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Everything posted by scoutldr

  1. So THAT's where all the Unit Commissioners are! I've never actually seen a live one in the wild.
  2. The BSA Policy is called the "Declaration of Religious Principle" and is found on the inside cover of the adult leader application: BSA DECLARATION OF RELIGIOUS PRINCIPLE Excerpted: from Adult Registration Application B.S.A. No. 28-501K. The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God and, therefore, recognizes the religious element in the training of the member, but is absolutely non-sectarian in its attitude toward that religious training. The Boy Scouts of America's policy is that the ho
  3. I've seen these on eBay, but are they an official BSA item? If not, then putting it on the red wool jac-shirt is questionable, since it is considered part of the uniform.
  4. Nice web page! Is this near Lake Monroe?
  5. To be honest, I have never played laser tag, but the "weapon" is probably no more powerful than a laser pointer which you can buy at any Office Max...no danger unless you hold it right in your eye for an extended period of time. More likely the gadgets use an infrared beam much like your TV remote. No hazard there. So why is it forbidden in the G2SS, I don't have a clue. Now paintball, I can see. Them suckers HURT! Scouting, to quote someone famous, is "a game with a purpose". What does laser tag teach someone? How to hunt and kill humans during simulated combat? What with sports,
  6. In case anyone missed it, around Nov 03, the Robert E. Lee Council of Richmond, Va, became the "Heart of Virginia Council". http://www.relcbsa.org/
  7. As I stated before, my objection is during check-in when I (a 50 year old adult) am subjected to being questioned in front of a group by a 14 y.o. CIT about items on my health form and medications (WHat's THAT for?)...and come to find out she's not even medical staff...she worked in the handicraft area. It may not violate any rules, but it ain't proper.
  8. I don't mind vigorous campaigning as much as I do apathy. We just had City Council and School Board elections. Most of the incumbents were re-elected because they ran unopposed. Needless to say, voter turnout was very low, and we're looking at 4 more years of the status quo. Very sad, indeed.
  9. Yep, I remember making my own arrow and having them notched...allegedly 3 notches and you were out (never actually saw that happen, though). Now the arrows are pre-made and issued upon call-out.
  10. Well, it worked. Spelled 16 different ways. Still can't get in.
  11. One of the purposes of having an "Assistant " is to have someone who can keep the program going in the absence of the primary leader. It is not expected that the DL will be able to attend 100% of the meetings, so the DA has to fill in and take up the load in his/her absence. That means the DA needs to know everything the DL knows, and it's another benefit of "two deep" leadership. Every registered "direct contact" leader should be "Trained" in their position. Some councils are making it mandatory.
  12. Ditto, NeiLup! No one has been able to explain why the percentage of Eagles hovered at 2% for so many years and now suddenly it's 4%. We do a Life to Eagle session at U of S, and I found it to be excellent, answering questions about leadership positions, recordkeeping, leadership project (it's the process, not the product), etc. If we are to do our jobs and produce a new generation of self-reliant, confident leaders (of society, not necessarily Scouting), we have to stop the spoon-feeding. That goes for the schools and colleges, as well.
  13. Ordeal 1970 (back when Allowat was about 7 feet tall and the "tap" would buckle your knees!) Brotherhood 1991 Former Chapter Vice-Chief Current Associate Chapter Advisor It's now called a "call-out" ceremony. Sheesh.
  14. It's still there. And I plan to have it in my obituary, too. As a manager who frequently has to review resumes of potential job candidates, I look for things like that. Nowadays, everyone has a high school diploma and the necessary college degrees to work in my profession. So I have to look for some other discriminator, and having been an Eagle Scout, (or the GS equivalent) or even a leader tells me that chances are this is a go-to person who I can trust to be proactive and get the job done right the first time. I look for "leaders" even for a non-supervisory position. Makes my job a
  15. A cardinal rule is that the we may neither add to nor subtract from the requirements. Ask them for documentation of the requirement that proves that is must be Scout related. Their opinions don't count. Moving into Venturing may be the best thing to happen to him anyway...it was for me (back when we called it "Exploring")...and he's still in the BSA program.
  16. Wouldn't the most fair thing be to just adopt the "box rules" and leave it at that. As I try to teach new leaders, when the unit thinks they need to start making up special rules (by-laws, etc), it usually leads to unforeseen complications. As with advancement, we should neither add nor subtract requirements. Seems like this should be a good policy for other things, as well. Who cares if a catamaran wins? Sounds innovative to me, if the ru
  17. Eammon, my man...How can you justify making $3000 profit on a Wood Badge course? (or did I misunderstand your post?) The way I was taught to do event planning, your registration fee is set to cover a good faith estimate of expenses. No more, no less, +/- . Realizing, of course, that no event will come in exactly on the money, but it should be pretty close. If I were a participant and knew that my training fee was inflated to cover other expenses, such as a copy machine, I would be outraged. My council already charges us trainers 9 cents per copy, which should cover the amortized cost of
  18. "Maritime Interest Sea Scouts". Isn't that redundant? Why wait for a "new program"? Just charter a ship and DO IT!
  19. We have 11,000 scouts in 355 units and 7 districts in our council. We have only one pro in our district, but his title is District Director. He reports to a Field Director, who reports to the SE. I still don't understand the hierarchy. I think consolidation is done purely for financial reasons. If you can collapse 2 councils into one, you only need one SE, thus saving about a hundred grand off the top, plus benefits. When membership drops, camp attendance drops (or they go out of council), FOS drops, it's hard to maintain the same level of infrastructure and overhead. It's purely
  20. I think it has something to do with the hunting and killing of humans. Even though simulated.
  21. I think it has something to do with the hunting and killing of humans. Even though simulated.
  22. 1950's - early 60's I think. I saw them in an old BSA catalog a while back. They went the way of the official BSA shoes.
  23. Venture...or should I say, "Grasshopper".... Once, many years ago, when I was complaining to my office-mate about the idiot no-loads we had to deal with....he reminded me that "hey, without them, we'd just be "average"." So, those whom you find useless and irritating are serving a purpose within God's plan. They make you look good by comparison. Even the mosquito, the poison ivy plant, and the rattlesnake (and yes, even FOG and BW)have a place in the ecosystem, though we may not fully understand it, and without them it becomes unbalanced. Being successful in life will require you to b
  24. Our DE put it this way..."everyone deserves to be offered the opportunity to donate." Some do so willingly, others say "I'll take the pledge form home and think it over." Of course, that's a nice way of saying "no". I do know that, without the FOS presentation at my small unit, the council probably would have been $1500 poorer this year. Put it this way...do you stay home from church because you know they will be passing the plate? Some (me) drop in $100 a week while some of equal means drop in a measly buck...or nothing at all. If they can sleep at night knowing others are subsidizi
  25. A beret properly worn over a shaved head (or nearly so) looks good. Unfortunately, when the red beret was introduced in the 70s, the hair style was shoulder length and straight. All that hair sticking out under the beret looked just plain stupid.
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