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About mgaesser

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    Junior Member

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  • Location
    New Jersey
  1. Again, I thank you all for your responses. I'd like to elaborate a bit on my son. First, I've been thinking back to other leader's impressions. While he was in Cub Scouts, I never heard a complaint from a leader about my son. In fact, I was usually complemented on his behavior often in respect to his peers. During his first year of Boy Scouts, there were also no negative comments. In fact, he was one of the most enthusiastic "new boys" who attended every camp out and activity, including summer camp. He was also one of the two (out of 6) new boys who earned the Star rank early. I think
  2. Thanks to all of you who replied. Just wanted to give you an update. I made several phone calls to council to set up an appointment - none of which were returned. Then I wrote a letter which I hand delivered. I received a letter in return stating that they would look into the matter. I heard nothing from anybody in our troop. Last night my son and I went to a meeting about summer camp which my son has attended every year since he started in scouting. This was the first time we had been to a meeting since the incident. Nothing was said at the beginning of the meeting, however, at
  3. to Bob White - you are right that my son has problems. He is in therapy to get help for them. However, what I was told about the incident was that my son was complaining about doing chores (not ok) and said, "This frigging stinks." (also not ok). On the same trip an older scout who later became an Eagle and whose father is an Assistant Scout Leader repeatedly said "F---" and was not even corrected. In fact, a couple of weeks ago, I spoke to a Webelos leader who had brought her Webelos to visit out troop. She reported that some of the boys - not my son were swearing so much that her boys s
  4. Thanks for the above messages. Sometimes, I've felt like I'm wrong due to the lack of support, although, when I've talked about this issue to friends in other districts they've said that this behavior would not be tolerated in their districts. I am a registered adult and trained and registered as a leader. I plan to take your advise and make that phone call first thing tomorrow - I'll let you know what happens.
  5. My son was at the Jamboree 2 years ago and his Boy Scout leader who is also his leader at his home troop slapped him in the face for swearing. My son's mouth was cut and there was another scout who witnessed the incident. I was contacted by leaders in Virginia about the incident and my son's leader apologized to me. However, the incident was played down by Jamboree leadership and, I think, swept under the rug. I did not pursue it in Virginia because I trusted that it was being dealt with. When my son returned, I learned more about what happened, including a report from the other scout.
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