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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Nothing negative about that. That's Scouting - being allowed to fail and cheerfully learn and correct your mistakes.
  2. As I understand two patrols of girls age 11 to 14, the Blue Jays and Eddie Spaghetti, were formed and competed. A little history was made at the Boy Scouts’ 2018 Camporee. The first two-man saw race was not won by men nor boys. It was an all-girls patrol unit called the Blue Jays, formed solely for the weekend, who rocked a bucksaw fastest through a fir log outside of Fort Vancouver. The fact that the Boy Scouts of America six months ago reversed a century-old policy that prevented girls from joining as Scouts was not lost on people nearby, who turned to watch the girls shear of
  3. The way to get good ideas is to get a lot of ideas and throw the bad ones away. Linus Pauling
  4. Oh no, the upgrade has given us an invasion of new emoji ...🍦
  5. Nothing lost there for our unit though annually we have courteously allowed an unnamed youth group to stop in on troop meeting and take cookie orders. I wonder if that will stop.
  6. Queen Elizabeth II was awarding the Victoria Cross to Paratrooper Joshua Leakey The official VC citation reads; Between May and December 2013, Lance Corporal Leakey was deployed in Afghanistan as a member of a Task Force conducting operations to disrupt insurgent safe-havens and protect the main operating base in Helmand province. The majority of operations took place in daylight in non-permissive areas, attracting significant risk. On the 22nd August 2013, Lance Corporal Leakey deployed on a combined UK / US assault led by the United States Marine Corps into a Taliban stronghol
  7. @thehavensgrey welcome to scouter.com
  8. I believe the reporter meant to say the U-858 was the first German warship to surrender after the end of WW2? It certainly was not the first German warship to surrender to the U.S. forces, consider the U-505 which is now in Chicago. The U-505 was the first enemy ship captured by the US Navy on the high seas since the War of 1812. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_submarine_U-505 P.S. After receiving Admiral Dönitz' order to surface and surrender and of Germany's unconditional surrender, German submarine crews including the U-858 surrendered on 14 May 1945.
  9. no not Venturing A Delaware Goes to War tradition, the staging surrender of German submarine U-858 will be held. However, there will be a new group of German re-enactors. Because the German Grossdeutschland living history group is unable to attend due their big event in early May, organizers have enlisted the services of scouts from Boy Scout Troop 186 in Milford. “You can’t have a Delaware Goes to War event without that,” said Dr. Hattier. “Some of the guys we’ve drafted to become Germans. I need Germans to surrender. Involving the Scout troop is going to be fun. A lot of the
  10. Half the confusion in the world comes from not knowing how little we need. Admiral Richard Byrd, explorer
  11. Would have prevented the Johnstown Flood...those who don't learn from history...
  12. Absolutely, all scouts should be makers! My older son at 14 used a Bridgeport. At 21, he is using Haas CNC machines. My younger son at age 10 built birdhouses for a school fundraiser. He used a power drill, pneumatic brad nailer, and a wood branding iron. IMO, adults should teach young people how to safely use tools and supervise their use. Old school. If adding girls brings back a sensible tool policy to BSA, like the GSUSA has, what next? Squirt guns.
  13. Alan Walters was selected as a passenger for the Blue Angels Key Influencer program and will be recognized with a thrilling flight in one of the team’s F-18 Hornet fighter jets ahead of this weekend's 2018 Wings Over Myrtle Beach Air Show. Mr. Walters, a retired law enforcement officer, is currently the Director of Safety and Risk Management for the Georgetown County school district. He also leads the initiative for Safe & Sound Schools Youth Councils, is an active leader in Boy Scouts of America as well as the Coastal Carolina Council, according to a news release. Walters also donate
  14. For those worried, at least one female parent/guardian is in the video, standing in the background with coffee. https://www.yahoo.com/news/beyond-cookies-thousands-girls-becoming-cub-scouts-022746762.html Looks like the scouts are having fun and the leaders are doing a good job. Power tools, YES!
  15. Informative news video at link below. http://www.fox8live.com/story/38033904/girl-scouts-left-out-of-state-capital-outlay-boy-scouts-left-in
  16. Agree it's an action but not an acceptance.
  17. Saying that it was already going on and there is little National did (or could do) about it is different from "National has made it quite clear doing whatever you want (re: letting girls be part of the pack and giving them advancement under the table) is acceptable to them". I have not seen nor read the latter.
  18. Louisiana Girl Scouts are lobbying legislators to provide state funding for a project at their Tangipahoa Parish camp. And they’re questioning why the Boy Scouts got approval for their project in the state’s capital outlay bill while the Girl Scouts didn’t. “Right now, the message our girls are getting is that they are not a priority, but the Boy Scouts are,” said Mary-Patricia Wray, of the Girl Scouts Louisiana East. ... State Rep. Julie Stokes, R-Kenner, had asked on Monday for the House Ways & Means Committee to add $850,000 for the Girl Scouts in the highest
  19. Harry LaRue has been located! "According to Jeff Pulver, an employee for the City of Wenatchee, LaRue will be coming to pick up his wallet in June. " http://www.wltx.com/article/news/owner-of-wallet-lost-in-1972-has-been-located/101-545366279
  20. A risk is a chance you take; if it fails you can recover. A gamble is a chance taken; if it fails, recovery is impossible. - Erwin Rommel
  21. Let's have less hearsay. I know of no instances where National allowed official membership contrary to policy at the time. If units had enrolled "unqualified" members, Council dropped their membership. @NJCubScouter
  22. Where and when has this occurred? @NJCubScouter
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