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Everything posted by qwazse

  1. A CC who sets personal limits is much different than a CC who obstructs and impedes. It's not clear which kind you have. If this is a person who simply isn't good at asking for help, encourage her to do so and ask the other person to come along side and encourage a better team effort.
  2. Like 2c said. Living by the scout oath and law. There's no single metric. Usually we challenge each other (yes boys challenge scouters) on one part or the other, so I guess that willingness to be challenged is a hallmark of that "spirit." For some it might need to be attendance, others attitude, others speech, others health habits or citizenship.
  3. You are only as able as you CC and DL's are willing.
  4. The church does have high ceilings and inverted faces ... and we did a bit of rope work when we were remodeling it back in the day. Now that it's all pretty, they frown on that sort of thing.
  5. So Son #1 wants to tie the knot, literally. Instead of that unity candle that's been all the rage these days, he and DILT (daughter-in-law trainee) #1 want me to provide some rope with which they may join one another with bowlines. (I can see the gears rolling with some your replies already.) They asked me to preside over this part of the ceremony. I've already went over knot guides with DILT #1 and it seems like 1/2" sisal is the way to go. There is some debate about whipping the ends to match the gown, the groom's men, or the bride's maids. Not a problem, I got plenty of thread. So hav
  6. I agree with every step that Fred spelled out except this one. Taking the requirement literally, the student should be "prepared to pass the requirements to his unit leader’s satisfaction". If the learner can't perform the skill, the skill wasn't taught. I wouldn't tell an ASM he/she needs to adjust standards if they are taking things literally. But I would encourage him to consider any mitigating circumstances that could lead to the standard not being met in a particular case. I mentioned the difference between teaching one scout (as mentioned above) vs. teaching many. On top of t
  7. I am, as many know, anti-EDGE. So I simply ask a boy to recall teaching the last time they taught a skill and how they did it. I help him reflect on how to do better next time. (I especially do the reflection if he did use EDGE so he understands how woefully inadequate it is.) This could have been done at the SMC to everyone's satisfaction. That said, following the requirements to the letter ... "use the EDGE method to teach another Scout" singular. Having a boy teach more than one scout can be a recipe for failure. If the boy is committed to getting Life ASAP, I would file an appeal
  8. Even less vision of independent hiking and camping. I'm not exchanging my current den of vipers for one that insists on outlets for their curling irons.
  9. My kids don't need no stinkin' patch to know I'm an old crow ... Why don't you just get another one of your son's patrol patch?
  10. Considering Son #2 just called the paintball range to set up Son #1's bachelor party, I'd say this is long overdue. This has the feel of the typical archery challenge courses. I'm sure following their guidelines (adjusting for the differences in range and accuracy) would serve you well. Nonstationary targets (on pulleys or windmills) would add to the fun. (Although it sounds like range 3 may have those kinds of elements.)
  11. Actually, smiting an individual with lighting in oddly absent from the Bible.
  12. This is a crap piece that judges therapy based on stereotypes. Discard it. The kid was in therapy because he was a sociopath. Folks just didn't realize how much of one he was. Sometimes you catch 'em before they start their spree. Sometimes (as my colleagues sadly experienced two years ago) you don't. It's the cost of doing business in the absence of institutions that can keep patients under lock and key for extended periods so that the only folks they eventually act out on are caretakers and fellow patients and the tools at their disposal are less efficient than firearms. On t
  13. J. Are fleur-de-lis or "BSA" stamped on your shirt's buttons? Does not look like it from the picture.
  14. I get the impression that the "universal spirit" phraseology is meant to identify lots of folks from Judeo-Christian persuasion who would rather treat God as distant and impersonal. Such surveys were never intended to quantify atheists who have a "closet belief." The crossing of categories is incidental to the primary thrust of the survey. My personal experience is that the overwhelming majority of folks who call themselves atheists do so because they don't believe God exists -- not because they believe that God is so remote as to be unworthy or unwanting of their worship. And the conve
  15. Oh, let's see. Yep. But, you saw this coming. A year ago they said they wouldn't help you. They specifically said it was to funnel kids toward their (inferior, according to your estimation) event. You had a year to explain to parents that council is approving your neighboring district's event instead of yours and everyone will have to decide if they want to attend that event or do something other than shooting sports. You could have asked your charter organization reps to gather and meet with the SE and council president about the importance of having two similar events in the same
  16. Yikes! Central supply changed the buttons on the standard issue field uniform from black to beige! (Can't tell from scoutstuff if the venturing shirt buttons have been changed to green.) When did that happen? For what it's worth, when the venturing shirt was revised, our female VOA officers refused to buy it because the buttons (also black) no longer had insignia on them.
  17. All of your questions fall outside the "summer camp" category, but anyway ...
  18. $55/year. But if we didn't count fundraising, our boys would probably have to toss in another $10-$15/month to cover expenses. (Campsite/cabin, reservations, gear maintenance, etc...)
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