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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. I have used http://www.crazycrow.com/site/ and https://wanderingbull.com/ A.C. Moore and MIchael's chain stores often have beads. Google Native American leather and you find more Hope this helps.
  2. But perhaps not forgotten. Finding "lost" Eagles might be an interesting service project.
  3. @BOBWHITEJOE , welcome to scouter.com . I created your own new topic. Which age group? Which shooting activity?
  4. @ItsBrian asked that moderators remove his recent topic and so...POOF.
  5. A better approach would be for him to attend one activity with Scoutmaster-approved supervision and go from there...take Youth Protection. He may get a second chance from the troop but if he walks away, he will not get a second chance to experience your son's scouting adventures.
  6. @scoutmom86 , welcome tp scouter.com
  7. @silent-warrior , welcome to scouter.com
  8. Not in my experience with my two sons, it is a bureaucratic and often problematic pain in the... There is no reason to repeatedly state and document a disability for each rank; it just reaffirms his/her disability to the child which is something we do not want to do! And why can't the unit discretely do this independently? Why does Council have to get involved to give permission? https://www.scouting.org/resources/guide-to-advancement/special-needs/advancement-flexibility-allowed/ That said, maybe the BSA should step back and re-evaluate this path but first ask should every scout of
  9. Lt. General John M. Wright, Jr. and family - 4 generations. "He was an Eagle Scout. The son of an Eagle Scout. The brother of an Eagle Scout. The father of two Eagle Scouts. And the grandfather of one Eagle Scout." And he was much more to Scouting.. see his Celebration of Life. http://www.jdwjr.com/CelebrationOfLife.pdf
  10. Lowell William Badgley Sr., Army Air Force A graduate of Fosdick-Masten Park High School, he joined Boy Scout Troop 76 in 1934 and had completed requirements to become an Eagle Scout before enlisting in the Army Air Forces during World War II. He served in the Panama Canal Zone. After he returned from military service, he was awarded the Eagle badge. In 1946, he married Ruth Schwegler and became assistant scoutmaster of Troop 76. In 1953, he moved to the Town of Tonawanda, where he became committee chairman of Cub Scout Pack 183. He later became Cubmaster and Webelos leader of
  11. George Maher, USN In March 1944, 16-year-old George Maher sat down before a Boy Scouts’ Board of Review in Queens, N.Y., that would decide if he had earned the organization’s top rank – Eagle Scout. Thirty minutes into the review, Maher’s evaluation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Maher’s mother and uncle were there to tell him that his father, who had a history of heart problems, was in dire condition in the hospital. Maher’s father would die that night. A few weeks later, Maher would enlist in the U.S. Navy, eventually shipping off to the Pacific to help win World War
  12. Colonel Mitchell Paige, USMC After earning enough merit badges for Eagle Scout, Mitchell Paige left his hometown of McKeesport, Pa., to join the Marines in September 1936. Six years later, he was awarded the Medal of Honor while commanding a machine gunner group against the Japanese during World War II. Paige had never heard a word about his Eagle Scout award, nor did he know what happened to his application paperwork. It took an investigation by an FBI agent to determine that Paige (age 84 in 2003) was eligible for the honor. For years, Paige considered himself an Eagle S
  13. While researching other Eagles awarded later, note a relevant rule from Guide to Advancement Submit (Eagle application) to Council Center "... There is no requirement that an application must be completed or submitted before the 18th birthday. Councils do not have the authority to reject applications submitted on or after that date."
  14. @Rick_in_CA , I created a new topic Rear Admiral Eugene Fluckey was awarded his Eagle in 1948. Our top submarine commander who had been awarded FOUR Navy Crosses, the Medal of Honor , and sank an empty train came back for his Eagle! When Fluckey was 10 years old, he heard a radio address from President Calvin Coolidge that emphasized persistence as the main ingredient to success. President Coolidge said, “Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not: Unrewarded genius is al
  15. This story keeps getting more odd. How often does the National Disabilities Advancement Team step over local Council and the Troop and get directly involved with a scout's advancement?
  16. SOP. I consider this part of "adult association" method, that is in part, learn who best to associate with in order to meet your needs and goals in a timely way. Good practice for the future where they may similarly decide to drop a college course/team due to a poor instructor/coach, change doctors, fire a contractor, ...
  17. Unfortunately, we have high school students who prey on younger students - drugs, sex, robbery, gangs. Some are caught but not all. So we attempt to separate the older, bigger predators from their younger, smaller prey at least during school. It helps, but it is not a complete solution.
  18. Utah National Parks Council viewpoint Mar 13, 2018 Boy Scouts of America is Dedicated to Assisting Scouts with Disabilities Updated 3/15/2018 Boy Scouts of America, Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “Since its founding in 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has served youth members with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities. Scouting is uniquely positioned among youth programs to meet the needs of Scouts with disabilities by providing diverse programs and social experiences. The Utah National Parks Council has worked closely with this young man and his famil
  19. Scolding? Her product advertising post of 5 days ago is hidden as are other recent advertising posts. How new advertising will offset the costs of operating the new scouter.com is still under consideration by the forum owner Terry. Meanwhile I politely redirect new advertising requests to Terry.
  20. Buddy system. Take a buddy like Mike for safety, leave the Speaker of House Paul Ryan in charge.
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