recruitment. Keep us informed how it goes...
  9. As soon as he registered as an adult leader he can be presented his Eagle Scout knot..just my opionion
  10. This brings another question to mind..does your troop allow your scouts to signoff requirements for other scouts in their book? In mine as longas your 1st Class and above you can sign off other scouts books
  11. I'm sorry.. I would like to get comments and input from anyone on my lst post of signing off out the requirement on scout spirit and living by the scout law in a scout's everyday life if he lied to you...maybe I'm a bit off the original subject and should start a new thread?
  12. Bob, Would you pass a scout on a S.M. conference if he had lied to you about why he couldn't go on an outing? Maybe I need to explain more I had asked a scout why he couldn't attend an outing he claimed "I'm going to Tahoe with my parents" When I asked the parents in casual converstaion "so you going to Tahoe" they had replied "no" I then explained what had transpired between their son and I they began to shake their heads and made their son apologize for lying.
  13. Mark, I agree it's not always balck and white and some things need to be flexible as long as I can see a legitimate attempt...One reason why he does not attend more meetings that he does is that if his Dad is not at home to bring him he wont come..his mom wont drive on the freeway and has declined offers from other leaders and or other adults to drive hime. I'm just glad I'm not the S.M....yet...that's a different thread to start TwoCubDad you stoked it pretty good...ha ha
  14. Tks, Mark You really hit somehting with me that just wearing the patch doesn't mean you pass the requirement it's what you do in that position. We have a situation where the father of one scout is pushing his son to make eagle within the next 6 motnhs, he currently is a star scout with only one merit badge to go before life, he also turns 18 in 6 months and 6 days never attends outings and rearely attends meetings. He also has demonstrated zero leadership skills (my opinion only) I'm watching this closely to see how our committee reacts to the deadline of the next 6 days if he makes his
  15. Bob, Ok now I think were on the same page as long as a scout is active with the patrol and or the troop..then all is good mk How can you consider a boy active if he cant make op and or patrol outings or troop and or patrol meetings..the boy flat out can't come how can you consider active...PLEASE I'm only offering this up for debate not to critize the way your troop does it. I'm intrested in learning the hows and why of how troops differ and how I can take those ideas back to the troop I serve in to better it
  16. Mark, I would agree with what your saying, the boys can come up with their own goal taking into account other activity's that could support patrol and troop requirments. So would we agree to above 50% or what if the scout says 30% or below?
  17. No one is saying to sign-off on the requirement if the scout hasn't met it yet. What the program is saying is that the requirement needs to take into consideration the uniqueness of each scout, and that the goal ultimately needs to be set by the scout. Bob, Who is saying sign off the requirement if it's not met...What I am saying is that you cant consider a boy active if he does not attend outings or meetings..the requirement says active in the troop not active with baseball,soccer and band practice then the troop, its says the the troop and only the troop
  18. Bob, I'm confused, so then how does the program allow scouts to meet this requirement that rarely attend meetings?
  19. my thoughts?....how did you do it what was the idea you gave your wife...but seriously great job..you could set up your own camperships for summer camp.
  20. I do see how this works. I finished reading the "Patrol Leaders Handbook" this is the only way to operate, our difficulty is on our outings we only get enough boys to form one patrol instead of 4 distinct patrols that camp seperatly. However we did get 4 crossovers and 1 w/out any scouting experience to form a new patrol and they are doing a great job. We currently are working on having older scouts teach our new boys the patrol method and encourage separate patrol outings, we recently had 3 boys attend a baseball game..it's a start of separate patrol identity.
  21. I'm looking foward to following this thread...We have two boys working on eagle projects that I DO Not consider active in our troop between the two of them maybe attend 2 meetings a month have contributed zero to helping our new scouts, do not attend outings and do not wear the uniform correctly non scout pants with chains hanging from them for example (this has been addressed) despite what activity's are done outside the troop the requirment does clearly state be active with the patrol or troop. I wish it would clearly state attend __% of mtgs and or outings. Am I being too harsh?
  22. I hear your point the older boy's should be doing the training and that's the way I would like it to happen and I guess part of our problem is that are troop is split between two different city's most of our "senior boys" seem to find themselves unavailable which I understand..in addition these senior boys which are about 5 of them 2 are stagnant on rank and 3 are working on eagle projects and maybe attend 2 meetings a month (this raises a whole other problem) which I have expressed my concerns to the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair about how "active" we do however have a small grp of boys tha
  23. We just received a new patrol of 5 boys into our troop. It has been quite some time since our troop did it's own JLT and was wondering how other troops do it? I know it should be the senior scouts to teach the younger ones however most of our older boys do not participate or have the time anymore. I would also be interested in going thru the Patrol Leaders Handbook I read it cover to cover I believe the info needs to get to the boys.
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