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Everything posted by qwazse

  1. Advancement is like poker: make sure you're playing with a full deck. You never know when you'll have to back up the hand you lay down.
  2. BDPT00 And by the way, what "style" of cooking do you think Venturers will use? I think they detest the word "patrol." Well, I've been to enough gatherings to learn that there are "cabin", "tent", "hammock", and "maybe a tarp, when the rain gets heavy" venturers. Needless to stay, cooking style varies with each type. Because my crew has not expressed interest in Jambo or the national youth cabinet, I have avoided stepping in the ring to advise Summit's set-up. Maybe someone more involved will be able to give us a hint as to what they expect would happen. You are right about "patro
  3. No offense to you all who have to fix cracks in walls etc ... but the quake was a pretty innocous event. We lost four Pittsburghers in flash floods last weekend on a stretch of road that was supposed to have excellent drainage. It's a relief to have one disaster that's more novelty than threat. The interesting thing was how incredulous my co-workers were when I told them we probably just felt an earthquake. I replied, "Well, if that wasn't a quake we just felt, we have a lot to worry about. Because whatever else could make the building shake like that is not gonna be good." Fortunate
  4. My daughter and her friend (one ex- the other current VOA officers) taught ILSC (same as above except for crews). They were less enthused about how things looked on paper. While my daughter was reviewing the syllabus, she said "where was this when I was trying to be crew president?" Advisor-dad: "Um, you know that course I was trying to get you all to take but everyone said they had no time for?" Daughter: "Oh, I wouldn't want to take a course, I just wish someone would have given this to me to read." Advisor-dad: [Pounds head against wall.] Fortunately, their students were gu
  5. It's like orienteering. If you didn't bring your map and compass, you'd better hope someone marked a trail well enough for you. If you've hiked the trail several times, you'll see some new "targets", decide to bring your map and compass, and work the terrain. Those trail markers become irrelevant at best and an eyesore at worst. Those of us who have been "working the terrain" with the handbook(s) and fieldbook would rather not bother with JTE, but those who are new to this gig (e.g. my crew officers) kind of like the "trail markers". It let's them know where they are and what the
  6. BPT, why don't you think Summit and patrol cooking go together? Logistically, would it be any harder to provision raw ingredients at the beginning of the week (include vouchers's for the perishables) and allow the boys to plan their meals for the week according to their preference? I suspect Jamboree will operate more along the lines of commissary style, where ingredients are picked a half hour before meal times. Still I'm sure the boys will have plenty of time to enjoy the day's activities.
  7. So, if a bunch of units abandon popcorn sales, how will your council get its "slice of the pie"? Add council dues to registration fees? Increase camp costs? Charge $5 for each tour plan you file? Just saying, the fact that not all of the proceeds go to your unit is not a reason to complain about popcorn sales. Who knew we were marketing the bio fuel of the future? Maybe there's a converter kit we could sell so costumers can supplement their gas tank!
  8. SSSc, Aside from it being fore-country and not back-, yes. Let's just call it the LNT practicum. It's the part that nobody will give a certificate for, but it's the most valuable part of the "course."
  9. Yep, I feel sorry for my daughter (who still gets sucked into venturing responsibilities even though she's an ex officer) ... every now and then for half a second, but ... Hunkering down on the deck of a sailboat in the Carribean while your dad names stars (at your request) until you fall asleep ... tell me, who does that the summer before entering college?
  10. How much "cooler" do you want to go? In my neck of the woods ... http://www.heritagereservation.org/ offers a mix of trek activities for older boys (whitewater, mountain biking, caving, rock climbing). We leave it up to the boys if they want to sign up for such things, and a few of them take the initiative to try a challenge. Of course, most of the treks are in our "back yard", so the older boys wind up scheduling them (or tagging along with some venturers) over the course of the year anyway. Distance is the rate limiting issue for you (plus there's no comparison to the vistas in C
  11. FCFY is a great thing to preach until it's your son who decides to take 4 years to earn FC! I think a troop should provide opportunities to excersize each FC skill at least once every year. That includes but need not be limited to camporees and competitions. I think being honest with a scout who has a disability about his disadvantages in a particular skill is the best way to go. They and their patrol can sometimes surprise you. That's not the same as "too bad, so sad", but it is a little different than an "it's okay if you can't ..." By the same token, getting a waiver for a
  12. ... and people think I'm cavalier about my bear and shark encounters last month ... at least I could trust them to treat us with a little respect. No boy should have to witness such a tragedy.
  13. Our camp offers both options, our boys won't have anything to do with the dining hall. I think there's something to learning to prepare a meal from commisary ingredients. Most moms appreciate when their boys come home able to make pancakes and french toast. Moving on to figuring out how to do the same thing when refridgeration is an issue is a natural next step.
  14. I really really like that $100 bottom line. Really tempted to float that same thing by our venturing crew because my HA base budget is tapped out for at least a couple of years. Obviously our program would be a little different (e.g., my youth really know how to cook), but simply taking a week out just to be grow as a team is a huge opportunity that my youth sometimes take for granted.
  15. There are a lot of folks out there who say we have no business bringing 11 y.o.'s into wilderness recreation areas. That's not without reason. My crew was returning about an hour behind our troop's youngest patrol, and when we got to their site, near a stream crossing, I found their trash bag hanging on a tree beside the trail. Fortunately, I recovered it before any other people passed by that section of trail. I zipped it, brought it home, and had it ready for an LNT discussion at the next meeting. I pointed out that there's no pride in saying 75% of our patrols were litter free.
  16. Thanks for touching base. When you get a picture of their flag, put it on line for us. I'll use it to a challenge to our "Tye Dye Platypi" patrol! (Our boys are strong on catch-phrases, weak on artwork.)
  17. More relevant to our times: the popularity of rooster feathers in braided hair these days is driving up the price of fly fishing gear.
  18. Our crew runs a relatively lean operation. (No sales/special accounts, etc ...) But, I use Google spreadsheets with our treasurers (we have a youth and an adult) to account for trip expenses and who-paid-what-to-whom. It works wounderfully wherever there's internet, but guess what? We don't have access to the www at our regular meeting place! That's why I haven't applied it to the checkbook itself. Regardless, hu, you'll find the accountability issue won't disappear when you change software. I think it's time to find an assistant treasurer to help get deposits to the bank next d
  19. Hope your boys feel proud, Blanc! BD anc KC, the fact that *any* service hours are required for rank advancement is an insult to the notion of volunteering with no expectation of reward. I'm glad it's only 13. I wish it were zero -- stricken from the requirements along with the "invite a friend" requirement.
  20. IMHO if you are using that second year to camp with/visit a troop (ideally different ones) every month, your doing right by the boys. If your AOL boy(s) find a troop that's awesome and welcoming, cross-over. I do suggest you do it about 5 months before the troop's summer camp. That way the older boys will have a good idea of how much trail-to-first-class they'll need to teach.
  21. I wholeheartedly agree with jblake. The age of accountability for religion is generally 13-ish, and kids should take some responsibility for educating those younger (or maybe less fortunate, depending on where they worship) than they are. In scouting "leadership starts now" should be the attitude and no position of responsibility should be considered "a lesser position." I've seen some QM's work harder and lead more than some SPL's. No, a 12-year-old tenderfoot should not worry about PL being dumped on his shoulders, but he should see his buddy one year older being held up as a potent
  22. The effective duration of our NSP's (when we have them) is 5 months (end of Feb to beginning of June). After that, they get assigned to patrols. We find that the 11 y.o.'s have about had enough of each other (except on stormy nights, when they all pile into the same tent). We've gotten into the routine of asking the PL's "what skills do your boys need to advance?" We do this every three months or so. Then we ask, "What program do you want that will help you teach those skills?" If we have an older SC scout who needs a particular skill, we may make that a priority. (Heck, if he's 1
  23. I'm a little confused, are you down to 11 or down to 9? Either way, I agree with the above. For your troop, the era of big government is over! Be one patrol until you all think things are getting too crowded again. I would limit PL eligibility to FC+. Make sure the band kids are offered a position they can perform off hours. (E.g. Bugler, Historian, etc ... They don't have to take it, just let them know that you still feel they can be an essential part of the troop.) Let them know that even in those positions, if they make an effort to do their jobs well, you will still send the
  24. I have only one argument in favor of just awarding the patch: It will remind the boy that it goes on a uniform. The only point of having a uniform is to be in a unit. No unit, no uniform, no one to see the patch. So, the best way to get the most recognition for your AOL: join a troop. That said, I love cub leaders' enthusiasm for regaling their boys and parents with all kinds of stuff. It's really cute, and exactly why I'm not cut out for cubs! Keep up the good work!
  25. Ditto on the "interesting." That's why, ahead of time, you should have your SPL call the ranger's station (sometimes there's one for a variety of parks) and ask about any facilities more suitable for a scout troop. E.g. something that might require hiking/kayaking in a ways. Some forests have them, others don't. Either way a call to the Ranger's office is good practice.
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